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The Story of Palis A continuing story of worlds trapped in war, where their only hope are Heroes from other worlds.

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Old 07-01-2006, 12:25 PM   #76
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((Ok, but you can’t do the whole thing alone. That’s not fair! ^^. Just let me know what I’m not allowed to do

This is more a continuation of my last post as I was stopped))

“Caritas?” an image flickered in her head, as the familiarity of the name struck her.

“You don’t remember me?” he asked, and she shook her head “I fought with you on the plains of Gracia…nearly a year ago today.”

Titania stared at him, hardly able to discern his appearance in the darkness. She rose to her feet, observing his face only to realize that all but his eyes were wrapped in blue cloth.

“I fought with you? I’m sorry it was that battle you had to witness…I’ve improved since then.”

“I know.” He answered, steadily “Come, I will take you to the realm that you so desire to see.”

The mage nodded, following him into the darkness. While she could hardly see, she knew that they walked in water for she could feel it against her feet. The ground was slimy and every so often she thought she could feel the ghastly bones of long-dead creatures tapping at her skin.

“Where are we?” she finally asked, watching the man’s cloak turn in the shadows.

“I told you already. This is the border between worlds.”

“But I don’t understand.”

“This place,” he began “is what lies between Palis and the Celestial Kingdom- the realm of the gods. It is where all worlds meet and where all must pass after death.”

“It seems a bleak existence.” Titania muttered, her speech jumping as she caught sight of a ghastly face flicker for a moment in the shadows “Is this what afterlife we’ve all been anticipating?”

Caritas laughed “No, no…perhaps if you’re one of the few like me who cannot leave. Otherwise, the afterlife is something wonderful. They say it is where all you hoped for is fulfilled.”

“It sounds too good to be true.” She mumbled “too impossible. Tell me, though- why is it that you must stay here? Do the gods deny you the pleasures of paradise?”

“Not the gods,” he answered, shaking his head “I choose to stay here.”


“I don’t feel like it’s time to leave yet. I’m waiting for something…I know if I were to go now I would never be happy.”

“How can you know something like that?”

He laughed slightly, pulling his cloak tight around himself “I know because I see with eyes unclouded by mortal perception. The past, the present the future…all of it is the same. It’s the difference between where we’re standing and three feet away. I only have to look and I know.”

“You make little sense. But perhaps that is because my eyes are not so blessed.”

“You could see too, but it is Palis that keeps you away from true knowledge. In the mortal realm you can only do so much, but if you tried perhaps you could see more.”

“Why should it matter? What good is a seer who can only see the past?”

“Without a past you could never have a future. The elements of life lie in what has already happened- to ignore history is to forsake your very self.”

“You speak profoundly.”

“Not so. I only speak the truth.”

Uneasily, she continued to follow, watching horrifying faces pass fluorescent in the looming darkness “Will they not harm me?” she finally questioned as a cloaked lady clawed at her clothing, only to drift away as if by current “Do they not desire my blood?”

“You are wise, priestess, but they desire eternity more than they desire speech. Were they to take your blood, perhaps they would be given the gift of expression, but they would also be losing their promised reward.”

“Tell me…what reward do you desire?”

At this he stopped and turned to face her, quiet for a moment as if a child struggling to grasp a forgotten concept.

“I…” he mumbled, closing his bright eyes for a moment and then squeezing his fists as if he could catch his own words “…I desire much more than I deserve.”

“You still haven’t told me what.”

“Peace, my lady.” He muttered, taking a step closer so he could speak in a hushed voice “Peace is more than any man who has killed deserves to have. I have the blood of many children on my hands and I should not be granted what I want, but still I hope for it and wait for it…in my vision of heaven I see…I see the sea.

I’ve always missed the sea…”

“I understand you, for too was born near the waves.” She laughed slightly “I still remember walking in the shallow water.”

“It was warm at night”

“And the ground…it was always so perfect…the tide made it so.”

“It’s funny the way that the water pushes everything to where it’s supposed to be. Every grain of sand, every rock…it forms a pattern –a sequence. Something that you can’t see, but that you know when you walk on it.”

“I sense you mean to say more than ‘the tide is beautiful”

He laughed “I mean to say that everything has a place, and everything happens for a reason,” he smiled beneath his dark wrappings “Just as the sea pushes everything to place, so fate does. We can’t see it from far away, but when we experience it, we know. Everything that happened should have happened…there was a reason for it…”

He stared her straight in the eyes and waited for a response; it seemed his words had been calculated- carefully planned beforehand. Was that something he had wanted to say for some time?
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Old 07-01-2006, 12:26 PM   #77
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

“…how far is it to Kani’s realm?” she asked, unable to respond to his comment.

Caritas sighed, raising his hand to reach for something but then changing his mind “I…it’s like I’ve said. Past, present, future. All times and places are the same. You know the way there, you just haven’t opened your eyes.”

“If I know the way then why are you here? Is it not to lead me?”

“I am here because I choose to be- not because I am being forced to take you somewhere.”

“What have I done to you that makes you want to be here?”

He laughed and turned away, continuing to walk even though he had said he would not lead “Tell me, when you look at me what do you see?” he asked.

She stared at him in the dark, trying hard to make out some kind of feature “I see…your cloak…I see that you’re taller than I and…and you move gracefully.” She answered.

“Then you are still looking with your mortal eyes. What you see is a body…something physical. When I look at you,” he turned “I see your soul, just as I see the soul of the water we walk in, and the people who we pass. Everything on Palis is like this, but when you’re alive you cannot see it. When you still breathe what you see is an illusion- it is only the state.”

“I don’t understand…speak simply and I will try to grasp what you say!”

“You haven’t changed at all,” he laughed, his voice echoing in the tunnel “everyone has a soul, right?”

She nodded.

“Everyone has a soul, and everyone has a body. Everything…every grain of sand, every insect is made up of the same thing- I will call it a soul. This soul is the reality- the true universe. The body –what we see when we’re alive- is an illusion. It is what hides the truth of everything. This place…this is the border of life because it is where the two elements mix most- where both forms are most visible.”

Titania nodded “I think I understand…” she said “The place I’m trying to find…Kani’s Realm- is it in the physical world? Or is it part of the true universe?”

“In truth they are the same.” Caritas corrected “You have always been living in the true universe- you just haven’t been able to see it.”

“Please, don’t confuse me more.” She protested.

“Alright…Kani’s Realm lies halfway between Palis and Heaven. Kani has been able to reach the Celestial Kingdom because he is only a demigod at the moment.”

”Then he means to reach the land of the gods?”

“He means to become a god.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ages ago, Kani absorbed the energy of his sister, Isea. This was simple for him, because she had once been a part of his own- her soul having been a part of his. This initial action was to end her pain- to make sure she would live on through him rather than to suffer and disappear through illness. His intention was good, but soon he could not resist the power that he had taken in. He wanted more.”

“But how…it’s impossible to absorb someone’s soul!”

“Not impossible. If one is connected to both the body and soul –as Kani was- it is as simple as breathing.”

“Body and soul…” Titania repeated “Then…by building his fortress between the two layers of the world he means to-”

“Yes, I’m afraid so. He’s using his position to absorb the life force from those who still roam on Palis. He plans to make himself a god by feeding off the souls of others.”

“Then why- why does he need us? Why is he luring us in?”

“He knows that you and Noah hold the keys to heaven. He is only part of it. Without you two he cannot advance any further.”

“Noah? But I thought…”

“The fate stone- or the soul of the fate stone. The thing that you lost in a duel with Kani.” He said, reminding her of the scene she had seen aboard the Highwind- the fight that had occurred before she spoke with Variel for the first time in this life “It was split into two, and the half that Kani received was given to Noah- his most trusted friend. The soul still lingers with the knight even now, and it is a key to heaven.”

“Then why does he need me?”

“As Ishtar’s child you are the one who will find the lock which these keys can turn.”

“Then he does need us…” she muttered “And we’re walking straight to him.”

“There’s no other way.”

Titania turned to Caritas with quiet eyes “Do we have any chance? Any chance of destroying him?”

“You do.”

“And what about…what about surviving?”

“…” Caritas was silent for a moment, trying to answer her the best he could “…the past has a habit of repeating itself.” He finally muttered.

She lowered her gaze, staring at the ground to mask her reaction “How long do I have?”

“Two sunsets at most, and then you will find your end.”

“…you would think I’d be glad to die. I’ve hoped for death for nearly a month now, yet as it stares me in the face I can’t help but feel fear.”

“We all feel fear before we go. It is natural. Have courage and persevere, your only other option is to run.”

“I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t tempting.”

He smiled and lifted her chin “Just focus on the present. The past and the future are out of your control.”

She nodded “Your voice is assuring. Perhaps…perhaps I do remember you.”

A smile tore at his cold lips for a brief second, but he turned away, showing a pain in the action “Come, try to focus on the realm you are seeking. You’ve been there before, you need only to remember it.”

She took his hand, weaving her small fingers into his “You must help me. Come, lend me some of your power” His own skin seemed like ice against her white palms and he stared at it in curiousity when she did not withdraw.

Titania closed her eyes and thought, rifling through all of her dreams- all of the visions that had eaten away at her for nearly a year now. As the seasons changed, she saw her past melt into the rivers and fall yellow from the shivering trees. She saw Noah in the cherry blossoms of Adinem, and Variel in the fish that swam in the ocean. She saw Kani and Isea –the latter whom she had never met- and in a flash of lightning she saw Gadriel. She felt his grasp as he carried her across Ishtar’s pool, treading in the sacredness that had separated her from the rest of the world. When finally he stood firm on the other side he was no longer the prince of a distant kingdom, he was Malice.

Finally, she opened her eyes, and there before her rose the gates of Kani’s kingdom- as terrible as death. She turned to face Caritas and nearly withdrew behind him “This is where I must go? Will you not come with me?”

“My time in the realm of mortals is over. I could not return even if I wanted to.”

“Then you don’t want to?” she asked, and sounded disappointed “…you mean for me to leave you? “

“Indeed it must be so.” He answered, but drew her close, pressing his palm against her feeble stomach “I will pass to you all that is left of my life force- that you may have the power enough to defeat Kani. This spell that I give to you now will make great difference in the world. Use it wisely and know that it is my own power which I choose to give to you.”

She waited a moment as the spell passed from his hand to her own soul “You trust me with such a gift yet you claim to know me only from the battle of Gracia.”

“I did not say only

“It is no use anyways, I know of you now. Tell me, Caritas will I ever see you again?”

He smiled though his face seemed sad “You will see me in due time.”

“Two sunsets.” She smiled slightly, tears gathered in her ethereal eyes “Two sunsets and then I will find you by the sea that we both miss.”

Kani’s realm began to circle around her, pulling her away though she wished to stand behind. His cloak billowing in the quiet wind, he watched her in the shadow, silent as she seemed to melt away.

“Thank you,” Titania whispered quietly, knowing he could hear her “Thank you, Malice.”



The knight turned and saw his friend behind him, her focus spread across the disturbing mural on the wall. He said nothing as she moved slowly forward, kneeling before the daggers which were slotted into the ground. Quietly, she said a prayer to the Wind Goddess and withdrew the weapons, able to do so only because Malice's life force now flowed through her. Turning back to Glenn with a thousand silent words, she sheathed the objects and placed them the best she could in her sash. She nodded to him, falling to the back of the group without so much as a word.

“I suppose that means everyone is here…” The knight finally muttered, turning back to face the wall, his gaze falling on the old scythe “…everyone who should be here is here.”

Last edited by Zerlina; 07-02-2006 at 04:56 AM.
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Old 07-02-2006, 05:32 AM   #78
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

All of this is so confusing....but I'll just have to keep up! Kirby thought to himself.

Looking around nervously, he examined his companions.

There was Glenn, the swordsman.

Titania, a priestess with strange powers...which kept getting stranger the more time went by.

There was of course, the lady warrior Syne, who was with them until recently...

And these two demons, which Kirby wasn't completely sure of, but they might as well be.

And they were all off to fight some sort of horrible person, who had seemed to do many horrible things, most of which didn't make complete sense to Kirby, though he had pieced bits and pieces together. seems everyone else has some part in this. But not me...I just wanted to find some inspiration to create more artwork!

Indeed, Kirby had been making sketches of all his companions. He seemed to have lost the sketch pad he had been using, but luckily he had also made other copies in another of his various sketchpads in his bag. Taking it out, he began looking at the drawings, as he walked with the rest of the crew down the seemingly endless tunnel.

Inside, he had made sketches of everyone he had made. They were still at good quality, even for sketches, of course, being as fast as he was, none of the rest of the party would know when he was drawing, as long as he wasn't in plain view.

There was a rough sketch of Glenn, the swordsman.

Another drawing of the warrior, Syne.

Another piece of the priestess, Titania.

Another of the two demons, Sacryan and Belial. Kirby didn't put his all into those, however...

He had also done a quick one of many surroundings they were in, the town they just passed through, the woods, and the snowy mountain. And also that mural they had inspected earlier, as it looked intriguing to him.

Putting the pad back away in his bag, he continued walking with the party.

Well, at least this whole trip wasn't boring, at least.

((I haven't really posted in awhile. Meh. It isn't like I do alot anyway. ^^; )
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Old 07-04-2006, 05:45 PM   #79
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Dark FFnut
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire

As the group ascended the spiraling tunnel, Glenn could feel the "block" in his mind fading. He still couldn't quite ascertain what Noah was trying to tell him, but...

The tunnel opened up into a great empty room. In the center stood the demon that he'd seen in his dreams.

Kani smiled unpleasantly. "My generals need not be here... especially now, when they lead my army to annihilate your precious Palis!"

Glenn drew the Mastermune. The two demons grinned and cracked their knuckles. Sacryan squinted at Kani. Kirby grabbed his sketchpad. Titania unsheathed Malice's daggers.

"Fools! You'll still feel the wrath of Kani!"

A powerful dark wind began to blow around the room. Greater and greater, until the walls began to crack. Large breaches appeared around the room until the demon's wind tore off the tower above them.

Suddenly it was familiar - the top of the spire, where Kani battled the others before.

"NOW!" the demon thundered. "YOU! WILL! ALL! PERISH!" He lobbed a ball of darkness at the group, which Glenn deftly deflected.


************************************************** *****************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, The Dark Spire

"No? What do you mean 'no,' Noah?" Kani's voice was sickening.

"You want Palis? You can take it. I care not. But you attacked me. I cannot abide by that."

"You BETRAYED me!"

"Because of her." Noah jerked his thumb at Llideah. "She turned me against you. Even now, Variel and Gadriel lie dead because of both your and her doing." He shook his head. "I should have seen it from the beginning. Even when you turned me against her... you are equally to blame for these crimes. You both deserve to rot in the deepest hells for eternity..."

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire

"...but you won't." Glenn dove at the demonic creature before them, weapon outstretched. Kani grabbed him and easily tossed him aside.

"Foolish knight, Glenn. You know deep down that Malice killed Magus. Why bother blaming me for his sins?"

"He... wouldn't have... if... not for your... general..."

"Kain? Yes, indeed. Kain did fail me, though, when Malice took him down. Unlike that nasty Gadriel, Malice had some battle skills. I did delight in destroying him as well. It was a pity to watch such a warrior go to waste, just like..."

************************************************** *****************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, The Dark Spire

"...his father."

Llideah launched into her own rage at this, but Kani gripped her by the throat.

"Sweet sweet Llideah. Oh how I've longed to do this to you. You betrayed me far more than Noah there did. And you see his reward? He lies there, on the verge of death. Death is much too lenient for your crime. You know what must happen?" The monstrosity's claw extended.

Llideah looked Kani in the eye. "It matters not what you do to me."

"Why?" he hissed.

"Because, Kani, you've already killed me. I died when you killed him. You murdered me as well when you murdered..."

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire


Lightning crashed as Kani sunk his claws into Titania's side. She cried in pain.

Sacryan rushed forward but was blasted backwards by Kani's energy. Belial and Osirus were rooted to the spot.

It fell to Kirby.

He grabbed a sketchpad and quickly drew a simple sword. It clattered to the groun and he grabbed it, slicing at the demon. A horrible shriek of pain issued from Kani as he dropped the girl. "You! It's impossible! You weren't sealed! You couldn't have been sealed! Gah! My arm! Look what you've..."

************************************************** *****************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, The Dark Spire

"...done to me, woman!"

Ishia grinned as the dark blood flowed from the demon. She had regained consciousness as Kani was monologuing to Llideah. Ishia herself was thrown backwards, gripping the side of the tower as the evil winds blew below.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire

Kirby and Sacryan both tumbled down into the abyss.

"You. We fly. Now."

"What? You've gone soft if you think I'm going down there to risk my neck for a couple of mortals."

"They weren't supposed to be here and you know it. That's not Kani who knocked them over. That's... something else. We're not supposed to be here either. You know what'll happen to us?"

"What happens happens and- GHAK!"

Belial grabbed Osirus by the throat and dragged him down, chasing the two falling figures below.

************************************************** ******************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, The Dark Spire

Noah had stood up by this point. Llideah was crawling away from the demon, who was still clasping his arm in agony.

"So... Kani... had enough?"

Kani glared maliciously at the knight. "Dearest Noah... it seems that both yourself and Llideah deserve death here. Continuing to put you in agony threatens my survival. So instead, I will simply..."

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire

"...kill you both now!"

Kani grabbed the back of Titania's cloak and leapt towards Glenn. He reached for the knight who raised his blade and sliced the demon a second time. Another unearthly howl escaped the demon's lips. He whirled around and hurled Titania off into the distance. He drew his own sword and began a duel with Glenn for the ages.




The duel raged on, neither one conceding a millimeter to the other. Lightning continued to crash about the battlefield.

"Remarkable, Glenn. You know that? You have almost the exact skill as Noah did seven hundred years ago. You know that he taught me everything I know about swordplay?" A quick thrust almost caught Glenn off guard, but he managed to catch it quickly. "Hm, indeed. You do show much promise, Glenn."

"Noah hath taught thee everything thou knowest..."

************************************************** *****************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, The Dark Spire

"...but I didn't teach you everything I know." Suddenly Noah delivered a few lightning-fast thrusts and pierced Kani's guard. Numerous stab wounds appeared in the demon's gut, which caused him to topple.

"You... you would kill me then, Noah?"

"Llideah's already gone, I see no reason not to now."

Kani let out another sharp gasp, in an attempt to chuckle. "You think she's gone? Not with... with Gadriel's gift." He extended a clawed finger to the sky. "Look."

Noah followed Kani's finger to a white-clad figure in the sky borne of wings of electricity. "No... that can't be..."
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 07-04-2006, 05:45 PM   #80
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Dark FFnut
Cactuar Thorn
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Posts: 57
Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire


With Malice's wings of wind, Titania had flown back to the tower. The wings evaporated and she dove, sticking Malice's two daggers into Kani's skull, directly above his eyes. Another unearthly howl issued from Kani. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!"

Titania slipped to the floor in front of Kani. "You've lost, Kani. Just like you did before. Now you'll die the same way!"

Kani glared at her. "You have no idea how I die, do you, girl? The one thing Llideah has kept from her host... the nature of my death... you see, girl... I..."

************************************************** *****************
Palis, The Last Year Of The Great War, The Dark Spire

"...cannot die... by any means... you have..."

Llideah glared. "You killed me when you killed Gadriel, in spirit, if not in body. That's only because..." She took Gadriel's sword from Kani's head. "...the death of my body..." She turned the sword towards herself. " reserved for..."

She stabbed herself through, the blade protruding from her back.

"...the death of yours."

The binding of fate worked. As Llideah faded from life, as did Kani. As her vision faded, she could have sworn she heard Variel's voice.

"After our seven hundred year intermission, we'll act out this exquisite play once more, but this time the ending will change to the way it's meant to be."

Noah glanced at their respective bodies, flinching slightly. He noticed Ishia pull herself back up the ledge and rush over to Llideah's corpse. "Dead...?"

Noah's eyes were wide as Ishia blew a whistle. Almost instantly a demon appeared before her. "Yes, mistress...?"

"Spades, hide this corpse. I don't want anyone getting any ideas of bringing him back."

Spades nodded. "And where shall I hide it?"

"I don't care. Just somewhere it won't be found. I have some other business to take care of as well."

Spades grabbed Kani's body and vanished, but not before uttering a vulgar swearword. Ishia flinched and turned towards Noah.


"My offer still stands, and now would be the greatest time for you to take it."

"Oh? I see no benefits from this offer, Ishia."

"Are you kidding me? Imagine the two warriors who defeated the demon lord Kani side by side announcing their undying love for one another and getting married. We'd be heroes! Royalty, even!"

"So you're using the death of one of my best friends as a springboard for your political career?" Noah grimaced.

"Try not to forget, Noah, my amies are on their way to this spire anyway. I can tell them that you killed the priestess under Kani's orders and have you executed for treason."

"But then you wouldn't be able to be royalty... not without being wedded to a king first. And you think I would become king?"

"For destroying Kani? Yes."

Noah heaved a sigh and looked Ishia in the eye. "Very well. I've spent the last few years being a mere tool for others to achieve their own gains... I suppose I will die the same way."

A week later Noah was crowned king of Palis and married Ishia, who became the queen of Palis. Not long after the palace of Gracia was constructed at the center of Palis decades later, Noah died of old age. Ishia, in her fear of mortality, had an enchantment placed such that as long as she was loved by her subjects, she would not perish from disease or natural causes. She lived for seven hundred years before being slain by Dacono at the battle of Gracia.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire

Malice's dagger wasn't long enough to reach through Titania, so it left only a deep wound. Glenn quickly removed the dagger and pushed every last ounce of magic he had into the young woman to heal her.

Several moments passed.

Titania's eyes fluttered open.

Belial and Osirus finally returned with Kirby and Sacryan.

"It's over?"

A faint sobbing caught their attention. Glenn and Titania saw a man hunched over, crying, right where Kani's corpse was... only the demon's corpse had vanished.

"Thank you... thank you... thank you... I'm so sorry... I-I didn't mean..."

Glenn looked at the man. He seemed somewhat familiar, although Glenn couldn't place him.

Belial grabbed him and straightened him. "Nichi?"

The man shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "I... I may look like your friend Nichi, but I... I..."

"He's my twin brother," said Syne.

Titania whirled around. "Syne?"

Syne shook her head. "Nope, same problem though. I'm not Syne, and that guy isn't Nichi."

"Then who...?"

"My name is Isea. That is my brother Kani."

Glenn looked between the two. "Indeed... when Kani was evil, he had absorbed thee, correct?"

"Spot on, Glenn. See, remember how the demon Kani split into three souls? One was me, and I became Syne. One was him, and he became Nichi. And one was..."


Everyone turned to the new voice. Brian hovered in the air, madness in his eyes. "Well well well! So you all cheated to beat me this time! You summoned the past to help you beat me in the present! I can see in your heads. I know your fears. Now watch those nightmares become real!"

************************************************** *****************************
The Netherrealms, The Year Inifinity Minus One, The Darkness

"Did you feel that?" asked one of the women.

The man who looked the most like her nodded. "Let's go."

"But..." started one of the other men.

"Too bad. I don't care if you want to go or not. We have to help them."

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Dark Spire

Brian laughed as various past foes appeared about the area. Zera-Shaal, Phantasm, Dacono, Boiz, and Nidogg appeared, surrounding the group. Other demons began appearing as well. Brian floated above them all.

"Now the eight of you have lost. It's only a matter of time before-"

Things happened quickly. Light blasted away a group of demons. A scythe and pair of daggers carved a path through the demons to the group in the center. Lightning, light, sword, and shadow made the clearing a bit wider.

Brian gasped. "IMPOSSIBLE!"

Titania looked up. "M... Malice?"

Malice stood at the front of this new group, a huge smile on his face. Behind him stood Magus and a woman who looked very much like him. His sister? she wondered. And behind them stood...

"Guys?" whispered Kani.

Variel, Gadriel, Llideah, and Noah.

The five sealed souls were reunited.

"Seven, you mean," hissed Brian, reading Titania's mind. "Variel, Gadriel, Llideah, Noah, yes, but all three of the souls of Kani - Kani, Isea, and..." His face became gaunt and pale. His body stretched out and a dark cape covered his body, making him look like a half-dead demon. Two large black-feathered wings extended from his back, a mockery of an angel's. He bowed, grinning evilly. "I am Azrael."

The new seven members of the group all gasped, as if they knew the name.

"Azrael," he whispered, horrible glee on his face. "The Angel Of Death."

((Okay, this is how it is. Malice, Magus, Schala, Variel, Gadriel, Llideah, and Noah are all actually dead, as are all the old villains that Azrael brought back. Azrael brought down the barrier between life and death for this battle, so the good guys took advantage of it and came over with the old villains. After this battle all of the dead heroes have to go back to the deathside. None of these guys are bound anymore, so the past no longer applies to our present characters.

Have fun.))
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...

Last edited by Dark FFnut; 07-04-2006 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 07-05-2006, 01:15 AM   #81
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Only something short of a miracle could end this was the common thought going through the heads of everyone in the room. Sacryan looked into the demons eyes and could feel something from him, the demon was of Chaos. He laughed lightly. He stepped forwards and handed his sword over to the one who called himself Kani. “This is your place to finish this, and I will die.”

Kani could tell that Sacryan knew something he didn’t, and just took the sword and shook his head in agreement.

“Master of oblivion, servant of chaos, leader of the rift, I challenge your power.” Sacryan said leaping at the demon that stood before him. It did not take much effort for Sacryan to grab the great demon and pull him to the round. Bear hugging the demon Sacryan yelled, “Now is your chance, I give you all the right and freedom to kill this beast while I hold him down for you.”

Kani nodded and the rest nodded to him. Magus unleashed a large dark spell, followed by several dozen hits from Malice’s daggers. Kirby started drawing a massive painting, and Titania unleashed a Holy on the great demon. Sacryan still held tight. Then with the help of his sister Kani flew into the sky and started plunging down towards the head of the demon at full force, hitting right through the center of the demon’s skull. Leaving the sword behind Kani jumped back and then Kirby with a wave of his hands made the drawing come to life. A giant solid rock of pure granite came crashing down on top of the demon and at the last second Kani and Malice grabbed and removed Sacryan from the path of the falling object. The demon screamed in pain but it was not over.

Isea came forwards and after several had gestures cast Ice-nova. “Hit him again wish Holy, the one you can fell deep inside you, the one only the priestess of Ishtar knows. Feel it and cast, it will send him to oblivion, where he belongs.”

Titania came forward and closed her eyes and concentrated. She started to glow a light blue and she cupped her hands together between her hands started to glow a bright white and her hands started to separate slowly. She started speaking very softly in an unknown tongue.

The ice prison that Isea had cast around Azreal started to crack and the demon was slowly able to move little by little.

“Cast it my dear priestess.” Kani said resting his hands on her shoulders and channeling his energy into her body.

‘I feel so warm, just like I did back home’ She thought, a single tear fell into the white light and the power exploded in size and became the full reach of Titania’s body. “Magno Imperus Holy Flare!” She screamed as she rocketed the holy magic at the demon. “Goodbye.” She said sadly.

The bolt of holy magic hit the demon at full force, leaving nothing, not even a black spot to show he even existed. The demon was gone.

(I’ll leave the post story to someone else.)
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 07-05-2006, 11:56 AM   #82
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((WTH, did you just kill me? *grumble*))

Glenn covered his eyes, trying to shelter them from the blinding light. Even as it faded he refused to look, unable to take in what he knew he would see.

“Gyah!” Titania let out a short cry as she fell forward, catching herself with a bloody, white hand. She coughed, clutching at her stomach and gasping desperately for air- the wounds around her neck shone and bled as if they were freshly imprinted “Glenn…” she managed between difficult breaths.

The knight moved cautiously forward, the demon’s life seeming to have ended all too quickly. His sword still in hand, he knelt by his friend, quiet and cautious.

“Glenn, remember what Syne told us in the cave? Remember how she told us to kill her…”

He nodded slowly, tightening the grip on his sword as he began to feel the darkness thicken about him.

“…we should have listened to her, but now we have a second chance.

Close your eyes.

Pretend that you’re Noah.

It will make it easier for you.”

She coughed once more, and Malice’s dagger fell from her sash, hitting the floor with a fateful clang. The knight stared at the object, his eyes flickering cold against the metal reflection.

“So long as I’m alive, so can Kani be. He sealed my fate along with Malice’s when we fought together that last time. Everything since then has told me I was to perish. Now…now there’s been two great sunsets- the deaths of Magus and of Malice. I am to be the third to die.”

“Thou canst expect me to take thine life, Titania.” Glenn muttered “Thou wilt not make a murderer of me…” his eyes flickered up toward the fading figure of Noah “…not again.”

“You despise me, remember? You’ve damned me to hell!” she whispered in a bitter tone but her voice fell once more “Perhaps I deserve it and you are right. I ask you now that if I have done anything wrong in the eyes of heaven to you or to Noah, let me seek forgiveness now.”

“What you are asking me to do is unforgivable.” He answered “It would mar mine soul for eternity.”

“Then you will let me live and let Azrael revive himself?” she clutched at her throbbing neck “There is no more life for me. He flows through my veins and he will make me his new host. Please, I beg you! Don’t let him take me. Kill me now and spare me the torture.”

Sacrayan stayed where he was, watching uneasily as the demon’s body began to pulse with energy. The people of the past had faded and now only Magus and Malice remained, their solemn silhouettes cast dark against the gray sky.

“Please…” Titania whispered quietly -desperately- tears of blood flowing down her face “Please Glenn…I don’t want to spend the rest of my life under someone else’s control….I don’t want to be cursed to be something I don’t want to be.

Glenn flinched slightly at these words. With a reluctant hand, he took up Malice’s dagger, bringing it up above his friend but unable to do anything else. Titania fell forward, unable to hold herself any more. Blood poured out of her pale lips as she coughed and coughed again, in pain though wordless about it.

Malice slowly walked and knelt behind her, wrapping his arms around her pulling her up to sit. He nodded to Glenn and held her tightly, pressing his cheek against hers as he whispered in her ear

“Ishtara aeterna...
Eternal Ishtar

Damia glia.
Brilliant lady

Luminous caeliestié.
Light of heaven

Harrenus lia shildé
Hear your children

Ete gasien lia
And guide us to you

Blood covering her pale face, Titania spoke with him, her own quivering voice barely audible as the dagger plunged hard into her heart.

The dagger held by Malice.


Glenn sat upon the rocky cliffs, watching the sun set behind the shadowy distance. The ocean rushed beneath him- rolling waves growing fat and spilling over in crashes of white foam. To his right lay a clean, white sheet on which rested several tokens that seemed plain -and even meaningless- to any stranger who might have passed by.

There was a scythe -stained with the life of a great and wise mage- the large hilt of a now halved sword –a symbol of a life spent in chaos and ended in the darkness. There was a stone –a piece of the eternally petrified dead- a flute –the song of so much misery- and daggers –the blades of a great warrior that had taken so many lives. Lastly, seeming out of place in the setting was a large, double bladed sword.

The ocean… wrote Glenn in a journal found many years later …is much like time. It tumbles and turns, and footprints we may leave on the shore disappear in moments. We try to run- to escape the strong currents- yet we always find ourselves pulled back at the mercy of fate. The truth is, we are like so much that is at sea- adrift and unable to see where we are going. Lives come and go as quickly as the waves and in moments we are lost- forgotten.

Ages from now, no one will remember our names, but that is the way it should be. Life is for the living, and once we are gone we should not try to linger. For soon –no matter what- we will find ourselves once more at the mercy of the waves and the cycle of the sea.

We exist only for a moment and then are nothing.

He took one last look at each object –the symbols of lives spent and wasted in war. His eyes lingered longer on the Masamune which tempted him even then. With a timid hand, he rolled the sheet up, binding each of the objects up as best as he could.

“Ete gasien lia” he whispered quietly as he threw the package into the ocean.

The waves crashed and turned, breaking any knot Glenn had used to keep the objects together. There was one last burst of foam and blue and then –as if it were supposed to happen- they came apart completely.

Glenn, noble king and founder of the New Gracia, turned away from the sun-red sea, never turning back.

There was a crash of foam and in a moment, the objects had disappeared into the water.
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:05 PM   #83
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

As Kirby walked down the path covered with leaves, he had many thoughts going through his head. His feline companions were also with him.

"So...did you find the inspiration you were looking for?" inquired Sneaky.

"Well...I did make quite a number of paintings, which are selling relatively well. But I just can't get all of this story out of my head..." he said as he tapped the side of his temple with his finger, as if it would settle down his brain.

"Heh, well it looks like that trip did 'ya good after all!" said Dude.

"Yep, I'd agree to that." said Misty.

"Say...have you ever considered writing all of this down?" asked Sneaky.

"Well, it might make more sense to me if I did that. After all, I was only with them for a short time...their feelings seemed so...distant from me. Although, if nobody knows of what happens, nobody will remember them! That'd be like a perfect picture just gathering dust in an attic!" exclaimed Kirby.

"Yes...I should probably write it down." he decided.

"Well, if it's going to be a story, what should it be called?" asked Dude.

"Let's about...The Story of Palis?"
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:07 PM   #84
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

(I didnt kill you :P)
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.

Last edited by ~Hidan~; 07-05-2006 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:17 PM   #85
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Palis, The Year 14 Glenn, Fallen Spire

Bathoris stood in the center of the ruins of the Dark Spire. "So..." he hissed softly, "...this place is destroyed after all?"

The fox-like woman walked up beside him. "Of course it was," she muttered. "Naturally, this is the only way to leave Palis, remember? Azrael must have built it so he could escape without being destroyed."

The other woman glared at her. "Silence... Ochiri, I believe your name is?"

Ochiri cast a dirty look. "You would be wise to keep quiet yourself... Miss Dustus."

The woman Ochiri was speaking to laughed. "Dustus? No, that's merely my code name. The name I use... while operating."

Bathoris turned. "So... your true name is not Silver Dustus?"

The woman laughed again. "I have no reason to hide my identity anymore. I am an assassin. My name is-"

"So that's why she seemed so familiar, father," whispered another voice. Hector stepped out from behind a large rock. "It's Viola."

"Viola Awrecan," came another voice, this one belonging to Valmarus. "Assassin of the Four... well, the Three now. I wonder why Bathy didn't recognize you."

Bathoris turned towards Valmarus and suddenly the reason became apparent. Ochiri grinned. "My doing. I needed a demon's eyes to utilize my power."

"You seem familiar too," muttered Hector.

"I should. I did rule Palis for a few months. Of course, when your uncle decided that he wasn't evil and Azrael bit the bullet, I was deposed and that knight took over." Venom overflowed in Ochiri's voice.

Valmarus gave a deep hearty laugh and draped his arm over Ochiri's shoulder. "Masuto Ochiri was a legendary demon of the past. You wouldn't have happened to have taken your name from that legend?"

"You could say that."

Valmarus laughed again. "Excellent. With Azrael gone, there's no reason for them to suspect our new uprising..."

"Uprising?" asked Viola, but Valmarus could hear the excitement in her voice. "Well, I do want a crack at infiltrating the New Gracian defense system... you heard they fired Rufin and hired some new guy... Hige Toboe?"

"Hige?" Hector half-screamed.

Bathoris glared at Hector with his eyeless sockets. The sight was enough to unnerve even the demon general. "Azrael agitated and destroyed the crystal pieces... the Pre del Axion, and look at what happened. They might be able to beat us."

"The past isn't on their side this time," said Ochiri. "The Pre del Axion were the pieces of Variel's seal. They broke because it had been seven hundred years. Azrael had nothing to do with them." She sighed. "And to think... Azrael would build the spire atop his ancient binding place. It was no accident that Kani's reborn soul was named Nichi. The name was taken from the mage who sealed Azrael in this shrine to begin with. Azrael destroyed this shrine to build his spire. Now the spire... and Azrael... are gone as well."

Valmarus rubbed his hands together. "So it's agreed then? We five work together to take Palis for ourselves." The other four nodded in agreement. "Excellent." Valmarus turned towards the stone lying on the ground.

The stone Llideah had given to Kani seven hundred and fourteen years ago.

The Stone of Fate.

"The game is not over..." whispered Valmarus evilly, "...until all players have been destroyed."

((And... that, I believe, concludes the Story of Palis. There's probably not going to be a sequel, despite the fact that there's such a substantial evil force remaining (Three generals, an assassin, and the former queen? Holy hell!) but I think I did a pretty good job of wrapping up any characters we missed in the other things. I may lurk for a few more days to see if we add anything else, but... this is my last post here, for good, unless I have a comment about someone else's epiloguing. It's been great being here and working on this story, guys. I hope to see you all on some other boards or some other writing efforts (Zerl, give me the info on Mong's other project he mentioned!) later on.

Remember, though the book may be closed...

...the ending has never truly been written. Thanks, guys.))
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 07-05-2006, 07:26 PM   #86
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

As Kirby would say: This is all so confusing. :/ Oh well, at least its finally over...although it's a cliffhanger ending. A little disappointed, but meh. It can't always be a happy ending, I suppose.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:14 PM   #87
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((*clap clap* a year and now it's over. It's been fun guys! And FFnut as soon as i get the chance I'll send you the info for the RP. But right now I'm getting ready to go to Manila.

I'm singing tonight! ^_^))
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:24 PM   #88
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Can I get more info on this RP?
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Old 07-06-2006, 02:07 AM   #89
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

yup good job all. No sequal will come. but good end to it all.
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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