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Final Fantasy: Persecution New Final Fantasy Based RPG Story. Open ended.

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Old 01-14-2010, 10:59 AM   #46
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief glanced at the board, it appeared the strange man was fighting in the other group.

Well thats a relief, we wont have to fight him 'till the last round

"Looks like your fight is before mine friend," Clief said to Jayden.

Jayden looked a little nervous as he waited for his turn to fight.


3 men stood up, including the strange man from earlier, and walked through the hallway towards the stadium.

"It's a wierd system this. We fight 3 on 3, then 2 on 2 the rest of the matches. It must be to make the tournament faster?" Clief wondered.

"Perhaps? It just means I have to watch me back aswell as my front thats all," Jayden replied.

"I THINK THAT WAS THE FASTEST BATTLE I'VE EVEN SEEN FOLKS! KRAGEL IS THE WINNER!!" boomed the announcer as the man named Kragel walked back through to the locker rooms.

It was the strange man from before.

What!? Already? But how is that possible!?

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jayden exclaimed.

"Perhaps we should rethink our strategy now....I think its dangerous going up against him. I have a bad feeling. I dont think we can afford to lose to him. If we do, he'll meet our king," Clief suggested.

Jayden nodded his head as the announcer called out the next 3 fighters. 3 other men got up and walked out, all of them shaking, not wanting to win and face Kragen.

"Look at them, they're terrified!" Clief examined.

"Wouldnt you be if you knew you had to go up against him?" Jayden replied.

That does make sense...i dont think i want to go up against him....but perhaps i should? Jaydens melee technique isnt good enough, and im not sure what use his arrows would be against him...he moves very quick. But would I do any better?

Clief looked down thinking this over in his head.

What should we do? Should i tell Jayden my thoughts? Would he get offended if I said I thought I was better suited to go up against him? Damnit!

After roughly 30 minutes one of the men walked through to the locker rooms. He looked exhausted, and a little banged up, but other than that he looked to be doing okay. Jayden looked at Clief, Clief nodded at him.

"Come back in here alright?" Clief said.

Jayden nodded his head as he stood up after hearing his name being called out. He turned away and walked through the hallway towards the light.
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Old 01-14-2010, 12:25 PM   #47
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Re: Chapter 1

The coliseum was very different from the last time he saw it. It was now very flat this time, with no obstacles whatsoever. Jayden walked over to the where the others were standing. Kragen was wearing traveling clothes now. His long black hair tied up behind him. Their were was another person standing next to him. A man that had short blond hair and carried a large staff.

"Okay", said the guard. "The rules are very simple. You must knock your opponents to the ground. They must be on the ground and not be able to get back up for 5 seconds before they're out. While you can do whatever want to achieve that, you must not kill them."

He walked off leaving all 3 of them to sus eachother out


Kragen grunted and walked to his starting position.

"Hey", said the man with the staff. "I think we should team up against Kragen. If we defeat him then we'll fight eachother. Until then, we're allies". The man walked off to his starting position.

Jayden agreed. He would need whatever help he could get taking down Kragen.

"Oh", said the man, who was running back now. "My names Helten".

"Jayden", replied Jayden, and they walked off to there starting positions.

"YOU MAY COMMENCE IN 5...4...3...2...1...GO"

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Old 01-15-2010, 09:27 AM   #48
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief sitting in the locker rooms with the other contestants. He could here the clash of weapons outside.

The fight must be intense. I hope Jayden does alright and beats Kragen

Clief relaxed a little, trying to let his body rest as much as he could. It was no use worrying, he would have to fight at some stage.

He heard a peircing scream from the stadium.

What was that!? I hope Jaydens alright!
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Old 01-15-2010, 10:17 AM   #49
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Re: Chapter 1

Kragen screamed. The Flare he just casted had reflected off Jayden and bounced right back at him.

"Good job", said Jayden, looking at Helten. He wasn't happy that he had magic cast on him but at least it was protective magic he thought.

"I'll show you", said Kragen. "DISPEL".

The barrier surrounding Jayden was removed, taking off his protect, shell and reflect statuses.

"REGEN", cried Helton. Jayden started feeling alot better.

"Grrr", said Kragen. He swung his axe over his head and hit Jayden with it. Jayden fell to the ground and felt week.

It can't be over already.


Kragen smirked at Jayden.

I'm gonna lose



Who is it. Helten. No its...


Kragen raised his axe for the final blow.

No...I can win if I believe in myself


The axe went flying towards Jayden.


Jayden rolled sideways, dodging the axe. It struck the ground with such force that Jayden went flying into the wall. Jayden was dazed. He got back up, seeing a dark shadow walking towards him. As the shadow got closer, he realised it was Kragen.
Jayden was ready to dodge his strikes. Kragen swung his axe and Jayden jumped sideways, barely dodging it. Kragen went in for another strike, this time grazing Jaydens arm. Jayden gasped. He quickly returned to full strength because of the regen.


The spell hit Jayden. He suddenly felt faster, and would be able to dodge Kragens strikes with ease, but started thinking why on earth would Kragen cast that spell on him. He realised it was Helten that casted it. He turned around and smiled at him. Helton returned the smile and started casting Thunder spells at Kragen.

"Thats enough", yelled Kragen. He turned on Helton and casted a strong Blizzard spell at Helton. Helton wasn't ready for it and got struck on the head by the spell. He fell to the ground, knocked unconscious.

"Helton", yelled Jayden, running over to help him.


Jayden stared at Helton in silence. He hoped he wasn't dead and merely had been knocked unconscious. The specialists came out and took him away.

"HAHAHAHA", laughed Kragen. "Looks like its just between you and me".

Jayden stared at him angrily. He got out his bow and shot ten arrows at Kragen within seconds. While Kragen blocked them all, Jayden ran towards Kragen with his sword out and swiped at his leg.

"Arrgh", cried Kragen, grabbing his leg and falling to the ground.

YES. This could be it

Kragen put his arm up and made a weird signal with his hand. It was the signal to call the specialists out if you need help or assistance.

A specialist ran out to Kragen and called Jayden over.

"We'd like to call a draw", said Kragen, smirking.


"Do you both agree to a draw" asked the specialist.

"Yes", answered Kragen.

The specialist looked at Jayden.

"Eh...No, of course not", said Jayden looking angrily at Kragen.

"Then it is a draw then", said the specialist.

"WHAT", stammered Jayden. "I just said I didn't agree to a draw. I want to fight Kragen".

The specialist didn't appear to hear him. He gave the thumbs up to where the announcers area was.

"AH PEOPLE", said the announcer. "IT APPEARS WE HAVE A DRAW".

Everyone started buzzing. They were wondering why it was a draw and why Jayden didn't finish off Kragen.

What is going on. I didn't agree to any draw yet that specialist thought I had

Kragen smirked at Jayden and walked off to the locker rooms.

Jayden followed, wondering what the hell was going on.

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Old 01-15-2010, 10:52 AM   #50
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Re: Chapter 1

Kragen walked through the locker rooms first.

Has Jayden been defeate?

Clief sunk on the seat still looking at the hallway. Jayden appeared through it and walked towards Clief. He could instantly tell that Jayden wasnt very happy.

"What happened?" Clief asked.

"He....he controlled the specialist?" Jayden said, unsure of what had just happened.

"He did what? How is that possible?" Clief exclaimed.

"I....I dont know....but if you make it through this battle, then it looks like it would be a 3 way fight," Jayden said.

This brought a smile to Clief's face.

That would mean we could take out that big oaf together. He wouldnt be able to kill us both. Ha

Clief's name was called out, along with 3 others. He stood up, looked back at Jayden and nodded.

"See you soon," he smiled.

He walked through the hallway and out into the stadium, the other 2 followed him.

"CLIEF, IPSHA AND DUNGANT GET READY!!!" yelled the announcer.

Clief dashed away from the other 2, withdrawing his steel sword and facing the other 2.

Are they teaming up against me?


Both fighters looked at eachother, then at Clief and dashed towards him.

Great, looks like this wont be easy

Ishpa, who was dressed in a blue shirt and black pants, with fighting gloves come at him first in close. Clief had no time to react, he was too fast and copped a punch to the face which sent him back 2 meters. He then ducked as Dungant swung his steel pole towards him. Clief flipped backwards to get some distance between himself and Ishpa, then swung his sword in his direction, which was then blacked by Dungant.

Damn, their organised!

He sidestepped Dangants next attack, but moved into Ishpa's kick. The force of his kick was so great that Clief was sent back through the air several meters, before sliding along the ground. While sliding he flipped himself back up onto his feet, only to see Ishpa right infront of him. He swung his sword at him and just grazed his left arm as he dodged it. He then noticed Dungants pole coming towards him from his right and steeped backwards, swinging his sword down, hitting the pole towards the ground. Clief then grabbed the pole and pulled it towards him, bringing Dungant into him. Clief raised his hand and cast a fire spell at Dungants chest, sending him flying through the air.

Thats one down, now for the next one

Clief turned around only to recieve a flurry of punches all over his body. He fell to the ground in agony.


The announcer started callinng out the numbers.



Clief got to one knee, barely. Ishpa came in for another attackand Clief swung his sword upwards, cutting his torso up. Ishpa fell to the ground, not moving.


Clief stood up, and stumbled towards the locker rooms
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Old 01-16-2010, 11:53 AM   #51
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden stared at Kragen as he got ready.

How did he control his mind. He didn't bribe him. No, he must be psychic or something


Good. Now we can take him together

Kragen watched as Clief staggered in.

"Pitiful", he said to Clief.

Clief stopped. He started conjuring up a fire spell.

"CLIEF, NO", yelled Jayden. He ran up to grab Clief before he could finish the spell.

"Go on. Do it", laughed Kragen, ready to grab his axe when Clief struck him. "I dare you".

He walked off, still laughing.

"Why did you stop me", said Clief angrily.

"Because you would've been destroyed", answered Jayden. "Your in no shape to face him. You need to rest before we fight him. Besides", Jayden attended to Cliefs wounds. "He wanted you to strike him before the match so that you would get disqualified so he'd have one less problem".

"You...You're right", said Clief. "We'll deal with him in the fight".

The two of them sat in silence while Jayden bandaged up Clief's cuts. After Jayden had finished with the last bandage, Clief spoke.

"Why do you think Kragen wants to meet the king", questioned Clief. "Probably to suck up to him and be made a High Guard or something"

But the question stuck in Jaydens mind. Why did Kragen want first place so bad? He couldn't think of any motive whatsoever. Then Jayden started thinking about the voice he heard before he was about to be eliminated. It was a woman's voice so it wasn't Heltons. Was it Nari. He was intrigued. He had to know who it was.

"You alright", said Clief.

"Clief", asked Jayden. "Do you know where Nari is. The last time I saw her was halfway through the first round with the monsters. She disappeared after that. I couldn't see Cato either.

"No actually", replied Clief, wondering why Jayden was thinking about Nari now. "The last time I saw her was before the tournament, outside the coliseum talking to Cato".

"Okay", sighed Jayden. "We have 30 minutes before we start. I'm gonna look for Nari. You need to stay here and rest if your to be at full strength".

He walked out the door, leaving a confused Clief behind.

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Last edited by rissole25; 01-16-2010 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 01-16-2010, 01:03 PM   #52
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief sat there holding his ribs looking at Kragen. His ribs weren't sore, he only intended to fool Kragen into thinking it was a sore spot so that he would try and target it and make plans around it.

I wonder what was up with Jayden? Where is Nari? I hope everythings okay

Clief was tempted to take his coat off and take some weight off of his body, but felt it best to keep his Crystal sword hidden. He bent over with his hands on his head.

Me and Jayden should be able to take him out together. I mean Jayden by himself was a handful for him. But what help am I in this condition. Should I bring out my Crystal sword at the start? And the question still remains of who would have to be the winner out of myself and Jayden then?

"Dont even bother! The both of you are WEAK!!" yelled Kragen trying to stir Clief up.

Clief looked up and gave him a dirty look, then turned away from him.

How are we going to do this. I'm banged up enough as it is. I still havnt fully recovered from that Adamantoise the other day. And Jaydens not 100% at the moment either.

20 minutes had past and Jayden still wasnt back yet.

"Looks like your friend has chickened out! WAHAHAHA!!" Kragen laughed.

He wouldnt do that! But where is he? I wonder what he's been doing for the past 20 minutes?
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Old 01-16-2010, 05:51 PM   #53
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden and Clief walked out onto the arena. Nari looked over both Jayden and Clief closely. “Hey Cato they don’t look so good right now.”

Cato nodded. “Don’t worry, the next fight will be most easy.” He chuckled.

Kragan walked out onto the other side of the arena. “You two ready to die?” He laughed.

Jayden looked at Clief and Clief at Jayden. “We are going to need to work really hard at this, we are both in bad shape.” Clief sighed.

“Indeed you are.” Nari’s voice chimed in from below them. “Don’t work too hard, I don’t want to have to heal both of you. Lucky for you Cato figured out a loophole.”

“We are happy to announce the semi final round! Jayden and Clief against our Kragen, one of the Hero’s of this Tournament.” Came on the announcer. “Fight!”

Kragen leaped into action Axe drawn and jetting towards Clief and Jayden. Jayden rolled to the left. Clief managed to lean into the attack and rolled past Kragen. Shortly after hitting the arena with the axe blow, Kragen launched off his feet pulling the axe out of the ground spinning and reversing the attack. Clief turned around just in time to see the axe blade coming down at his face. He put his hands up in reaction to block, only to find that a rock pillar that came up next to his arm instead blocked the blade. Clief rolled out of the way and looked around, Jayden was prepared to take the next attack. Clief smiled ’So Cato is using the arena to help us win; no rules are set against the arena being an obstacle.’

Nari looked at the two guards that stood in the arena masters office. “Stay still and we make sure you go home alive.”

Cato nodded, tightening the rocks around their wrists. “Well I wont save them from the fight itself, but at least this place makes me able to help them not get killed.”

Nari nodded. “You know we need to see the king, no matter what.” In waiting she pulled out her daggers and started juggling them with one hand. “I wonder what kind of world I would be in if I had joined the Circus.” She chuckled

Cato shook his head. “Well looks like the fight is starting.”
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Old 01-17-2010, 03:29 AM   #54
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief dashed towards Kragen, getting ready to strike him. Kragen quickly turned around and countered it with an attack of his own. Both weapons collided and Clief was sent back from the force of the attack. Jayden quickly released 3 arrows at Kragen's back, and all struck. Kragen let out a yelp in pain.

"I'll make you pay for that you runt!!" Yelled Kragen.

He turned and dissapeared.

What the!?

He reapeared behind Jayden and swung his axe at his legs. Jayden jumped up and just avoided the large swing. Clief stood up watched as Jayden avoided it. Jayden withdrew his sword and spun around in the air, slashing down Kragen's chest. Kragen didnt even flinch and puched Jayden away. This sent Jayden through the air and hit the ground a few meters away. Clief then charged at Kragen, side stepping every few steps, he came in for an attack. Kragen swung his axe at him again, but Clief ducked under it and jumped at him. He swung his sword at his chest, but somehow Kragen had managed to black it with his axe.

That was so fast I didnt even see it!

Kragen then pulled away and swung his axe at Clief. Clief just managed to block it, but the attack was too strong and it shattered his steel sword.


Clief was pushed back a few meters, a gash in his left arm from the axe.

No way! How could he do that!?

Jayden looked on in horror, he stood back up and released 5 arrows at Kragen, but Kragen blacked evryy single one of them.

How is he so fast!? Damn!

Kragen charged at Clief and punched him in the gut. It was so fast Clief couldnt detect it or block it and was hit back a few meters. Kragen still on the charge wasted no time in attacking Clief again and kicked him into the air.

"AHHH!" Clief yelled and he flew into the air.

Jayden dashed and caught him in the air.

"We need a new strategy. I can barely see his movements," Jayden suggested.

"Uh...I agree. Perhaps we should take this more seriously," Clief replied coughing up some blood.

Clief withdrew his Crystal sword, and Jayden entered a trance like power. The fight was only just to begin.
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Old 01-17-2010, 08:15 AM   #55
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden shot what looked like 10 golden arrows into the air while Clief sent a fire spell at Kragen. He blocked the spell and disappeared.

"Where did he go", said Clief, looking around frantically.

Jayden noticed that Clief's shadow had become darker. He looked up above him to see Kragen come flying down with his axe pointed straight at Clief.

"LOOK OUT", shouted Jayden, he could not reach him in time.

Clief looked up to see Kragens axe meters away from his face. Clief put the crystal sword up to try and block the blow. The axe struck the sword. Suddenly, a bright blue light emitted from the sword that covered the whole arena.

Jayden shielded his eyes and ducked to the ground.

I hope Clief's okay


"JAYDEN", screamed Nari, looking down into the arena, now covered in light. She went to run outside the office and into the arena but was stopped by Cato.

"Nari", said Cato in a stern voice. "They will be alright, but you must stay here to keep them from getting disqualified".

She looked in horror as her comrades may have just died. Little did she realise that one of the guards was escaping.

"I'd stop if I were you", said Cato in his calm voice. "I will always know when you try to escape".

The guard, with a scared look on his face, went back to his spot and sat down.

"I think we will have to keep a stronger lock on you two", said Cato. With a wave of his hand, he removed the rock handcuffs around their wrists and instead buried them waist deep in rocks".

Cato smirked, now bringing his attention back to the battle.


Jayden got up. He noticed the light had gone. Then he looked in front of him. Clief was still in the guarding position. He noticed Kragen was missing.

"Clief", said a relieved Jayden, running over to him.

He helped Clief get up.

"Where's Kragen", asked Clief, looking around.

"I...I don't know", said Jayden. Something then caught Jayden's that disturbed him. "Clief your... sword".

Clief looked at it. Their was a small scratch in the Crystal sword. A blood like substance was oozing out of it

"DUEGAN", said a shocked Clief.

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Old 01-19-2010, 05:58 PM   #56
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Re: Chapter 1

Nari sat down and sighed. “This is no fun, no one even seems to notice that we took over the stage.”

“Nari you cant expect every battle to be epic, you should have joined in the battle instead if you wanted excitement.” Cato chuckled. “Something has happened to Clief’s sword.”

“Duegan got hurt?” Nari looked puzzled. “How does a crystal dragon get hurt?”

“Don’t worry, He’ll be fine as long as he isn’t going to take another direct impact. It would seem Kragen has a high haste spell.” Cato shook his head.

“No problem, I’ll just cast a few Ninjitsu one them.” A few simple hand motions and two spells placed.

Jayden looked to his side, an axe about to hit him in the face. He had no time to dodge, but somehow he had the speed to move out of the way. “Wait a second that wasn’t haste, that was a blink spell, thanks Nari.” He looked over to see Clief standing, oddly his head blurred, as Kragen charged Clief jumped out of the way a trail of copies left in his place.

Clief noticed quickly that he had come under a clone ability. “This will be fun.” Ten Clief closed stood ready to strike.

“Nari are you sure that was legal?” Cato shook his head in doubt.

“Legal? Hmm yup, nothing against casting spells. Not many can use Ninjitsu anyways so the general public doesn’t even know that Ninjitsu doesn’t need line of sight to cast, unlike magic, so they’d never catch us anyways.” Nari laughed holding twenty high stake tickets marked “Jayden” on the side. “Ooh oh oh, what’s a girl to do when she’s going be rich?” Nari laughed.
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Old 01-20-2010, 03:56 AM   #57
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Re: Chapter 1

Kragen attacked the Clief that was in front of him only to have his axe go right through it and vanish. "Blast it", he said, getting angrier every time he attacked the wrong one. "I'll find you".

Clief attacked Kragen, which made all the copies attack. Kragen wasn't sure which one attacked.

"THATS IT", yelled Kragen. "TIME TO UNLEASH MY FULL POWER". He bent down on one knee and started glowing an unhealthy brown colour.

Jayden hadn't noticed this and was staring into the sky.

Where are they

"Jayden", shouted Clief. "I think we may have a problem.

Jayden focused his attention on Kragen. His skin seemed to be getting darker but Jayden wasn't sure whether it was his eyes playing tricks.


"So what do you plan to do with the money sis", asked Cato.

"I'm not sure", said Nari, "I was thinking of just relaxing for a bit and to forget our troubles for a while".

Cato chuckled but soon stopped. "I sense a great disturbance around us", said Cato. "Abnormal activity......from inside the arena".

Nari looked into the arena. She was surprised by what she saw. "Cato. Kragen...Kragen's changed".

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Old 01-20-2010, 06:56 AM   #58
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief looked on in horror.

What is he!? Ive never heard of anyone doing this before? Could....could he be the new threat!?

"Jayden! Get over here fast!!" Clief yelled.

Jayden looked at Clief and knew something was up and hurried over to him.

"Whats up Clief?" he asked.

"Time to go all out. Now, before he finishes this transformation. The tournament is the least of our worries. I think this could be what Seri warned you about," Clief spoke steadily.

Jayden froze up, i little shaken up at this news.

"Is you sword..."

"It'll be fine, Duegan's okay, we just need to finish this," Clief spoke again.

Jayden nodded and darted away from Clief, giving him a chance to summon Duegan.

Clief raised his sword in the sky, and swung it 3 times but was stopped before he could bring it down to summon Duegan.

"Not today!" Yelled a transformed Kragen, who was now infront of him holding his sword with his bare hand.

What!? I didnt even see it!

Kragen was now a brown colour, his eyes were also brown, and had black tattered pants on. His large axe had also transformed into a sword, roughly the same length as Clief's Crystal sword.

Not good! Duegan, I need all your strength! we may yet be able to win

Clief's sword shined a bright blue colour that blinded Kragen and everyone else in the arena.

"Clief!!" Jayden yelled.


"What are we to do brother?" Nari asked Cato.

Cato just sat there, watching through the vibrations in the ground.

"I'm not sure. They are still in the tournament. Lets see how things pan out. We'll still help them from here, but we wont go in there until theres some big trouble. It seems Clief is using all of Duegans power, and Jayden's still has tricks up his sleeve. Lets see just how good Jayden has become, and Clief's true abilities," Cato said.

Nari found it hard to just sit back and watch as her friends fought in such a dangerous fight, but she knew her brother was wise enough to not make such a rash decision without some kind of reason, so she sat there and aided them the best that she could.


The light had faded, Clief was now a few meters away from Kragen. He had gone through a transformation of his own. His eyes were totally Light blue now, and so was his hair.

"Looks like this realy is serious now" mumbled Jayden to himself, "Alright then, here we go!!"
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Old 01-20-2010, 07:59 AM   #59
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden shot a flurry of arrows at Kragen while Clief started attacking him. Neither of them seemed to do any damage to Kragen. He smirked and pushed them away with a gust of wind. They fell back into the arenas walls, dazed. Kragen shot a beam of energy at them but a wall of rock arose in front of them to protect them.

"Who is helping them", said Kragen looking around for the culprit. All of a sudden, the earth surrounded him, creating a small prison around him.

"GRRRRAAAGGGRRRHHH", he yelled as he broke out of his prison. By now, Jayden and Clief were back up on their feet. Jayden shot an arrow at Kragens head. It stuck in and didn't seem to do a thing except grab his attention. He grabbed the arrow and through it at Clief. Clief blocked the arrow with his sword and shot a fire spell at him. Kragen merely laughed and let the spell hit him.

"Fool", he said. "Weak magic cannot hurt me. ULTIMA".

Originally Posted by rissole25 View Post
My 1000th post was about you Leon
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Old 01-20-2010, 08:31 AM   #60
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Re: Chapter 1

A dark shadow emerged from Kragen's torso as his spell was casting.

"Ultima takes a while to use because its so powerful! Hit him with everything you have!" Clief yelled at Jayden.

Clief used his blade beam while Jayden shot 3 charged arrows. All three of them cut through the air with force. All of the attacks him Kragen. He stambled forward and lost his concentration, stopping him from casting his spell.

"Fine then, I'll take you out with my blade!" He yelled.

He disappeared, and then reappeared infront of Jayden, but Jayden was also at a heightened speed and was able to withdraw his sword and black the attack. However he didnt have the strength to black it completely and was pushed back a few meters. Clief then used his increased speed and disappeared only to reappear behind Kragen and attack him. Kragen felt the air behind him move and blacked the attack.

There's no way!

Don't be alarmed Clief. You still can get faster once your used to this new strength

Clief backstepped, then disappeared again, then attacked Kragen from pointblank with his blade beam. Kragen wasn't able to black all the beam and was knocked back a few meters. Jayden then released some arrows into Kragens back, which then took him down on one knee. Jayden saw an opening and went into attack, but Kragen stood back up and disappeared
Created by the one and only TherathxRikku
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