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The Story of Palis A continuing story of worlds trapped in war, where their only hope are Heroes from other worlds.

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Old 03-03-2006, 02:19 AM   #31
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((Yay, Glenn's one of my favourites.

Ok everyone, eat and go to the bathroom now, cause this is a long one))

They camped that night in the tunnel, taking advantage of what little time they had away from danger.

Their fire flickered, painting the stony walls a warm orange, and bringing to light the immediate. What was to come still lay in the dark.

Syne awoke from an unsteady sleep, her neck sore from the rocky ground, and her wrists still pounding from the chains Kani had put on her. Her bright blue eyes flickered amongst the sleeping party, settling for a while on Glenn’s scarred arms. Where he had come about these wounds, she did not know, and the feeling disturbed her.

She closed her eyes once more, making a sad attempt at luring sleep. In this way, the world turned dark. Amongst the steady sound of flowing water, and the crackling of fire, she heard a smaller sound- a soft whimper. She ignored it at first, but when it persisted, she once again opened her eyes.




The artist snored loudly and rolled over.

“Men…” muttered Syne, rising to her feet and rubbing her eyes.

Her pink fingers clutched a lantern that swung and creaked as she walked amid the cave. The air was damp and heavy, and with every step she felt the heat of a shadowy demon breathing down her back.

She turned toward a small opening in the cave, where a thin spring emerged and flowed down the wall, landing in a meager pool. Here, she stopped, the light from her lantern revealing a shadowy figure.

Long white sleeves draped into the water, their tattered edges grayed. The figure had its arms crossed around its chest as if cold; its hands clutched its arms, nails pressed hard into white flesh. Like this, it shivered -though not entirely from the cold- and wept, tears flowing into the pool like so much blood.

Syne knew who it was, but did not approach. For a while, she simply watched, unsure of what to do and what to say.

Titania could see the light from the lantern, and knew from the shadow that it must be Syne. Still, she did not turn, but instead remained stationary, clutching a small dagger in her white hands. The tears rippled down her cheeks, making her hair stick to her cold skin.

“What do you want?” She asked, with a tone more harsh than she had intended. Her voice echoed along the walls.

Syne was silent, and did not move.

“Leave me alone, please.” Titania muttered, looking away so as to hide the tears she had forbidden for so long.

Syne turned away but did not leave. For a moment there was a silence, filled only by the sound of the running water.

“I know what it’s like to lose someone…” she said, quietly “…I’ve lost so many people dear to me.”


“When I was younger, I…” she trailed off, old pain surfacing “…I lost someone who meant the world. And I know what its like…when your chest feels like collapsing, when your hands ache and you can’t even move without being in pain. When you turn every corner and expect to see him…when just one word would be enough to make it all stop.

I know what it’s like to have that emptiness and to yearn for something so impossible…to want to grasp…to hold…to find something real…

I know what it means to wonder, and to find nothing. I know what it means to have someone gone.

I know what it means to be silent and to yearn for sound.”

She paused for a moment, and Titania thought she might be brushing away her own tears.

“You never really understand why people die, and letting go seems wrong. How could you let go? How could you reduce him to a burden- something that must be gotten away with?”

“…I…I want to go back…it would have been so easy then…if he had just known… or had moved a little differently…it was so fast, and then just like that…it was over…”

Syne moved closer and sat beside her friend, wrapping her in a sisterly embrace. For a while, they stayed like this, spilling tears for the ones that they had lost. In each other’s sorrow they saw both saw themselves and knew it was no longer someone who did not understand who was trying to comfort them.

The quiet that came next was strange, filled with the echoing the running water and the short sounds of pain.

“Tell me what happened.” Muttered Syne “Tell me what they did to him.”

Titania nearly collapsed and, if not for the other girl, she would have crumbled to the ground.

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Old 03-03-2006, 02:20 AM   #32
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination


Her voice echoed through his head, almost distantly, as his eyes met Kani’s. In an un-calculated move, the warlord twisted his spear, ushering on even more pain than before. Fiercely, he withdrew his weapon and smiled.

“To think that this is what Gadriel has been reduced to…” Kani pushed his opponent to the ground and kicked him hard in the ribs, kneeling beside him with an arrogant sneer “Don’t worry. You’ll soon have company.”

He glanced up at the horrified figure that watched them from a distance.

“You may want to collect him now.” Kani called to Titania as he rose to his feet “It will be much harder once the animals get to him.”

Slowly, he backed away and watched, amused by the situation. A sick joy filled him as he saw the passing of his most powerful enemy.

Despite the icy ground, Titania ran her fastest toward Malice, collapsing at his side, and discarding any pride. Instinctively, she reached for his wound, but he brought up his own shaky fingers, clasping them over hers and laying them on his chest.

He coughed, the most horrifying cough. Blood ran from his cold mouth.

“Let me heal you…” she insisted, but he shook his head.

“There isn’t a spell that could close this wound.” He replied, “…Just stay…stay with me…”

He stroked her fingers, and she wrapped her arms around him, careful not to press against his wound. Nothing mattered now- death had scraped through consciousness and restrain. All that remained now was the truth.

With cold lips, she kissed his face over and over again, tears flowing onto his cheeks the whole time.

“Don’t leave me…” she pleaded, and he smiled, placing a hand on her chin.

“You make a good case…” he attempted to joke, but was interrupted by a painful cough that tore at his chest “Listen to me, I need you to do something … take my dagger to my father …tell him what’s happened to me.”

“No…” she shook her head “You don’t need me to do that…you’re not dying…just stay still and we’ll get you back, you’ll see.”

He smiled but shook his head. It was as if he had not heard what she had said “I’m sorry I can’t finish the journey with you… I know I promised to look out for you, but I…we’ll find each other again. We already know…death…war…even seven hundred years can’t keep us apart.

No matter what, we’ll find each other again… and again… until we’re allowed to be together.”

She forced a smile but her sadness overpowered her, and she looked down at him through tears, offering a few more tender kisses as his breathing slowed.

His gaze now was distant, and as he looked up at her it seemed as if he were staring elsewhere.

“I never realized before…” he began, forcing a laugh, “…how beautiful the snow…the sun…how beautiful everything is...”

“Save your energy,” she whispered, but he brought his hand to her cheek and held it for a moment, studying her face.

After a few moments he smiled, his voice becoming distant “…at least this time…” he mumbled “I can leave without regret…knowing that this time I didn’t let you die…”

“You’re speaking nonsense.”

“…everything happens for a reason.

He smiled and shook his head “This life…that life…our souls are the same. I knew what would happen if I hadn’t taken his spear. I knew from the day I began to look deeper in my memory. It wasn’t clear at first, and even until now... but now that death is so close I can see …it was more than just an impulse…”

He forced a smile, but was unable to hide the sadness and longing that lingered behind his bravery. In his eyes lay a sincerity she had never seen before, and in it was written his doom.

“Promise you won’t forget me…” he said, quietly, his breathing slow “I-.”

She placed her hand over his mouth, brushing it against his cheek. Tears in her eyes, she pressed her forehead to his “Never.” she whispered, “I won’t ever forget you.

He smiled and she kissed his lips, filling him with warmth as the life within him faded.

“…I love you”

Titania waited a moment and withdrew, looking at him with tears running down her face. She brought him close, clutching his body as if doing so would keep his spirit with her longer. She kissed his hair, her reddened hands shivering in painful sorrow.

“Don’t leave me!” She cried, her voice broken in sobs as she folded over, unable to hold herself up any longer. Her voice fell to whispers as she clutched his lifeless body, unable to accept that he was dead “…don’t…please… don’t…”

There was no life left in his body now, and though she pleaded with him, he could not answer. All he could do was stare with a glazed, empty expression.

Kani watched from some distance away, as the joy of victory coursed through his body.

“Hige…” he muttered, turning to his general.

The man was unable to look at him, his gaze frozen to the ground “What is it, my lord?” he asked, his voice falling cold in the snowy air.

“…get rid of Llideah.”

Kani turned away, disappearing into a flash of light and shadow, a smile tearing at his steady lips.

Hige could only go so far as to watch the scene before him. He saw the bloodstained snow, the bodies which lay lifeless and would never be properly buried. He saw the shells of people who had once been fathers, brothers, husbands, sons. He saw his own doing, and saw his guilt as clear as the crimson snow.

The wind pulled violently at his cloak, tossing it about as if enraged. He took a breath and moved forward, drawing his dagger from his belt. With heavy footsteps he moved closer, his eyes fixed on the girl who held the lifeless body of a man whose life he had once spared.

Titania felt him behind her and turned to stare, her arms wrapped protectively around Malice. That image – the pain in her eyes, the blood in her hands and on his face; the wound in his stomach, the red of the snow and emptiness of him- it would remain with the general forever and haunt his sleep for years to come.

“Don’t touch him!” she screamed, her words almost indistinguishable through her cracking voice.

Hige backed up slightly; silent in his guilt.

She turned once more to Malice, stroking his hair in an attempt to clean the blood from it.

“It’s not safe for you here…” Hige muttered, and though she heard him, for a time she gave no response.

There was a tenseness in the air until finally Titania broke it, speaking with a voice stronger but smaller than she had ever used.

“…if you’re going to kill me, then do it now.” She said, her words and eyes piercing him like knives “Get rid of me here, where I may be forgotten and never blamed. Leave me where no one will find me.

End my pain.

He stared at her, his hand trembling uneasily. With cold fingers, he raised his weapon, only to drop it in the red snow.

“I will see to it that his body is properly taken care of.”

She ignored him

“I will perform the funeral rite myself. Now go, and find your friends.”

He knelt down next to her, seeing a part of his own daughter in this despairing soul “…I know you want to stay, but there’s nothing more you can do for him. Go now and finish what he’s started. I will arrange for you to be reunited with your friends.”

She looked at him with wonder and confusion; she still would not release Malice from her hold.

Hige swallowed hard, covering his face with a coldness he hoped would be convincing “Go now. Or else I will sever his hands and he shall wander the after life without them.”

At this, she moved back, but still could not let go. She gave Hige a pleading look, and to her surprise, he moved closer, offering his arms to receive Malice’s body. Slowly, she let go, though as she did so, pain tore through her, ripping her soul in two and leaving her with nothing but emptiness.

“Go…” Hige muttered once more; she did not leave.

Faithfully, she took the bracelets from her wrists and the rings from her pockets, placing them in Malice’s hand before pressing it closed. Still unable to leave, she ran her cold fingers over his pendant, and up to his cheek, her eyes focused on his lifeless face.

“…until we meet again.” She whispered, taking his daggers and slowly rising to her feet

“I will take care of his body. And all the others. This shall not become a mass grave like the other conquered cities. This site shall be remembered. And he shall be remembered.”

“Th-thank you…” muttered Titania, moving away and fighting every desire to turn back around.

Hige watched her leave, and his gaze fell down toward the man who he now held.

“You are so young…” he muttered “…just like I was when I died…”


Kani watched from far atop the rampart, knowing Hige could not see him.

“Hige…” he muttered, and Hector turned toward him “…I knew we could not trust Hige. This was his last mistake.”

“Do you want me to take care of him, my lord?”

“No,” Kani replied “We’ve given him a second chance and still he has betrayed us. I want him to suffer…to show him that disloyalty is rewarded just as much as its opposite.

Allow him to bury the dead, and then bring him to me. Let us see how well he can fabricate a story.”

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Old 03-03-2006, 02:20 AM   #33
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Titania walked aimlessly for a while, traveling as far from the city as possible. When at last she was far enough, she collapsed once more. The vision of his still body came to mind- the blood, the pain. But amongst all that, the most painful vision was what lay before her. The most painful vision was the emptiness of the world and the absence of what she had begun to live for.

It was winter the first time, too, wasn’t it?

She closed her eyes, obscure memories playing in her head. There was snow, and stone, and in the midst of a gray and dismal sky, there was him.

Desperately, she tried to understand her vision, but it was cloudy and strange, obscured by a misty fog.

He stood there in the midst of the storm; with timid footsteps, she approached, only to watch from the distance as he walked into darkness, leaving her alone.
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Old 03-03-2006, 10:39 PM   #34
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Dwarf Tunnels

Glenn woke up suddenly, thanks to a few annoying voices keeping him from sleeping peacefully.

(Glenn! This is really important!)

Rubbing his eyes, the knight glanced at the weapon beside him. "Truly, this hath better be important..."

Oh, Glenn, this is. This really is. See, in your dreams, Doreen, uh...

Saw someone...


(That's just it. I don't know. When I saw him he identified himself as Noah and said that Gadriel and Variel were dead at this point, and Llideah had come to him crying, and explained about their deaths. The only problem is...)

Who are Llideah, Gadriel, and Variel?


Glenn shook his head. "I've not a clue." Then he heard the low sobbing noise. "Who art there?"

Syne answered. "It's Titania. She has some... uh... unsettling news for us..."

Glenn grabbed the weapon and crawled over. "What?"

Through the sobs, Glenn could make out a few of Titania's words. Specifically, the words "Magus," "Malice," "dead," and "love," but he couldn't make sense of it. Syne shook her head sadly. "Magus and Malice, they're both..."

Glenn was speechless. He even felt the normally rambunctious spirits in the Mastermune fall still. He stood up, holding the blade in the air. "Who did it. Tell me who killed them. I'll..."

Syne stood as well. "Kani. It had to be Kani."

Glenn nodded solemnly, feeling utter turmoil coursing through him. Then he heard Doreen speak.

(Titania, who is Llideah?)

Titania was too upset to even realize who was speaking to her. Yet despite the fact that she did not fully know, she felt the words flow from her lips on their own. "She died seven hundred years ago, but she's here. She..." Titania trailed off, suddenly realizing the oddity of both the question and the asker.

Glenn, however, ignored this. He held up the sword, both blades gleaming. "GRRIBBIT!" echoed throughout the tunnel.

((Yeah, yeah, so nothing really happened, but so what? Noah's been realized, Glenn knows about Magus and Malice and is out for revenge, and we're definitely approaching the final battle of this story anyway. Besides, I have an idea for all the past-spirits when we get to the final battle - the reason why Variel and now Gadriel haven't gone to the afterlife, despite Variel's spell not being active anymore, will be revealed, among other things.))
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 03-05-2006, 06:17 PM   #35
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

(FYI I wasnt able to compleat the part of the story that I was on, GF kept buging me, Malice is supposed to be in the city that the others got brought to by the Dwarfs, just in some sort of occoma (sp) and he should wake up once Malice is back, he was supposed to be killed then reserected, but into a state of deep sleep to find some unlocked power)
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 03-05-2006, 11:50 PM   #36
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

(How bout we combine that so that it makes sense when he comes back. He's died, but will be resurrected and in his state of death (I guess spiritual seperation) he was able to achieve whatever state you were talking about. Otherwise it sort of takes away from the idea of a true apotheosis)
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Old 03-05-2006, 11:54 PM   #37
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

(Uh...won't this be kind of spoiler-y for the others (non-people-that write-the story) reading? Or does it really matter? Just curious.)
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Old 03-06-2006, 12:10 AM   #38
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((People actually read this story?))
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Old 03-06-2006, 01:22 AM   #39
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

(lol. Well, i always thought that the other people on the forum read'd be kinda hard to miss. Oh well. I was just wondering )
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Old 03-10-2006, 09:29 PM   #40
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

((Dammit, I had another post, but the stupid forums froze on me and by the time I got back the whole post was deleted. But since the last story-post was also mine, I guess I should wait until someone else posts a story-thing, huh? I used to be notorious for posting too many times in stories like this and changing the entire storyline, but I'm better now. In other words, POST PEOPLE!))
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 03-11-2006, 12:34 AM   #41
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

(I read these. They're good and I have a lot of time on my hands.)
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"Gimme Elixir!"
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Old 05-09-2006, 04:30 PM   #42
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Dwarf Tunnels

The group trudged on through the tunnels. Kirby was lagging behind the rest, as he was completely unaware of what had just transpired and was surprised by the haste that Glenn began leading the party with. Glenn remained several feet ahead of the rest of the group, constantly taking turns throughout the tunnels that didn't make any sense at all - Titania had already lost track of the path she took in, but she was sure that this was not that way.

Even as Glenn marched on, even he knew that he was lost. He kept moving like he knew where to go, his anger and pride too strong to allow him to admit his mistake. He wouldn't be weak. He couldn't be weak.

Even the Mastermune's spirits had kept silent, feeling his seething rage. Left and right, down a slope and up a different one, Glenn's nonsensical paths led them down tunnels that shouldn't have even existed.

Finally Syne spoke up. "Glenn... do you have any idea where we're going?" There was no answer from the knight. The overwhelming emotions he was feeling had lodged themselves in his throat, and he couldn't speak without cutting them loose and crying for the next few hours. He was strong. He wasn't weak.

Hours later, they were no closer to an exit. Titania was still sobbing gently. Syne felt exhausted from supporting Titania on this path and still matching Glenn's brisk pace. Kirby, still unaware of what had happened, was on the verge of collapse.

Soon, however, the tunnels opened up into a vault-like area. Glenn pushed on, tired, but refusing to show it. He climbed up a long staircase and pushed on the stone door at the top.

"Oh..." he whispered, peering through the opening. "Thou hast got to be kidding me."

((Cliffhanger! Sorry about that, but I can't really come up with a good place for them to have found. If anyone wants to show where this random tunnel ended up, feel free.))
What was the start of all this?
When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp that answer now,
From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then,
We loved so many, yet hated so much,
We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
Whilst our laughter echoed,
Under cerulean skies...
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Old 05-10-2006, 07:15 PM   #43
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Originally Posted by Dark FFnut
"Thou hast got to be kidding me."
((Officially my new favourite quote from the story))

The large stone door gave way to more darkness, only this was more hopeless than what they had already seen. Ahead, the passage sloped upward, but disappeared quickly into absolute shadow. Somewhere along the way, a stream ran off the course rocks, echoing like a hollow growl.

Glenn squeezed his fists hard, the worn leather of his gloves squeaking beneath his strength. Without a word, he moved forward and Syne reluctantly followed.

“The air is thicker here.” She said, “I think we’re moving further in the wrong direction.”

Glenn did not answer but instead walked on. There was a great silence, and it was not until some time later that he cried out in frustration; he had walked into a net of tangled vines.

“How in hell do vines grow in such a darkmiserableuseless place!” he screamed, pulling his arm back.

The vine did not leg go.

“Syne, backare! Backare!” he called, but it was too late (and Syne had not understood him anyways).

The vine wrapped tightly around the four, pulling them off the ground and into the hard wall.

Titania let out a small cry as her thin shoulders smashed up against the rock. She pulled slighlty to the right, but her arms cracked in pain, as another vine caught her wrists and twisted them behind her back.

Yet, what should have been a fearsome struggle was little more than a violent binding, for there was no will to fight left inside of her. It was almost as if the vines were strangling someone who was already waiting to die.


Glenn was the first to catch his weapon, and he cut through the thick vine, swinging blindly in the darkness. There was a strange cry as he fell, landing with a heavy splash into a deep pool of water.

The world became thick and heavy, his friends’ painful screams muted by the frigid water. The darkness was still unrelenting, and he knew only from his other senses that he was now in a dark and bloodless air. As quickly as he could he swum in the direction he believed was upward; his heavy armor pulled him back, holding him down.


Syne drew her sword. Her freedom was not long, however, as her wrists were soon as the vines whipped over her wrists, painfully wrapping them up. She found herself struggling to keep control of her weapon.

Finally, her strength won, and she cut through her captor, only to be pulled up quickly by the foot. Soon, she found herself rushing through the air, still held by the vine.

Furiously, she swung her sword in every direction, but it was in vain. The air rushed by, and she came to a sudden stop. The vines pressed her hard into something soft. With her free hand, she felt the darkness in front of her, all too late realizing she was now in front of the monster that held her.

Fear washed over her as she could feel the heat of the creature’s breath against her face, and soon its grotesque tongue against her skin. It seemed this monster had not eaten in some time and was now attempting to swallow her whole. She kicked, screaming for help and swinging her sword desperately.

There was a scream from further away, and a pulsing through the vines. In a moment, Syne was hit hard with a spell. She cried out in pain, soon realizing she had been attacked with white magic.


Titania was still held in the dark, her wrists bound by those terrible vines- each as thick as a man’s arm. She screamed as the rough plants pressed hard into her skin, piercing her hands with what felt like fangs. In an instant, she could feel blood being drawn out of her wounds, and became afraid.

She heard Syne’s voice and saw the light in the distance.

That was when she knew. The creature was using her magic against her friends, and she was sure it could use Glenn’s too if it got a hold of him.

She began to fight.

Last edited by Zerlina; 05-11-2006 at 05:31 PM.
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Old 05-22-2006, 03:42 AM   #44
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

The wind had been blowing strong for hours as General Hige approached his base. A single soldier raced up to him seemingly out of breath, "Sir, Lord Kani wishes to see you." he said grasping for air. Hige sighed, "I'll need a moment.", hoping that Kani had not heard that he had placed several guards around Malice's body. To his disappointment the soldier replied, "My Lord said it was most urgent that you are there."

Hige's heart sank into his bowels. He knew what was going on, Kani had either seen or heard of what had happened. Either way he didn't care, whatever punishment laid in store for him was nothing.

He walked towards the tent where his judgement would be decided. For once he felt he could hold his head up high. As Hige stepped into the tent, in the tent were three guards and Kani, once inside his eyes met with Kani's eyes. "What's news do you being from the battlefront?", Kani asked casually not wanting to give anything he knew away. "I fought Llideah but was defeated and she escaped.", Hige said looking at Kani.

Kani paused in silence as if he was examining the scene that was unfolding in front of him. Hige stood there not wanting to break the silence that had engulfed the tent. After a couple of minutes that felt like an enternity Kani spoke, "Why do you lie to me?". Hige had seen this coming, "I don't understand." he lied.

Kani looked disappointed, "Two chances? The most I give anyone is one, I guess you should feel special. All you had to do was kill one person and I would have been satsified. But you let her go, and I'm not interested why, you traitor." He signaled to his guards and they started to unsheath their swords. Almost instantly Hige drew his sword and sliced off the right guard's sword arm. Then he leapt at Kani and held his bloody sword at Kani's throat, "Death is too good for evil but I'll make an exception." Before he could do anything another guard hit him with the butt of his sword, knocking Hige unconscience.

With his lifeless body fallen on the ground the soldiers look at Kani for his command, "Some would say he's too good of a soldier to kill, but we can fix that. I want to burn his eye out." The guards looked at Kani with nervousness, "Which one my Lord?"

"Both of them..."
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Last edited by Spiff; 05-22-2006 at 03:45 AM.
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Old 05-26-2006, 07:42 PM   #45
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Re: Chapter 4: Domination

Syne screamed in pain as she was flung into the wall, hitting hard she could feel several of her ribs break. A small glint of steel came from where she came from. A sharp pain hit her as her own sword pinned her to the wall piercing through her chest just below the left collarbone. He lounge pierced she could barely breath. With what little strength she had she yelled out to Titania. “Run!”

With that Titania froze up and fell to her knees in fear. Hearing Syne say to run was not something that she was prepared for. “Where am I supposed to go I can’t see my way out!?” She screamed in fear and frustration.

“Don’t worry I’ll get it.” Glenn said from far off in the other side of the room.

Glenn stood in the room his armor left behind in the water, he only had his sword. Taking up a defensive stance he waited. A tactical came up around his left but he was ready for it he stabbed down into it and then grabbed it and pulled following it towards the source. He came forward and with the sound of passing tentacles passing by him he finally got to a fleshy core of the monster and trusted his sword forward blindly. Stabbing over and over again the monster gave off screams of pain. Finally he could tell the beast was dead. “It’s safe.” He said, “It’s not going to bother us much more.”

Titania gathered herself and stood up. “I’m ok? Where are you?”

“I don’t know but I have to get my armor out of the water in here.”

“Where is Syne?”

“I can’t tell.”

A light sliding noise started from off in the distance and a small beam of light came into the room making them able to see where they were. The room was large and had two small bodies of water in it. Even with the little bit of light they could not see Syne.

Glenn dove into the water and retired his armor; While Titania adjusted her eyes to find Syne. “Syne where are you?” She yelled

“……. Over here….. I’m against the wall.” Syne said with a lot of pain in her words.

Titania followed the voice and came to the wall and still could not see Syne, then looking up and she saw hanging from the wall Syne’s bloodied and bruised body. “Glenn get over here now please! Syne needs our help really bad.”

Glenn ran over and looked up at Syne. “You’re not looking so great. How are we going to get her down?”

“How am I supposed to know?” She said in a painful whisper.

Glenn looked around the room and found some large bones on the ground and leaned them up against the wall next to Syne. He climbed up and Grabbed onto her sword. “This will probably hurt. A lot.”

Syne nodded.

Putting one foot on each side of Syne’s body Glenn grabbed the sword’s blade with both hands, his gloves protecting him from getting cut. He gave a hard tug pulling the sword clear out of the wall and Syne. He fell hard to the ground the heave blade pinning him down until he could recover.

Syne fell from the wall limp. Blood poured out of her wound, which was quickly healing. “I’ll be ok in a moment.” Syne said touching her wound.

“Bye the gods how do you heal so fast?” Titania said looking at her friend. “You should be dead after that.”

“On my planet we all heal like this. It’s the main reason the war has been going for over three hundred years.” Syne let out a small painful laugh. “No one seems to die that easy.”

“So now where are we going?” Glenn said looking around the room for a way out.
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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