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Final Fantasy: Persecution New Final Fantasy Based RPG Story. Open ended.

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Old 01-03-2010, 09:32 AM   #31
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Re: Chapter 1

"Well, its becoming midday, we should get a move on and try and make up some lost ground," Clief said struggling to stand up.

Clief looked over at Cato from head to toe, sussing him out, then began to walk off. He saw some little animals that resembled rabbits, all in a family they scrurried along the forest floor away from Clief's boots as he walked. He couldnt help but smile, thinking to himself.

If only I could remember my family....

He continued to walk, not noticing that Cato had caught up to him.

"Some unfortunate bad luck you have there Clief," he said walking beside him.

"Yeah...I should've seen it coming realy. It was my fault," he replied.

"Nonsense, you shouldnt be so hard on yourself," he said, smilimg in Clief's direction.

Clief smiled back, then realised Cato couldnt see it.

"You must be incredibly skilled in the way of earth to have seen the battle without the ability to see like us," Clief said.

"Well, when one has no sight one must seek out an alternative way of seeing," he chuckled.

Clief smiled again, but this time not at Cato.

I must sound realy stupid right about now

He looked behind him to see Nari and Jayden chatting away to each other.

"I would have thought you'd be catching up with your sister?" Clief asked.

Nato looked at him "Your right," he said as he slowed down so the other two could catch up.

By myself again....
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:56 AM   #32
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Re: Chapter 1

After 3 hours walking, the four warriors reached the gates of Ishba. Nari gasped at the massive towers that arose from the city.

"So this is Ishba", said Nari.

"Yes", said Cato. "It was built by the Royal Legion 136 years ago. They used it as the capital and as their headquarters until they found Xenon, the current capital and largest city in the world. They are currently planning to come up with a way to rid everyone of the Kruasarians. But", continued Cato with a sad look on his face. "It will be of little effort if their is a new evil to be dealt with".

The soldiers by the gates greeted them as they walked through them. They walked for 10 minutes along the main path, past shops of all sorts, until they reached the market square.

"Well", said Clief, "We'll all do our own thing. Then we'll meet up at the Stadium just over their when the tournament starts.

They all nodded to each other and went off in their separate directions.


Jayden went over to the weapons shop first and bought himself a map, arrows for his bow and a mythril sword. He would need a better sword if he were to enter the tournament. He stepped outside and looked at the map he just bought.

After 5 minutes of looking on the big map, he finally found the Weapons Guild. It was directily south of his position. He found a path that went south and followed it. Eventually the path stopped right outside a 3 houses next to eachother.

What the....this should be where the Weapons Guild is

Jayden took out the map and noticed he was on the path next to the path he should've taken. He turned to his left and saw the a tall building 100 metres away.

That must be the Weapons Guild

Jayden decided to go through the alleyways instead of backtracking the path. It would be much quicker.

He turned a corner and stopped. Two guards were ahead, but they weren't like any of the other guards he'd seen around town. They wore Gold Armour and had there heads covered with Gold Helmets. Their weapons were made out of Adamantite. They were talking to each other and Jayden wanted to know what they were talking about. He snuck up to a couple of crates just metres from them and listened in.

"So have your troops found her yet", said one.

"No, their still looking", replied the other one. "Have yours".

"No. We have to report back to the King about this".

The King. They must be the Royal Legions High Guards. So thats what they look like

"We'll keep searching after the tournament starts. We won't draw as much attention then".

"Okay. But I don't know how we're going to find her. She is a goddess after all".

A goddess. Are they talking about Seri. That could mean she's here in Ishba

"Alright then, we'll send a messenger to Xenon to tell the king we'll be staying a little longer then expected".

Jayden peered around the corner of the crates to see the two High Guards walking around the corner into the main street. He stood up and decided he would tell the others about this when they met back up. He walked out of the alleyway and preceded to the Weapons Guild.

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Last edited by rissole25; 01-06-2010 at 09:58 AM.
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:39 PM   #33
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Re: Chapter 1

After Clief left the group, he couldnt help but feel a little relaxed. He didnt realy feel apart of the group, even though he was welcomed.

Perhaps i shouldn't go to the tournament and just leave? Would they even care? They have a mission that doesnt involve me

He wandered over to the tournament sign up desk deep in thought. There was a man in front of him in the process of signing up. He was short and bald, looked kind of old from where Clief was standing.

Surely he doesnt think he could actualy win this tournament??

The short old man had finished and walked off. Clief stepped forward and grabbed a sheet of paper and pen. He filled out the form and handed it back to the man behind the desk.

"Collemsium is behind me. Locker room room is that one over there. Be in there by 1pm or you wont be included," he said pointed behind him to his left.

Clief nodded and began to walk over there.

Judging by where the sun is, id say its roughly midday. Wont be long i guess.....will i be able to get very far with my injuries?

He wandered down to the dark dank locker rooms, awaiting for his companians to arrive.
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Old 01-10-2010, 03:37 PM   #34
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Re: Chapter 1

Nari and Cato sat outside of the Coliseum. “So are you going to take part in the tournament?”

Cato shook his head. “No, I’m not much for this kind of fighting. Besides how fair is it for me to fight them if I can see everything they do, no matter what direction they come from.”

“True, I don’t plan on being in the tournament either, I still don’t know what happened during the fight the other day, last thing I need is to accidently kill a bunch of people.” Nari sighed as she looked at her hands.

“So tell me about these friends of yours, I believe I’ve met Jayden before, am I right?”

“Yes, you left our village about two years after he came to it. He’s been my friend for a long time. As for Clief, I don’t know him very well.” Nari stood up and started walking around on her hands. “Jayden seems to have a deep respect for him, they are comrades as far as I can tell, and because of that I think he’s pretty interesting. Clief is a talented fighter, and he has a crystal dragon’s sword.”

Cato laughed. “Sounds like you have some good friends.” Cato turned his head slightly to the left and looked towards the Coliseum. Just then Jayden walked up.

“What are you two doing?” Jayden said looking oddly at Nari walking around on her hands. “Have either of you seen Clief?”

“He’s in the lockers.” Cato said pointing at the Coliseum.

“Really…. I was hoping that he was trying to get some rest.” Jayden sighed. “Well I think I am ready for the tournament.”

Nari stopped walking on her hands and sat back down next to Cato. “Well lets see where our seats are, the tournament starts in a few hours.”
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 01-11-2010, 12:28 AM   #35
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Re: Chapter 1

The three of them walked into the Coliseum. The man behind the desk sent Nari and Cato to the Coliseum behind him while he sent Jayden to the locker rooms on his left. As Jayden was walking to the locker rooms, he remembered the High Guards. He turned around to call out to Nari and Cato to tell them about it but they had already gone.

Dang it. I'll have to tell them after the tournament. At least I can still tell Clief.

As Jayden was about to descend the stairs leading to the locker room, he noticed a board on the wall to the left. He walked over to it and read it.
There were 28 people competing including him and Clief. To the right there was a message.


Third Place: 10000 gil
Second Place: An Adamantite weapon
First Place: Dinner with the King of Xenon

Dinner with the King. If me or Clief can get first place, then we'll be able to meet with the King and ask him about Seri.

Jayden looked over the board to see what they would have to do. Would they have to compete with each other or fight against monsters? It didn't say anything about it on the board. Whatever it was, Jayden was determined to get first place. He descended the stairs and walked into the locker rooms.

They were dark and dank. Jayden looked around the room to see only 5 people in it getting ready. The other competitors had not arrived yet. He looked around again to see Clief sitting down on a bench and walked over to him.

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Old 01-11-2010, 11:00 AM   #36
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Re: Chapter 1

"Hey Clief! How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" asked Jayden.

"I guess so?" replied Clief.

"Good, because i dont want you losing to me only to complain that you were sore!" Jayden joked.

Clief laughed at this remark, feeling slightly happier that Jayden was so upbeat.

"Nari and Cato aren't fighting?" Clief asked.

Jayden shook his head, but now looked at Clief more seriously. He sat down next to him, crouched over, wispering the story about the royal guards.

"I figure that whoever of us wins, we can ask the king about Seri, what do you think?" Suggesting Jayden.

Clief thought for a moment, then said "you would have to win then"

Jayden looked suprised at this.

"You've actually met Seri, and are on this mission, not I. You know more about her than what i do. You should be the one to win....if we both make it to the finals that is" Clief said.

Jayden realised that what Clief said was true, then thought about how the tournament was going to be fought.

"Say Clief, are we fighting these other people or against monsters?"

"Well, there are 28 people in this tournament. You were the last to sign up, no more spots are vacant. We fight monsters to start with, until there are 12 of us left. Another words,all 28 of us are in the 1 battle ground, and the surviving 12 go to the finals, then we are pitted against eachother. The first to give up or die loses." He said.

Jayden looked surprised by this information. He didnt know of the dangers this tournament possessed.

'Dont worry, we have eachothers backs dont we?" Clief asked.

Jayden nodded, and extended his arm. Clief grabbed his his hand and shook it vigourisly.


"I guess thats our queue," Clief said, struggling to stand up.

Jayden noticed and offered his help, but Clief shrugged him off.

"Just a little cramped, nothing to worry about," He said smiling.

They both walked towards the arena, the dark became light, and Clief hear lots of cheering.

Good luch Jayden
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Old 01-11-2010, 09:43 PM   #37
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief, Jayden and all the other contestents entered the arena. They all looked around at their surroundings. It was a big circular arena that had a rugged landscape. The ground was uneven everywhere, there were many obstacles such as trees, small walls and rocks. It was not suitable for fighting.

"This is gonna be harder then I thought", said Clief, staring at the walls surrounding the contestants. Jayden looked too. There were 5 tunnels surrounding the arena, all with gates in front of them.

"I suppose the monsters will come out from there", said Jayden.

"Yea", replied Clief. "Lets go".

All 28 contestants walked into the center of the ring. Jayden looked up into the stands to look for Nari. At last he finally found her. She was talking to Cato. Jayden wondered what they were talking about.


Everyone walked to different spots of the arena so they were at least five meters apart.
Jayden and Clief made sure they were near each other.


Jayden looked up at the announcers area to see five sorcerers, each in a different coloured robe. Jayden was disgusted, he knew he wouldn't press the red button to get help, especially from them.

"The nearest black pole is just over there", pointed Clief. Jayden turned around and saw that it was about seven meters away from him and Clief.


Two people left the group and headed towards the exit tunnel. After they had disappeared into the tunnel, the tunnel entranced enveloped into a light blue see-through wall.


Everyone readied their weapons. Jayden looked at Clief one more time and noticed his Crystal Sword.

"Don't forget", said Jayden. "Summons aren't allowed, so you can use the Crystal Sword but don't get Duegan out okay".

"Okay", said Clief, grabbing his steel sword.

Jayden held his sword in a way that would allow him to fight but would also allow him to grab his bow in time.

The steel gates surrounding the other tunnels opened up. Jayden looked up at Nari and Cato one last time to see her smiling at him. He looked back at the tunnel closest to him to see the dust moving inside.

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Old 01-12-2010, 04:55 AM   #38
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Re: Chapter 1

Here they come. If i need your strength during this Duegan, dont come out, understand?

Yes, alright then, I shall channel my power through you when you need it

As soon as the gates opened Clief moved straight towards the gates, hoping to get an easy first kill, Jayden backed him up, staying a few meters behind him. Other contestants had the same idea, whereas others decided to stay back and hide till they had to fight.


Clief spotted the first beast, it was a Chimera.

What!? Already!? What kind of beasts do they have in store for us!?

"Be careful, I think they have powerful monsters for us!" Clief yelled at Jayden.

He nodded back, not taking his eyes from the Chimera. Clief attacked it from above, but just missed it.

Damn! I cant move freely!

As soon as his feet touched the ground the next monster came through the gate, this time it was an Ochu. He quickly pivoted and attacked it head on. Jayden was busy with the Chimera, trying to lay any kind of attack on it, but he wasnt swift enough with the sword yet. Finally he managed to hit it, but only lightly as the Chimera moved.

We're taking too much time on this small fry! I dont want to reveal my Crystal sword till the finals

Clief stabbed the Ochu in the side, then side swiped it and took it down. He finished it off by swinging his sword and cutting through its head. Jayden had just finished with the Chimera, managing to cut its head off. He was fast learning how to properly use his new weapon.

Other contestants were fightin monsters aswell, including the ones that stayed back. Another two people had given up, and 1 other had pushed the red button on the black pole.

Waste of time entering if you ask me.....UUHHH!!

Clief just noticed a man in a black cloak taking out a Malboro in one attack with little effort.

This isnt going to be easy.....
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:25 AM   #39
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden turned around to see Clief fighting a Bomb. He hoped Clief would beat it quickly before it exploded. If it did, he wouldn't think Clief would survive.

Jayden turned towards the gate to see two giant flans coming towards him. He would not win the fight against them even if he tried. Spells were the only thing that were effective to flans. He would have to get them to fight a spellcaster. He looked at Clief to see him finish the bomb off before ran off to find a mage.

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Old 01-12-2010, 11:35 AM   #40
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief noticed Jayden run off.

What!? He's leaving!? Damn!

He turned to find 2 Flans heading towards him, one was a lightning Flan, the other Ice.

I've only mastered the Fire spell, and I wouldnt have a clue how to summon up a water spell....damnit!

"FIRE!!" Clief yelled while pointing the palm of his hand towards the Ice Flan. Before the blast reached it, the Lightning one moved in front of it.

They're organised!?

The lightning Flan then glowed, and casted Thunder. Clief quickly jumped around as fast as he could, hoping not to get hit by the spell. It landed right next to him.

That was too close. Where did Jayden go? I need his help!
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Old 01-12-2010, 10:24 PM   #41
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden looked around. There were only swordsman about and no spellcasters.

Damn. I need to go help Clief my self

Jayden turned to run back to Clief but something caught his eye as he started to run. A man was on the ground, crawling to a black pole. He looked behind the man to see a Wendigo, running full speed at the man. The man would never make it to the pole in timie. Jayden had to get back to Clief but he couldn't just let the man die. He ran over to the man and dragged him over to the black pole. The man was unconscious now. He couldn't take him to the exit. It was too far away. He made up his mind. As Jayden pushed the red button, the Wendigo jumped.

"STOP", cried someone. Jayden turned around to see the Wendigo, frozen in the air, just inches from his face. Behind the frozen beast, one of the specialist spellcasters were running towards him. He grabbed the unconscious man and hung him over his back.

"Wait here", said the specialist in a calm voice, before he walked off

"But I can't", yelled Jayden. " I have t...", but the specialist was already gone.

Jayden looked in the direction Clief was to see if he could see him, but there was a hill in the way and he couldn't see anything behind it. He looked around him. Countless bodies of monsters littered the ground. Jayden looked at the Wendigo in the air. It was twitching a little. The spells effects were wearing off.

Jayden had a tear in his eye. He felt sorry for the monsters. They were captured by the Guards, probably inhumainly, and taking to a battle arena where they would be killed as soon as they were released. Jayden looked into the Wendigo's eyes and saw a tear fall from it. Jayden decided he would do whats best for the monster and put it out of its misery. He put his arms around the monsters neck and twisted till he heard a loud crack. He let go of the Wendigo and it fell to the ground, not moving.

I wish I hadn't entered into this battle

He wiped the tear away from his face and looked up at Nari and Cato. But they were nowhere to be seen. Jayden looked around the whole stadium and couldn't find them.

Where are they. They haven't left have they

"Were you the one who pushed the button".

Jayden turned around to see it was the specialist.

"Ah...", said Jayden, trying to talk. "Yea. Yea I..I was the one who pushed it".

"Then you will have to leave", said the specialist.

"What", questioned Jayden. "What for".

"The rules clearly state that if you push the red button, then a specialist will come to aid you and help you leave the arena", said the specialist, in his same clam voice.

"But I was pushing it for that guy you took away", stammered Jayden, wondering what was going on.

"Be that as it may", said the specialist. "You still pushed the button. I'm afraid you'll have to leave now"

"What", said Jayden. "I'm not going anywhere. I don't want to go. I'm fine".

"Then will have to force you", the specialists tone was angry now. He raised his arm into the air to call another specialist over. All of a sudden, the specialist grabbed his arms while the specialist that had just come over grabbed his legs. Jayden didn't expect the specialists to be this strong. He thrashed about trying to get out of there grip but he couldn't.

"CLIEF", screamed Jayden. "CLIEF, HELP ME".

"Keep him quite", one specialist said to the other.

"SILENCE", said the specialist. Jayden continued yelling but nothing came out. He did the only thing he could think of.

Duegan. If you can hear me, please let Clief know I need help

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Old 01-13-2010, 08:42 AM   #42
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief heard a yell, but couldnt make out what it was.

Clief! Jayden's in trouble! You must help him!

Alright, Which way?

Towards the yell

Clief darted off towards where he heard the yell. He spotted Jayden being dragged by two of the specialists.


Clief crashed into one of the specialists and knocked him away, then turned his attention towards the other one.

"What do you think your doing!? He doesn't look hurt to me!" Clief yelled.

"He pushed the red button," the specialist infront of him said.

"And what possible reason could he have to push that button?" Clief asked.

"To help an unconscious man from the battle field," he said.

"So let me get this right....Your already have a person, for the purpose of pushing the red button, now you want to take another? I thought you werent suppose to take out injured people unless they pushed it?" Clief exclaimed.

The specialist paused for a moment then said "It does not matter, this is the one that pushed it, therefore he must leave."

"Then bring the other man out. If you cant interfere, then dont. You already have one person for this reason, so i suggest you dont take my friend," Clief said, starting to get angry.

He swung his sword at the specialists arm and cut it. He let go of Jayden, gave Clief a dirty look, then left to return to the top of the arena.

"Uh...Thanks Clief, I owe you one," Jayden thanked Clief.

"We're in this together arn't we? now lets get back to surviving shall we?"

They both turned around to see the last of the monsters left. It was an adamantoise. But not just an ordinary one.

"Oh no!!" Clief stammered.

"What is that!?" Jayden yelled out.

"RUN!!" Clief yelled. They both turned and ran for the hill, which they took cover behind. They passed the man Clief saw earlier, heading towards the King Adamantoise.....alone!!
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Old 01-13-2010, 09:05 AM   #43
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"He'll never be able to take it on his own", said Clief.

Jayden turned around to see the remaining competitors up against the wall. Scared of the King Adamantoise. They obviously did not want to help the mystery man defeat the monster.

The man started casting a powerful magic at the King Adamantoise.

"METEOR", cried the man. A small meteor appeared in the sky and went crashing towards the Adamantoise. Jayden wondered whether the meteor would do the job. After all, the King Adamantoise was twice as big as the one thy fought at the lake. The meteor struck its shell and simply exploded. The dust cleared and the Adamantoise was standing still with what appeared to be the meteor stuck in its shell. It didn't even seem to care what was stuck in its shell.

Jayden gasped. How could a powerful non-elemental magic not even harm the beast. The man pulled out a giant axe and wielded it with both arms.

"Where did that come from", said an astonished Clief, "I thought he was a spellcaster but it appears he can wield a heavy weapon so obviously not".

"Lets help him", said Jayden, getting up from the hill and running over to aid the man.

"What", stammered Clief, "Jayden. Come back", but Jayden had already reached the man. Clief sighed and ran over to help them.

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Old 01-13-2010, 09:24 AM   #44
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Re: Chapter 1

Clief quickly dashed over to help both of them.

"This isnt going to be an easy task...." Clief said.

"Speak for yourslef!" Boomed the strange man, and dashed towards the King Adamantoise.

What a fool, clearly he doesn't know what kind of beast this is

Clief dashed to the side of the beast, then towards it, trying to get to the flesh underneath. The man struck his axe on the hard shell of the King Adamantoise, but it just bounced off. He looked suprised, then spotted Clief darting under the beast. Clief was under it now, and swung his sword up to the flesh, but his sword bounced.

What!? Oh no!

The beast let out a howl, got up on its hind legs, and crashed back down to the ground. Jayden used his fast movements and grabbed Clief, then jumped up to the sky before the shockwaves reached him.

"Thanks, I owe you now," Clief said relieved.

They looked down at the king Adamantoise, then back over to the cowaring men at the base of the wall, the smart jumped to the air, where it was safe. The ones that didnt exploded from the shockwave as it hit their bodies.

12 fighters remained, and a bell was sounded. The beast froze still, unable to move now.


Clief and Jayden looked at each other, thankful they were still alive as they fell back to the ground.

"Never again," Jayden said as he walked off towards the locker room.

Clief laughed as he put his arm around Jayden and walked along side him.
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Old 01-13-2010, 10:10 AM   #45
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Re: Chapter 1

Jayden wrapped the bandage around Clief's arm.

"Whats with him", said Clief, staring at the man. He stood up, stared at Clief and Jayden with cold eyes and waited by the door, ready for more instructions.

"Attention everyone". A messenger walked in with a giant scroll. "As you were fighting before, we evaluated you the whole time, studying your movements and how you fight". He walked over to a wall nearby the entrance and put the scroll on it and unwrapped it. "This grid will show you who you will fight. You cannot change opponent now as they were chosen to match your skill". The messenger left the room, leaving the scroll on the wall.

Immediately, everyone walked over to it including Clief and Jayden, to see who thier opponents would be.


"Thats good", said a relieved Clief. We have a free round to rest up while the others have to fight".

"Yea but we still have to fight eachother if we win our fights", said Jayden dully.

"Eh, don't worry about", said Clief. "We'll figure it out".

Clief walked back to were they were sitting down and began drinking some water.

I hope your right Clief

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