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The Story of Palis A continuing story of worlds trapped in war, where their only hope are Heroes from other worlds.

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Old 07-21-2009, 09:48 PM   #1
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The Necrons: Info

They were one of the earliest races seeded with the Old Ones, appearing only a few million years after the birth of the stars. Their world was scourged by the radiation of the massive, violent star it closely orbited, cursing them to experience drastically short lifespans. The Necrons spent eons expanding their technology in an attempt to extend their lives. Their technology developed Necrodermis, a "living metal", for constructing their ships with which they were able to leave their planet. These slow "tomb ships" full of cryonically frozen Necrontyr were sent to populate the stars over 60 million years ago. It was during their first difficult steps out into the wider galaxy that the Necrons first encountered the Old Ones. The differences between the two races were vast; where the Necrontyr had short painful lives, the Old Ones were blessed with incredible longevity, and where the Necrontyr were harsh, competitive, imperialistic and impatient, the Old Ones were infinitely understanding and patient beyond measure.

The Old Ones tried to help the Necrons in their attempts to expand into the galaxy, but these benevolent efforts were seen as patronizing manipulation and rejected. The Necrontyr eventually grew bitter and jealous towards the Old Ones, and it was not long before this jealousy led the Necrontyr into a futile war against the Old Ones' civilization. The Old Ones had an unmatched strategic advantage in the form of the webway portals which allowed them to outmaneuver the Necrontyr at every opportunity. This significant advantage won out over the Necrontyr's lack of mobility. Then, scientists studying the Necrontyr home star discovered a being of incredible power feeding off its massive energy output. The Necrontyr then bent their studies towards bringing this being into a form which they could interact with.

[edit] C'tan

Being a huge mass of energy, without form, the Necrontyr forged necrodermis bodies for the C'tan to inhabit and as a result they were able to coax the C'tan into the material universe using 'The Star Bridge'. As the awesome power of the C'tan became material, the Necrontyr began to see these new beings not as guests, but as gods. The Necrontyr began to worship the C'tan as such, wanting them to destroy their hated enemies, the Old Ones. The first C'tan to pass into such a body was the Nightbringer, an incredibly powerful being who found the sweet lifeforce of the Necrontyr far more to its liking than the tasteless energy of the star and massacred many to satiate its appetite. It was only after considerable persuasion and pledges of servitude that the Necrontyr were able to stop the Nightbringer long enough to bring to its attention the Old Ones and the other races in the galaxy.

Soon after, the Necrontyr made contact with several more Star Gods, including the Deceiver. The Deceiver, wasn't as strong as its fellow C'Tan and far more insidious being than its companions, was much more popular with the Necrontyr as it gained quick comprehension of the material universe and became relatively sophisticated, using guile and skill to achieve its aims. It had to send many worshippers to other C'tan as they began to grow jealous of his popularity. He offered the Necrontyr immortality and a way to win the war: they would assume mechanical bodies built for war, and live forever unbound by their deformities.

The Necrontyr agreed to the process and their consciousness were transferred into bodies made of necrodermis. However, the transformation dulled their minds and senses. As such they became the Necrons, warrior-slaves of the C'tan, harvesting life across the galaxy. With the assistance of the C'tan the Necrons won victory after victory against the Old Ones and had pushed the Old Ones to the brink of extinction. At this time the C'tan started to feed off each other under the the manipulation of the Deceiver. Before long there were only four of the C'tan in necrodermis bodies remaining (The Nightbringer, The Deceiver, The Dragon and The Outsider citation needed), the others having been devoured by their fellow gods.

The Old Ones, desperate to survive, cultured life forms with ever closer links to the warp. The Eldar were their proudest and most powerful creations during this period, and the first to create beings of power to fight the C'tan. This period came to be known as the "War in Heaven". During the war the Eldar war god Kaela Mensha Khaine, the most combative and powerful of the Eldar Gods, fought the Nightbringer and won a Pyrrhic victory. As the Nightbringer's necrodermis shattered, the Nightbringer exploded into shards of its deathly essence, which then shot into Khaine, permanently tainting him, while the Nightbringer simply transferred itself into another necrodermis body.

Curiously, the fear of death that all the species created by the Old Ones bear is attributed to the massive death toll inflicted by the feeding of the Nightbringer. Such is his appearance, that of a grim reaper, that he is deemed the source of the imagery used for death by many of the galactic races. Since the Nightbringer was defeated and subsequently hibernated while the Orks (referred to as the Krork in the reference materials) were still a young race, the Orks avoided much of his wrath and consequently have no fear of death.

There seems to be several almost contradictory explanations for the location of the Void Dragon. Though all sources point to the Dragon residing on Mars, there are two stories implying that the Dragon was banished and sealed there instead of hibernating voluntarily like the other C’tan.

In the Horus Heresy book Mechanicum, there is a story with questionable veracity about an alleged visit to Earth by the C'Tan known as the Dragon, in roughly the 1st millennium. The Emperor fought the C'tan and supposedly defeated it, binding it and banishing it to a vast chamber under the surface of Mars.

Other stories have postulated that the Old One Vaul (the Eldar forge god) created the Blackstone fortresses to destroy the Dragon and set off on a quest to this end. Though exactly what happened remains a mystery, this quest was meant to be generally considered to be a failure, but there is reference to the Dragon coming from the “Vaul Moon,” implying that Vaul may have at least succeeded in sealing the Dragon on Mars or forcing him into an early hibernation. This process began long before humanity was a race of any significance, rendering the proximity of his resting place to Terra coincidental.

These two explanations are not necessarily mutually exclusive, as the Dragon could have gone into hibernation voluntarily or been sealed away by Vaul initially, and then after escaping and fleeing to Terra the Emperor then defeated him again and resealed him in his existing prison. The only real evidence that the Dragon had just come out of hibernation before his battle with the Emperor is that he is described as being in a “weakened state” much like the Nightbringer when he initially awakes from his tomb.

Of the four remaining C'tan the Dragon has been officially confirmed to the strongest, having mastery of reality far beyond his brethren. The Outsider next to the Nightbringer took part in cannibalism of his race. This drove it to insanity and embedded within it a deep hatred towards the Eldar Laughing God. The Outsider attributed its actions to the deceptions of the Eldar's Laughing God, whom tricked the Outsider into killing its brethren in its mad attempts to kill the Eldar Godcitation needed. Upon the advent of the Enslavers, rather than opting to hibernate it chose to leave the galaxy. Coincidentally or otherwise, it is the only character in Warhammer 40k other than the Tyranids to operate outside of the known galaxy. Notably, all Tyranid hive fleets have avoided tomb-worlds, although this could be due to the absence of any psychic signal being generated from these worlds.

The C'tan in question is not referred to by name, but is described as being hooded in a dark cloak, which brings to mind the Nightbringer's attire. In this version of events, loose reference was given to this C'tan being contained in some form of blackened sphere. The location of this sphere is unknown and may well be outside of the known universe, tying in these two divergent storylines. Fan supposition is that this is the fabled 'Vaul Sphere'.citation needed
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Old 07-21-2009, 09:48 PM   #2
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Re: The Necrons: Info

The Enslavers

Then the Enslavers appeared. The increased psychic link that the Old Ones had nurtured mirrored the destructive impulses of the warring races in the warp. Rage, hope and despair took their first steps to sentience, feeding on the raw emotion and mass influx of spirits resulting from the War in Heaven. These entities eventually became the Chaos Gods Khorne, Tzeentch, and Nurgle.

Meanwhile, the Enslavers began to dominate the psychic races for their own agendas. They pushed their way into the real world, killing millions and entering the minds of any psychic living creature, which they drove to fight and die for them. The Old Ones' places of power fell to the horrors of their own creations. The Old Ones tried to save themselves by creating new races to defend their strongholds, but it was too late.

It should be noted that the Enslavers are NOT Chaos gods, but are more in line with a form of Warp wild-life, animalistic predators. Their tactics are simple: They find a suitable host and 'commandeer' its body. Running the host to its limit, the Enslaver will use the host to open a portal to the warp, allowing more Enslavers through, thus beginning the cycle anew.

Enslavers are one of the main reasons why warp-travel is so dangerous, and why psykers put their minds at risk every time they employ their abilities.

Though the enslavers were virtually no threat at all to the necrons and the C'tan who have no psychic powers whatsoever, the C'tan recognised that the enslaver plague was effectively destroying thier food source, the other living races. The C'tans solution to this problem was to construct gigantic tombs hidden beneath the surfaces of dead worlds and enter death-like sleep untill the plague was over and the galaxy was once again populated with lesser races to harvest like cattle.

[edit] Awakening

Now, many millions of years after the Enslaver Plague, the Necrons and their masters have finally awoken (by Pandora's box) to reclaim the galaxy, and begin, once again, to herd the living as their cattle. Finally, after so long, the galaxy is ready for the return of the Star Gods of the Necrons. The deadly power of the invincible Eldar Empire is long gone and their race is scattered, the unstoppable might and momentum of the Emperor's Great Crusade has had 10,000 years to grind to a bloody and brutal stalemate against the inimical forces of the galaxy, and the Orkoid races have long since lost whatever cohesion they may ever have had. All who might have opposed the C'tan are either gone or humbled, the galaxy is a swirling maelstrom of regional and factional conflict and the lives of its trillions upon trillions of inhabitants are ripe for the picking. The deathly silent ranks of the Necrons stalk forth across their tomb worlds once again, to reassert their masters' rule and inspire fear in the living.

[edit] The Necrons in the 41st Millennium

At present, the Necrons are more of a shadowy presence than a full-fledged force. They strike from nowhere and without warning, slaughtering their enemies and departing before reinforcements can arrive. The origins of these attacks and their motives are unknown, though it is clear that the Necron forces in the galaxy are but the first glimpses of the full might of the Necron war machine. Of the four remaining C'Tan, only two are active: The Deceiver and the Nightbringer. The Deceiver has been active for much longer than the Nightbringer, infiltrating various cultures and manipulating events. The Nightbringer was later unintentionally awakened from its tomb on Pavonis by the Ultramarines of the 4th Company after they crushed a civil revolt on the planet. The other two are the Dragon and the Outsider; the former is rumored to be dormant, in stasis inside Mars and the latter, is inside the "Vaul Sphere" (a Dyson Sphere like construct, which Hive Fleet Leviathan is avoiding).
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Old 07-21-2009, 09:49 PM   #3
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Re: The Necrons: Info

Necron Units

"Ther number is legion their name is death" In the game, Necrons are powerful due to their devastating Gauss weapons and other powerful Wargear, such as Warscythes, The Staff of Light etc {with the release of 5th ed Necron Gauss weapons lost the effectiveness they had in previous editions} and their ability to self-repair. Their biggest weaknesses is their low number of unit types and high points cost. If three-quarters of a Necron force is defeated, the Necrons will disappear from the battlefield and lose the battle.[1].

[edit] Necron Destroyers

* Destroyers are Necron Warriors (specifically Immortals) fused to fast and agile hovercraft platforms. Equipped with Gauss Cannons and sophisticated targeting systems which enable them to fire while moving, Destroyers are ideal for hit-and-run attacks or disrupting enemy flanks. There is a Heavy Destroyer variant, which is armed with the more powerful Heavy Gauss Cannon which is useful for destroying foes with the heavier armor. In Game terms the Necron destroyer is by far one of the army's most powerful units and because of the gauss technology they are ideal for taking out vehicles as well as infantry.

[edit] Necron Flayed Ones

* Flayed Ones are Necrons who retained their minds after being transferred to their metal bodies, and have been driven insane by the endless solitude in the tombs. They adorn themselves with bloody pieces of skin in a horrible parody of the living. In such a state, they are a terrifying sight to behold. Enemy fighters lose their nerve by just looking at the Flayed Ones. They are quite capable melee fighters, with claws and blades that can flay a man alive in seconds. Flayed Ones also frequently serve as scouts. They can sneak ahead of the main Necron force or even bury themselves in the ground.

[edit] Necron Immortals

* Those favored Necrontyr who were among the first to give up their flesh and embrace the metal were rewarded by being Immortals. They are more durable, heavy variants of the Warrior and they wield Gauss Blasters, calibrated for maximum effectiveness against infantry. Immortals are fully capable of taking down vehicles with their Gauss weapons as well.
* In Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, they are described as dealing excellent damage to vehicles and normal damage to other unit types; for game mechanics reasons, units in Dark Crusade tend to be specialized against particular unit types.

[edit] Necron Lord

* Necron Lords are the commanders of Necron forces, chosen due to being one of the few Necrons to retain sentience. They are formidable foes on the battlefield, being quite adept with both ranged and close combat weaponry. Due to their special position as "leaders" in the Necron forces, they are often equipped with special gear. This gear often increases the effectiveness of other Necrons around the Lord, such as augmenting their healing factor, or allowing them to teleport to crucial points in a battle; other gear carried can increase the Lord's survivability or his prowess in battle. Necron Lords are also some of the few Necrons who keep pieces of memory remaining from their previous lives. Necron Lords are ranked in staged levels of importance, ranging from strike force level bronze lords, to platinum-level overlords.

* The Necron Destroyer Lord is another version of the Necron Lord. It is a necron lord with a destroyer lower body.

[edit] Necron Warriors

* Necron Warriors are the backbone of the Necron army. They provide strong fire support with their Gauss Flayers. Their living metal bodies allow them to sustain massive damage and continue functioning. Though being the "foot soldier (Or the troop)" of the Necrons, their Gauss weaponry allow them to take on many stronger opponents, including vehicles.

[edit] Necron Wraiths

* Wraiths are one of the more sophisticated Necron units. They lack legs or a lower body (except for the spinal cord) and hover over the battlefield, moving at supernatural speeds. They are fearsome close combat warriors, and they can phase in and out during their flight, becoming ghostly figures (thus the name wraith). This phase shift ability allows them to move through solid objects or even to avoid damage. It has been suggested that Wraiths were murderers or psychopaths before their steel imprisonment. They are armed with several vicious surgical tools on the end of their spinal cord.

[edit] Necron Monoliths

* Monoliths are massive weapons platforms that the Necrons bring into battle. Shaped like pyramids, these have the power to rip even the most powerful Imperial tanks to shreds, with one huge gauss crystal-powered Particle Whip weapon on the top and 12 other smaller, Gauss Flux Arc weapons on the sides, it also has a portal which can teleport several Warriors to the battlefield. It can also teleport other Necrons around the battlefield, as well as augment their resurrection capabilities

[edit] Pariahs

* Pariahs represent the true horror of a Necron-ruled galaxy. They are created by fusing Necron technology with human victims who bear the "Pariah gene" (a rare and unusual genetic defect which gives the bearer a negative warp presence). Each Pariah is a formidable warrior, and wields a deadly warscythe. They radiate an unnatural aura that severely unnerves their enemies, especially psykers. Interestingly, since Pariahs are partly human, they are unable to self-repair, unlike other Necrons.
* Within the Imperium, Humans bearing the Pariah gene are also known as "Pariahs" or in other cases "Blanks." Some become Culexus Assassins, who are used by the Imperium to combat enemy psykers. It is possible that it was the C'tan (Most likely The Deceiver) who originally put the "Pariah Gene" in humanity's gene pool and have merely been waiting for the proper time to make use of it and make Pariahs.

[edit] Scarab Swarms

* Countless small, beetle-like robots called Scarabs often appear on the battlefield; these clouds of Scarabs are termed Scarab Swarms by their opponents. These swarms rely on sheer numbers and are difficult to destroy.They are useful for disrupting enemies who are caught unaware. They can be upgraded with disruption fields which warp reality around their numerous claws. Large numbers of Scarab Swarms upgraded with "disruption fields" can tear apart even the most heavily armored of vehicles and have even been known to completely destroy Baneblades. Tomb Spyders produce these scarabs but with the expense of the Tomb Spyders' health.

[edit] Tomb Spyders

* Tomb Spyders are large, spider-like robots that hover over the field which are normally tasked with maintaining the Necron tomb complexes. They sometimes appear on the battlefield, where they make resilient fighters who have limited ability to augment the healing factor of the "living metal" on nearby Necrons. They also can use their internal systems to manufacture Scarabs in the midst of a battle.
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Old 07-21-2009, 09:50 PM   #4
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Re: The Necrons: Info

Necron Fleets

While Necron forces are usually land-based, Necron space vessels are not unheard of and are quite possibly much more common than people realize. They are probably simply not seen and so the Necrons seem to have the terrifying ability to appear out of nowhere. There are more than two dozen records of Necron space contacts in the Imperial archives, and there are accounts of other races battling Necron fleets.

Necron mastery of physical technology is beyond anything the galaxy has ever seen and surpasses even that of the highly advanced Eldar and the Adeptus Mechanicus. Their ships are stunningly fast and agile, equipped with propulsion systems which are capable of traveling interstellar distances without entering the Warp. This is achieved, as far as is known, by making their ships unbound by inertia, allowing them to accelerate almost instantly and infinitely, which explains why Necron ships are often seen to be visibly decelerating upon reaching the site of battle. This also protects them from many of the practical problems and dangers of warp travel. All Necron ships are well-armored, equipped with self-repair systems and use an advanced stealth technology which makes them invisible to enemy targeting systems, granting Necron vessels surprising staying power overall. Indeed, these vessels are so dangerous that they once reached deep into the heart of the Imperium, landing on Mars before being gunned down by the planetary defense system. Necron naval weaponry is frighteningly devastating; one Necron ship is more than a match for a small imperial fleet while larger Necron ships have been known to cripple ships with a single shot and are known to bypass many conventional defense systems, such as void shields and even Eldar holofields, and strike with an unearthly accuracy.

In every battle so far engaging Necrons on even terms proved to be suicide. Fortunately, all of the Necron fleets encountered so far were small task forces that usually disengaged and phased out like their land-based counterparts rather than putting up a full fight. However, their frequency seems to be increasing and the possibility of a massive Necron attack is dreaded by the Imperium as well as other sentient races. Even as a raiding force, they are a serious threat since they are fully capable of outmaneuvering most other fleets (probably with the exception of Eldar and their dark kin). This often leads to catastrophic losses for enemy fleets and forces them to stall for reinforcements to arrive, at which point the Necrons simply phase out again.

Recently, there has been one notable full-blown encounter with a Necron ship the size and shape of a planet called "The World Engine". It is unknown if it was a tomb world moved by incredibly advanced and arcane technology, or a starship of planetery proportions. The World Engine possessed weaponry which could scour all life from a planet without actually destroying it, as well as defensive shields that could withstand the combined firepower of Imperial Navy and Space Marine fleet elements. When conventional boarding actions such as drop pods and teleportation also failed, it finally took a Space Marine Battle Barge traveling at full speed to ram it and punch through the shields. The entire Astral Knights chapter was on board, and they spent hours fighting down to the last man to cripple the massive ship. In the end they managed to disable the shields but were completely overrun, scoring a Pyrrhic victory as the World Engine succumbed to planet-killer cyclonic torpedoes launched by the remaining Imperial ships. The final tally of the engagement was two worlds sterilized of all life, countless Imperial vessels destroyed by Necron ship-to-ship weapons and the loss of an entire Astartes chapter.

It is yet unknown if the World Engine was the only one of its kind, however its presence sheds some light into the old Ork claim of encountering a Necron vessel which dwarfed even their massive space hulk. It seems certain by the stories that have survived throughout the ages about the first great war against the Necrons that they had many horrible weapons at their disposal. However no one knows how many of these are still functional since, as is usual when facing Necrons, only a few of those who encounter them live to tell the tale.
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Old 07-21-2009, 09:52 PM   #5
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Re: The Necrons: Info

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Old 07-21-2009, 09:54 PM   #6
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Re: The Necrons: Info

A C'Tan god

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