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Old 12-19-2004, 12:13 AM   #1
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Summon Story

This is a little story I wrote about a month ago - it's about the summons when they're "outside" worlds - it takes place right after the "tenth world", or FFX. It keeps flashing between the POV of the leader of the summons and a script-like format. Most of the script-like stuff occurs before the leader's POV, so it's a little hard to follow... but after reading the whole thing you should be able to piece together the events. It'll be up next post.
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

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And with strange aeons even death may die.

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Old 12-19-2004, 12:17 AM   #2
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I lay down, weakened, defeated. I had been the leader. I had been the king of them all. My job was to lead them into the hands of those who would need our help. And yet I was defeated.
It was simple, in theory. All I had to do was help the ones who needed to keep the balance. Every time the balance began to tip, I was there. I granted them our power. I granted our power to them… I was such a fool. I did not realize that they had wielded the weapons forged by our creators. The weaponry that they possessed far surpassed my own power, or the power of any of the others.
But now it is too late. I glanced around at the others. The Fire Beast laid to my right, the Ice Queen to my left. So much promise. So much pain. There had to be some way… some way for us to win. Without the weapons, the creators had nothing that could threaten them. Including us….
I prayed that somehow, someway, we could win. But I knew my prayers would not be answered, because we were the ones who answered prayers. Some revered us as gods, but we were merely… summons, espers, guardian forces, eidolons, aeons, whatever you wished to call us. We were the servants, not the masters. We served those who needed our help. This time the creators didn’t want us to help. This time we had to be the masters. We had to take control of our own fates…

************************************************** **********************

Shiva: We’ve done it… again. The darkness has been defeated once more.
Ifrit: Indeed. It seems that we can always help vanquish the darkness after all.
Shiva: Do you believe what he says though?
Ifrit: About what?
Shiva: About the weapons.
Ifrit: I don’t think it’s true. I think that we are stronger than the weapons.
Shiva: He says that the weapons were made by the ones who made us…
Ifrit: It doesn’t matter. I think that our power is greater than the weapons.
Shiva: But haven’t you noticed that every time, both we and the weapons are used to battle the darkness? It’s impossible to tell which is stronger.
Ifrit: Even so, if the ones who made us were to fight us, I am confident that we would win.
Shiva: Indeed… Alexander has called a meeting… shall we attend?
Ifrit: After you, m’lady.

************************************************** **********************

I couldn’t believe what had happened. It was the Judge. He had betrayed us. The creator spoke of his treachery. The Judge had done this to us. It didn’t make any sense. We fought for the same cause. The cause of all of us, including the Judge. Why had he done this? Why would the Judge betray us? I was the ruler. I should have figured it out a long time ago. But I did not. I still haven’t. The Judge had no reason to betray us. If only he had not…
The Sage and the Master Of War… I can hear their staggered breathing behind me. Yet I am too weak to look, too weak to acknowledge my defeat. The creator taunts me. Why does he taunt me so? I cannot understand it. The weapons were the key, I have said this time and time again. The weapons were the only way to defeat the creators, for us to stay alive. We have failed. The next time there will be no help from us. If only the Judge had not betrayed us, if only we had the weapons ourselves. The weapons will stave off the darkness next time, but we will no longer be able to help. The Judge betrayed us… why…

************************************************** **********************

Alexander: I know you all wish to know the reason for my calling you all here today.
Ifrit: This had better be good, Alex.
Alexander: My name is Alexander, Fire Beast. You would do well to remember that.
Shiva: Only the king may call us by our descriptive name. You, on the other hand, Alexander, must call us by our real names.
Alexander: Indeed, Shiva.
Ifrit: Just get it over with, you big holy loser!
Alexander: Very well, Ifrit. I have called you all here to-
Odin: What do you want from us, Alexander?
Alexander: I am appalled, Odin, that you would think that I would only call you here because I needed you help.
Bahamut: I, however, second his statement, Alexander. What do you need us for?
Alexander: Well, Bahamut, I have come up with a plan revolving around obtaining the weapons and integrating them into ourselves, to become even more powerful than we are now.
Odin: Are you mad? Have you examined the repercussions of what might happen?
Alexander: There is a… marginal risk…
Bahamut: Still too much of a risk, Alexander. We will not go forward with this plan.
Alexander: No, we must. I’ve heard that the creators are coming for us. Without the weapons integrated into ourselves, they will easily destroy us.
Ifrit: Let ’em come, I say! Let ’em try to beat us!
Bahamut: Alexander, should the weapons be joined with us, we will surely go mad with power…

************************************************** **********************

I see a flash above me. I strain to lift my head. The creator who had taunted me falls to the ground. I look to see what has caused this. All I am able to see are the legs of a white horse… the horse of the Master Of War. I see the Zantetsuken, his blade, dripping with the creator’s blood. I watch as he sheathes the Zantetsuken and draws the Gungnir, his powerful spear, and charges down the rest of the creators. Except one. The one who holds… what is it that he holds? I cannot be sure. Now it looks like a red orb, one of the many prisons we’ve been hidden in until we were needed. Yet it flickers, changing color, shape, and form. It is most likely another holder for us. One that he will destroy while we are inside. The Master Of War turns to charge him down…

************************************************** **********************

Ramuh: It was a very good decision, m’lord, to not allow him to fuse the weapons to us.
Bahamut: Indeed. I sometimes question Alexander’s judgement. He said that we needed them to fight the creators, that they were going to do something to us.
Ramuh: Of course they won’t, m’l-
Odin: Ramuh! Bahamut! The creators are here! They’re fighting us!
Bahamut: No, this cannot be…

************************************************** **********************

It happened too quickly. I had known it had happened once before, but I never expected it to happen again. The creator called forth a creature from a world that we once saved from the darkness. This creature had killed the Master Of War before, but I hadn’t realized that the creator could make it happen again. I watched, miserably, as the Gungnir clattered to the ground. I tried to keep my head up, to watch what the creator would do… I suddenly felt a small shake in the ground. Something had come to save us… but what? I tried to turn my head, but soon it all went blank…

************************************************** **********************

Bahamut: Battle stations, everyone! Ifrit! Shiva! You two come with me. Odin, Ramuh, keep an eye on our backs… in case anything, ally or enemy, shows up. Alexander! Alexander! Where did you go? Where is the Judge? Where is Alexander?
Ifrit: Sir! We don’t have much time before they reach us. We have to fight now!
Bahamut: Alexander is missing… there’s no time. We have to deal with this threat now. We’re going to need a lot of luck…

***The rest to come next post (I didn't realize how LONG this thing was...)***
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

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And with strange aeons even death may die.

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Old 12-19-2004, 12:18 AM   #3
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I slowly returned to a conscious state. Glancing around, I saw the two who had come to help. The Giant and the Serpent. They were battling the remaining creator. I heard the noise of another battle behind me…

************************************************** **********************

Leviathan: Titan! Do you hear that?
Titan: Uh… hear what?
Leviathan: That sound! The sounds of battle fast approaching…
Titan: I don’ know what you talk about.
Leviathan: They’re in danger… we have to help them.
Titan: Who in danger?
Leviathan: Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut, Odin… all of them.
Titan: NO! Not Odie! Odie friend! Odie and Iffy friend with Titan! Me help Odie and Iffy!
Leviathan: Let’s help ’em out!

************************************************** **********************

How is it possible? He’s done it. The Judge fused himself with the weapons. He refused to trust me. Even now I hear him taunt us, using our descriptive names. I am the one who should be fighting him. I am the Dragon King. I am Bahamut.

************************************************** **********************

Creator: I summon you forth… from the eighth world, the one who has defeated Odin before… now! Seifer Almasy! Destroy!
Seifer: Y… yes, my master… my true master… stronger than even the sorceress… I will destroy the one who wields Zantetsuken. I will destroy… Odin…
Odin: I’ve fallen to you once before. I will not fall again.
Seifer: You die here, Odin…

************************************************** **********************

I hear the three of them, shouting encouragement to each other… the Ice Queen, the Sage, and the Fire Beast. All three of them, such great friends. All three looking on the event with relative calmness. All three fighting the Judge, the Traitor, the Weapon User. All three about to lose…
I slowly push myself off the ground… the Giant and the Serpent have fallen to the creator. He slowly turns to me, ready to annihilate me. I suddenly realize what must be done…

************************************************** **********************

Ifrit: Hah! What’s the matter, Alex? Getting frustrated because, even with all those weapons, you still can’t beat us?
Alexander: My name is Alexander, Fire Beast! I will destroy you all! I will decimate all of you! I will even surpass the Dragon King!
Ramuh: Why did you turn on us, Judge? Why did you ally with the creators?
Alexander: I need not explain myself to you, Sage! I need only destroy you all, then I will receive true power!
Ifrit: Well, you’d better be getting some true power soon, because these weapons sure as hell aren’t making you any less of a loser!
Shiva: Don’t even bother fighting us, Alexander, you can’t beat us!
Alexander: I draw power from the weapons! I draw power from everything and nothing! I will crush you with this power!
Creator: Now, Alexander! Destroy them all with the true power!
Alexander: The power of the magic of Ultima… the power of the weapon of Omega… both are drawn from the true power, the power of Alpha… feel the true power! Alpha!
Bahamut: No, Traitor.
Alexander: What did you call me, lizard?
Bahamut: Odin has perished, as have Titan and Leviathan. Why? Because of you. You are no longer fit to be our Judge. In all of our eyes, you are a Traitor.
Alexander: You’re a fool, Bahamut. I could annihilate you right now.
Bahamut: Then why not do so already? You’ve been stalling for time so much, even I am starting to think the weapons are weaker than us.
Alexander: Fine, Bahamut, I’ll start with you. From combining all these weapons through a single vessel, myself, I can call upon all their power in its natural form! Alpha!
Creator: Alexander! NOOOOOOO-

************************************************** **********************

It had worked. I knew that the weapons were the key to defeating the creators. Alexander’s ambition caused him to be far too reckless. When he fired Alpha, I simply twisted out of the way. The last creator was hit full-on by the energy and disintegrated. Then I picked up the object that had allowed the creature from the eighth world to appear to slay Odin. I turned to Alexander, raising the object, and banished him back to his prison on the ninth world; the guardian of a city, but unable to restore himself until the city was truly in danger. I smashed the object on the ground, and called upon the last bit of my power to revive the others who had fallen. My energy spent, I fell to the ground. All I needed was a bit of rest, and I would be fine. It was over. We had won.

************************************************** **********************

Ramuh: Are you alright, m’lord?
Bahamut: I’m fine, Ramuh. This is nothing compared to what happened on the seventh world. Having your consciousness split into three is not a pleasant experience.
Ifrit: It’s good to see you back, sir.
Bahamut: Indeed. How are the others fairing?
Shiva: Being brought back from the dead is a tiring thing. They’re still all recuperating.
Bahamut: Any news from the worlds?
Ifrit: Having the mortal removed from the eighth world for a few seconds wasn’t too bad, all it did was cause a bit of confusion amongst his soldiers. But he returned, fine, still ready to serve his “sorceress”. As for the ninth world? We only hope that the darkness doesn’t well up there again. Otherwise Alexander’s coming back, and he’s gonna hunt us.
Bahamut: Let us hope that he never returns here, then.

***DONE! So what do you guys think of it?***
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

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Old 12-24-2004, 02:32 AM   #4
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Damn..did you just type all of that out...or did you copy and paste it from somewhere else??
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Old 12-24-2004, 03:44 PM   #5
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I wrote it a few months ago and saved it in a word file, so I copied and pasted it from there. Like I said, I didn't realize it was so long that it wouldn't fit in one post, so I had to split it in two.
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
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Old 12-24-2004, 04:38 PM   #6
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nice, what made you write all this out?
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Old 12-27-2004, 02:30 PM   #7
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I had time on my hands, and I wanted to write a story involving FF summons. It was originally going to just be the Espers of FF6, but a few of them were to obscure to be given personalities. Instead, I decided to take the recurring summons and use their appearances/personalities (if they were given in any one particular game, such as when Ramuh explains Terra's past in FF6 or when you fight Ifrit and Bahamut in FF8) to create the characters. Not bad, eh?
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

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Old 06-15-2005, 06:11 PM   #8
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Re: Summon Story

i think it's brilliant!
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Old 06-16-2005, 08:28 PM   #9
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Re: Summon Story

Welcome to the Oblivion...... where dreams come true......and are shattered to peices...but do not worry......cause this partys's just gettin STARTED!!!!!!!.
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Old 07-21-2005, 02:19 PM   #10
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Re: Summon Story

Thats fantastic!
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Old 08-04-2005, 03:03 AM   #11
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Re: Summon Story

Nice man (ifrit is so cool)
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Old 11-05-2005, 01:19 PM   #12
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Re: Summon Story


It's like the only short story i have ever read and liked!! 15/10 for me!!
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Old 03-02-2006, 03:16 AM   #13
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Re: Summon Story

10/10 its worth i love it love it!!!
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