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Old 07-19-2006, 04:23 AM   #31
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

3.7 Agart and the Entrance to the Underworld

So, where exactly are we supposed to go? Well, if you did the sidequests earlier, you’ll probably remember Agart. (Section 3.0.1) It’s on an island south of Baron with a large mountain. When you get there, go into the center of town and check out the well. An item menu will pop up, Yep, you guessed it, this is the place where we have to use the Magma Key! Select the Magma Key from the item menu and Cecil will drop it into the well. After it falls down the (incredibly deep) well, and earthquake is triggered.

You’ll see a scene where a giant hole opens up on the mountain on the island of Agart. This hole is the entrance to the underworld. In order to enter it, you must fly the airship over it and land on it, and you’ll go through. Be absolutely certain that you’re ready to go, and are all stocked up on supplies with the best armor. Once you enter, you won’t be able to exit for awhile. When you want to proceed, go through the hole and enter the underworld.

When the airship goes through the hole in the mountain and enters the underworld, all goes well, at first. Then, the crew notices the Red Wings, who have somehow made it to the underworld as well. They also notice strange tanks. It turns out that the Enterprise is caught in the crossfire of the Red Wings and the mysterious tanks!

Cid daringly tries to bust through the line of fire, but the airship becomes greatly damaged, and starts falling apart. The airship goes down, and crashes.

Later on, Rosa wakes up Cecil, who fell unconcious. Cecil gets up and asks if everyone is alright. Cid remarks that the airship has suffered extreme damage.

When you gain control again, you’ll find that you’re in another world map, the underworld. Directly west is a castle. With the airship stranded, it looks like this is the only place to go.

3.8 Dwarven Castle (Part One)

No doubt you’ll notice something different about this castle. Hence the name, it’s a castle of dwarves. They seem to have some strange greeting, and are ruled by a king named Giott. Inside the main hall, a girl named Luca remarks at how all her dolls are missing. There’s only one piece of treasure you can get for now (all other places in the castle are currently blocked off.) Go to the left at the main hall, and up to an inn and an item store. The pot in this room contains 5,000 Gil. Before you continue, reserve one spot in the back row, and put Yang in the front row. You may take off all of Cid's equipment. Afterwards, just go straight up to the throne room.

When the party enters, they are welcomed by Giott. Cecil and Giott introduce eachother. Cecil says that they are searching for the Dark Crystals, and Giott says that Golbez’s group has been searching for them as well. Kain asks where the Dark Crystals are, and if they’ve been taken. Giott says that two have been taken, leaving two more left. However, Giott also says that the Dark Crystal in the castle is safe; they forced Golbez’s troops away with their tanks. The group remarks at how the tanks were fighting off the airships earlier. Giott says that these ‘air-ships’ are strange things the people of the surface have made. He asks if the group can aid them with their airship, to which Cid replies that he needs to repair the Enterprise first. He says that he needs to return to the surface and gather mythril to coat the airship so it can withstand the extreme heat of the underworld’s lava.

With that, Cid leaves the party.

Cecil asks Giott where the crystal in the castle is hidden. Giott replies that it’s hidden in the safest place, behind his throne.

Suddenly, Yang senses a presence behind the throne, and says something is spying on them. Giott opens the door behind his throne, that leads to the Crystal chamber. The party rushes in, and is suddenly locked inside. It appears that the presence Yang sensed was the bizarre group of dolls that seem to be alive, and have an annoying laugh. (Well now we know where Luca’s dolls have gone...) They claim to be Golbez’s minions, and attack the party.

BOSS: Cal (3), Brina (3), Calbrina

HP: 1,369
Experience Points: 1,000
Gil: 500

HP: 369
Experience Points: 1,000
Gil: 500

HP: 5,315
Experience Points: 12,000
Gil: 5,000

These ‘Calbrina’ dolls are very irritating. However, they aren’t very tough, so try to exterminate them as quickly as possible. If you don’t finish all of them off in an amount of time, the remaining dolls will merge together to form a more powerful doll: Calbrina. To prevent this from happening, have Rosa cast Berserk on Cecil and Kain (and Yang too, if you want.). As long as there are at least two dolls left, they can merge together (even if it’s two of the same type...), so be quick. However, even if they merge together, be in for a rough fight. The Calbrina doll hits for upwards of 600 damage to a character in the front row. It also has ‘Glance’ which can confuse one of your characters, and casts ‘Hold’ which can paralyze a party member. Rosa should (obviously) be put on healing duty. Thankfully, it’s HP total is rather generous, and if you can keep up the attack it shouldn’t be too long. It is HIGHLY recommended that you take out all the dolls before they can merge together. Although the big Calbrina doll gives a generous Exp. reward, it isn’t worth it, as you’ll see in a moment.

Also, if you take too long destroying the giant Calbrina doll, it separates back into three Cals and Brinas, so it just really isn’t in your best interest to fool around.

After that, the Calbrina aren’t ‘yip-ho-ho’-ing anymore. They warn the group that Golbez knows they’re here, and is going to get them.

And of course, darkness fills the room, and Golbez makes an appearance. He commends the party for making their way to the underworld. Golbez then ‘rewards’ them by telling them what he’ll do when he collects all the crystals.

Golbez plans to collect all the Crystals of Light and Darkness. The Crystals are really keys to reactivating the Tower of Babil, which leads to the moon. Legends say that the moon possesses power beyond comprehension. Golbez says he only needs one more Crystal to achieve his dream. He thanks the party for helping him, and tells them to prepare for his ‘final reward’.

BOSS: Golbez
HP: ?
Experience Points: 15,000
Gil: 11,000

This battle is special because it’s a semi-story battle (you do have to win it), and you get to see a long-lost character again! If you fought the big Calbrina in the previous battle, you’ll probably be worn out for this one. Golbez will start by using ‘Hold Gas’ on your party, to immobilize them, all the while taunting the crew. Then he’ll summon a dragon, Shadow, to help him. Shadow will cast a spell called Demolish that instantly kills off all your party members one by one except Cecil. Just when the dragon moves in to kill Cecil, the Mist Dragon appears and decimates Shadow! Golbez is shocked, and then a voice asks if everyone is okay. Cecil is then cured of his paralysis. In case you didn’t guess it yet, yes, that’s right, Rydia is back! Rydia now joins the fray. However, if you’re really weak from the Calbrina battle, and you only have Cecil and Rydia on your team, don’t expect to win. You won’t be able to keep up with Golbez’s high level spells enough to revive and heal your entire party adequately. This is why it is highly recommended to kill the Calbrina dolls as quickly as possible. Nonetheless, with a healthy team, Golbez won’t take too long. Just use a Life to revive at least Rosa, keep up the healing, and try out Rydia’s new awesome summons.

When you win, you’ll see Golbez’s body lying on the ground. The group asks what happened to Rydia. It seems that Leviathan actually took Rydia to the ‘Land of Summons’ in the underworld. Rydia learned a lot there, and her power as a Summoner has increased (as you can see from her dazzling new Mist Dragon, Titan, Shiva, Ramuh, and Ifrit summons), but she can no longer use White Magic. Since time also flows differently in the Land of Summons, Rydia is much older now. (As you can see.)

The group thanks Rydia for saving their lives, but Rydia tells them they don’t need to. She says the Queen of Summons, Asura, told her that a mysterious force is at work, and they must all confront it together.

Then, the Summoner, Rydia re-joins the party.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 07-19-2006 at 04:37 AM.
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Old 07-22-2006, 06:34 AM   #32
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

3.9 Dwarven Castle (Part Two)

Unfortunately, it isn’t time to celebrate just yet. Golbez says that he cannot perish. (This can’t be good...) Golbez’s hand floats from his body and snags the Crystal, and then disappears.

Yes, this really sucks.

Cecil apologizes to King Giott, who replies that there’s still one Crystal left to protect. Rosa asks where they can find the remaining Crystal. Giott says that it’s hidden in the Sealed Cave to the southwest, where Golbez is currently heading. However, he can’t enter without the key to the cave. Giott requests that the team head for the Tower of Babil to retrieve the other seven Crystals. Of course, it won’t be easy to enter, as Golbez’s forces will heavily fortify the area. Giott says that the dwarve’s tanks will distract the enemy, while the team enters the tower. The crew must act quickly, before Golbez returns from the Sealed Cave. The team agrees to go to the Tower of Babil, and retrieve the Crystals. Giott says that the exit to the Tower of Babil is at the bottom of the castle, and that they may leave whenever they are ready.

Of course, it definitely isn’t time to leave just yet. It’s been awhile since we’ve gone on a treasure hunt, right? Now, you can access the entire castle.

Go to the right door in the main hall. This leads to a weapon and armor shop. You may buy a FlameSpr (Flame Spear) for Kain if you wish, or maybe two Dwarf (Dwarf Axes) for Cecil and Kain. At the armor shop, purchase Rune Armlets for Yang, Rydia, and Rosa, another Wizard Robe and Hat for Rydia, and Flame equipment (provided you have enough money) for Cecil and Kain.

When you’re done shopping, take the right set of stairs in the weapon and armor shop room. This is the east tower. Open the chest at the top of this room for a Dwarf (Dwarf Axe). Head up the stairs below the chest. You’ll be in a room filled with pots. Check one of the pots on the left side for a Bacchus (Bacchus’ Wine), you’ll have to go ‘behind’ the southwest wall to go around and reach it. Now go up to the next floor, which should be the fifth floor. You’ll be surrounded by four enclosures with chests. It’s time to go through some false walls. However, you’ll notice you’ll the stairs will be surrounded by passages with just one line. Rather than entering and exiting multiple times, you can actually go down ‘behind’ the wall, and around to the other doors. Either way, get the treasure.

From the entrance, head left through wall to open a chest with an Ether1 (Ether 1). Go down to reach a chest with an Elixir. Go right to open a chest with a HrGlass2 (Hourglass 2). Finally, go up to reach a chest with a Strength (Strength Gloves). Equip these on one of your melee fighters.

Now go back down to the floor above the weapon and armor shop to the right (The first floor of the east tower). Go south in this room to reach a door, go outside. Now go all the way to the left of this area (on top of the castle) to reach the west tower, and enter it. Go up the stairs. You’ll be in another room filled with pots. One of the pots near the bottom of the room contains another Bacchus (Bacchus’ Wine). Now go up the stiars.

Now you’ll be in another area with four enclosures with chests. However, this one is a bit different (well, other than the Namingway). The walls are completely shut off; you’ll need to go through some false walls in this one. From the entrance, go left through a wall to a chest with a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Two steps left from the stairs, you’ll be inside the wall. Go up through the false wall. Go left, up, right, up, right, up, right, down, and you should be to the right of the upper chest. Go left from there to open it and obtain an Elixir. Now, from that wall to the right of the upper chest, go down. Then go right, and down. You should now be to the right of the right chest; near the Namingway. Open the chest to obtain an Ether1 (Ether 1). Now, from that wall, go down. Then go left, down, and right to reach the bottom chest. It contains a BlkBelt (Black Belt), armor for Yang.

That’s all the treasure for the main part of the castle. Before you continue to the secret passage, you may want to check out another secret room. Go to the weapon and armor shop. In between the two counters (behind a column), you can go up through a false wall. You’ll be in a bar (The ‘Rally-ho Pub’ to be exact). You can talk to the dwarf in the pub for him to do some drunken dance, if you want (I find it boring and it takes too long). The real secret here is another false wall. You should notice the cracked tile on the lower right corner of the room. Go right from that tile through a false wall, and go down the stairs. You’ll now be in the famous ‘Developer’s Room’. In here, you can have conversations with the original 1990 Development Team (Sakaguchi is the Chocobo ). There are also random encounters with some of the developers. You can win these fights, but it’d take a lot of skill and power, and you really don’t win anything anyway. They’re just there for laughs. Go to the up through the door at the right part of the first room to enter the music room; the composer Uematsu is the Namingway look-a-like in this room.

The other funny thing to do here is to go up the stairs. You’ll be in a bedroom. Besides talking to Tokita (the Black Mage look-a-like) for a funny conversation, check the bookcase for a gag item, the ‘Smut’. Using it will give a humorous reaction from Cecil. You can also win it from some of the developers when you fight them.

That’s all for the developer room. On a side note, you can really tell the translation team didn’t put their all in some of the developers’ speech...

Anyway, go back to the Inn. You may want to take a rest here, if you haven’t already. Go down the stairs in the inn and item shop to go down to the first basement. Check the pots on the right side of the room for three Gysahl (Gysahl Greens). The empty space is of course, a Fat Chocobo. Talk to the dwarf on the left side of the room (near the table) to open up the secret passage. Go up through the wall and left to go down to the second basement. Go through the passage until you see a path to the right. Go through the path to three chests, which contain a Cabin in each. Go back to the main passage, and follow it until you reach another set of stairs going up. Go up them to the Dwarven Base. Go to the right side of this room. The upper right corner hosts a recovery pot. The lower right corner is the stairs leading to the underworld’s world map, but this time, you’ll be on the other side of the mountains near the Dwarven Castle. It’s time to head north to the Tower of Babil. This is the end of the third chapter.
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Old 07-24-2006, 05:56 AM   #33
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.0 Tower of Babil

Getting to the Tower of Babil may be confusing. From the exit of the Dwarven Base, go west, then north until you get to a clearing. Further north will be a group of dwarf tanks, and the tower.

When you first enter the tower, climb up the long set of stairs at the entrance and go up until you see a three-way split, with a door to the north. Take the left path to a chest with Ice (Ice Arrows). Keep going down to the lower left corner to a chest with even more Ice (Ice Arrows). Now go back to the split, and take the right path. Follow it to an Ether1 (Ether 1). It’s below an archway which may look like a wall and confuse you; just go under it. After you gather the treasure continue to the north door to the second floor.

Right when you enter the second floor, proceed left to a chest containing a Bandanna. Continue down, and follow the path until you see a door. Inside is a room with a chest, which is a monster-in-a-box with a strange enemy dubbed ‘Alert’. Attacking it causes it to call on security and alert another monster to join the fray. Luckily the Alert monster is pretty weak to physical attacks, so it won’t take much to take it down. You’ll get an IceSpear (Ice Spear, for Kain) for winning. Afterwards, exit the little room. Continue to the right, you’ll notice another door above you, to the right. Go inside for another chest, another monster-in-a-box with an Alarm monster. You’ll get an IceBrand (Ice Brand, for Cecil) for winning. Now exit that room, and continue up to the door to the third floor.

Again, at the entrance of this floor, go left from the entrance for a chest. In this case, it contains a CatClaw (Cat Claw, for Yang). Now head to the right of the entrance. You’ll notice three paths, again. The path leading down reveals a door and a chest (which contains a Life). The door leads to an enclosure on the fourth floor with a two chests. The chest on the left side contains an Archer (Archer’s Bow?). The chest on the right contains a Notus. Now go back to the split to the right of the door from the second floor. Go up this time, and go into the corner for a chest with a Hi-Potion. Then go back up to the top of the room, and go left and follow the path to the door leading to the fourth floor.

When you enter the fourth floor, head left from the entrance to a door leading to yet another small room, which is a Save Point. Rest and save here. Then, exit the Save Point and go north, until you see a bridge going right. Go across it to the other side. You should see another bridge going left above you, a door to your right, and a path leading down to two more doors. Go down to those two doors. The door to the left is another small room with a monster-in-a-box containing an Alert monster. You’ll get an IceShld (Ice Shield) for this one. The right room is an empty room.

Now, go back up to the door to the right of the long bridge you just crossed. It’s another room with an Alert in a treasure chest. IceArmor (Ice Armor) is the prize this time. Now exit this small room, and go left across the upper bridge. At the end is the door to the fifth floor.

When you enter the fifth floor, you’ll notice a chest to the right of you, across a chasm. To reach it, go down from the entrance, then right and up some stairs, it contains a Boreas. Now go back down, and right to continue. You’ll see a big set of stairs leading up in the center of the room; ignore them for now. Continue to the right side of the room. Stairs leading down to the lower-right corner of the room lead to a chest containing a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). The door to the sixth floor is in the upper-right corner.

As you enter the sixth floor, you’ll be in and enclosure. Just go left to the door to the seventh floor; there’s no way to explore the outside part of this floor at the moment.

Whew! Almost there! Once in the seventh floor, you’ll notice another separate area to the left, which you can’t reach by a wall. Same deal as the sixth floor. Just head right from the entrance to a door, inside is a Save Point. Rest and save, you know the drill. Now head back to the entrance to the seventh floor, and head down. Follow the path until you see a chest to your left and another path to your right, leading up. Open the chest for an Ether2 (Ether 2). Then take the path to your right, to the eight floor.

On the eight floor, just follow the path until you see a set of stairs going up. Go up them, and a scene will ensue. A doctor is saying goodbye to a being called Rubicant, who mentions that the nation of Eblan and it’s ninja have been decimated...he tells the doctor to take care of things while he is gone. He then teleports away using a strange device.

Then, the doctor (with his Kefka-esque laugh...) starts prancing around, celebrating now that both his bosses, Golbez and Rubicant are gone. The party listens in on him, and then Rydia makes a wisecrack, revealing the party’s presence. The doctor then realizes the party is there, and is surprised that Cecil made it up the tower. Kain remarks at how the doctor was caught at a bad time, and mocks him. The doctor (revealing himself to be Doctor Lugae) says that although he may not be one of Golbez’s four fiends, he is still the brains behind the operation, and promises to protect the tower. Kain makes another remark, saying he isn’t impressed. Doctor Lugae is fed up, and sics his ‘great creation’ on the crew.

BOSS: Dr. Lugae, Balnab, Balnab-Z (Balnab Zombie?), Lugaborg (Lugae Cyborg)

Dr. Lugae:
HP: 4,936
Experience Points: 5,500
Gil: 2,000

HP: 4,832
Experience Points: 5,500
Gil: 2,500

HP: 4,518
Experience Points: 20
Gil: 2,500

Lugaborg (Lugae Cyborg):
HP: 9,321
Experience Points: 10,101
Gil: 4,000

If there’s one thing we know for sure about Final Fantasy IV, the bosses of giant mechanical towers are very interesting indeed. This is an interesting fight because the fight can change depending on which one you decide to kill first. If you kill Lugae first, Balbab will self-destruct (and outright kill a member of your party). If you kill Balnab first, Lugae will repair him to create ‘Balnab-Z’. But before any of that, Lugae will order his creation to attack at the beginning of the battle, and it’ll humorously attack its creator. Whichever way you want to fight, it isn’t a tough battle. Rydia should summon Ramuh or Titan, Kain should Jump on who you want to focus on, Yang can use ‘Power’ on the target, Rosa should be put on healing duty, and Cecil should just attack. It won’t take long. After you win that battle, Doctor Lugae starts getting serious. He’ll turn into his true form, a strange cyborg, dubbed ‘Lugaborg’. If Balnab self-destructed, revive the person who died in the last battle. Lugaborg’s main attack is a ‘Beam’ attack, which seems to do random damage to the target. He also uses ‘Emission’, a very weak fire-based attack, and ‘Gas’, which puts one of your characters to sleep. Just use the same tactics as the last battle, and Lugaborg should go down with haste. One thing to note, is that Lugaborg will use a ‘Poison’ attack to poison all your characters. Don’t bother with trying to cure all of your party members; surprisingly the doctor will heal your party’s status ailments throughout the battle (can’t really complain, eh?).

After the battle, you’ll receive a ‘TowerKey’ (Tower Key). The doctor tells the party that they are too late. The Tower of Babil connects the underworld and overworld, and Rubicant has taken all the Crystals to the surface. He then exclaims that his cannons will blow the dwarf fleet away, and then promptly explodes (well, that’s what it looks like!). The party then decides that they have to hurry to the cannons, and stop them before the dwarves are hurt.
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Old 07-24-2006, 05:58 AM   #34
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.1 Tower of Babil (Part Two)

So, where are these ‘super cannons’? Remember that long flight of stairs on the fifth floor? With the Tower Key, you can unlock the door at the top that was inaccessible before (and why I said to ignore it). That door leads to the Tower of Babil’s cannons. Go back to it, and before you do anything, it would be a good idea to un-equip Yang. Just saying...

Check the door, and an item menu will pop up. Select the Tower Key, and you’ll unlock the door. Go through it, and the team confronts the monsters arming the cannons. You’ll have to fight three Dark Imps, which don’t really need a big text box to tell you how to kill them. After the imps are defeated, they destroy the cannons controls, and then die. Yang then steps away from the party, saying that he’ll take care of the cannons. The party tries stopping him, but he knocks them all back down the steps. Yang thanks Cecil and everyone, and says to tell his wife that he loves her, and then says goodbye. The cannon room then explodes.

And that’s why you had to de-equip Yang! When you get out of here, it would be a good idea to sell all his stuff; it isn’t like anyone else is going to equip it anytime soon (I know, I’m a heartless fiend ).

Exit the tower; yes, you’ll have to walk all the way down as neither Exit or Warp will have any effect. When you get all the way back to the huge set of stairs on the first floor entrance, you’ll hear Golbez’s voice again! Yeah, he’s a great guy. He says that Cecil never ceases to amaze him, and then destroys the stairs. The team falls (from a great height? This doesn’t make sense to me, no matter how many times I play the game...), and Cid catches the team at the last second with his mythriled-up airship. Cid asks the team where Yang is, and Cecil explains how he sacrificed himself to save the dwarves. Cid also asks who Rydia is, and Cecil explains how she’s a Summoner of Mist. Suddenly, one of the Red Wings catches up to the Enterprise, in hot pursuit. Cid tries getting away, but it seems the Red Wings have been extremely upgraded.

The chase continues across the underworld, until the Enterprise’s engine can take no longer. Cid tells Cecil to take the wheel. Cid then tells Cecil to fly up to the surface, and says that he’ll seal the entrance to the underworld with a bomb. He tells them to go back to Baron and talk to his men. The crew tries telling Cid not to do it, but I think you understand the martyr agenda by now. Cid then leaps off the airship, detonating the bombs he had attached to himself.

The Enterprise then makes it back up to the overworld, as the explosion seals the entrance to the underworld once more. The crew mourns the losses of Yang and Cid, but Cecil pulls the group together, saying they must hurry to Baron.

You now have control of the Enterprise again, and you’re back up in the overworld. Our next destination is Baron.

4.2 Pitstop at Baron

Land back at Baron. It would be a good idea to sell all unecessary equipment (including Yang’s) or make a deposit at the Fat Chocobo ‘bank’. When you’re ready to continue, enter Castle Baron.

Have a chat with some of the soldiers for some interesting info. It seems that people have heard the voice of the late King Baron from below the castle...something we’ll have to check into later. But for now, we have some business to attend to.

From the main hall (where you fought Baigan, the cell with three treasure chests, etc.), take the stairs to the right. Go through the next set of stairs down, until you see a switch in the wall. Check it to open up a door, go up through it, and right through a false wall. Go down to reach six treasure chests. From top to bottom, left to right, they contain: Ether1 (Ether 1), Ether1 (Ether 1), Unihorn (Unicorn Horn), Unihorn (Unicorn Horn), Life, and Life. Now go back to the switch, and continue down.

When you go outside again, you should see two red-haired guys. These are Cid’s students. Talk to one of them for them to start attaching a hook to the Enterprise. They say that Cid ordered them to attach it, so that the airship could carry the Hovercraft (didn’t forget the Hovercraft, did you?). Just fly directly over the Hovercraft and press OKAY to pick it up. Press OKAY again to unload the Hovercraft. You can now go pretty much anywhere, including the Cave of Eblan on the Eblan continent.

Cecil says that there’s something he has to tell them about Cid, but his students interrupt Cecil and say that they know he’s impossible to deal with and to please babysit him for a little longer (hah!).

Well, after that’s taken care of, you’ll be back outside Baron on the Enterprise. Go back to Mt. Hobs (or wherever you last left the Hovercraft), and pick it up with the Enterprise. When you have it loaded up, go back to the Eblan continent. In case you didn’t pick it up from what Dr. Lugae mentioned, the Tower of Babil is actually that huge tower that you see on the Eblan continent. It’s so huge, it extends from the underworld to above the overworld (gotta love Final Fantasy). Unload the Hovercraft, and land on the Eblan continent. If you haven’t gotten all the treasure from the abandoned Eblan Castle, you should be strong enough to do so without problems now. For information on that sidequest, jump to section 3.0.4.

To continue, get into the Hovercraft and go across the shallow rocks by the coast nearby Eblan Castle, and follow them until you reach a previously inaccessible cave. Enter the Cave of Eblan.
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Old 07-25-2006, 08:04 AM   #35
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.3 Eblan Cave

Right from the entrance, head right through a false wall, into the noticeable enclosure. Open the chest inside for a Shuriken. Right below the chest with a Shuriken, go right through another false wall. Open the chest in this enclosure for a Remedy. Go back left through the false wall, back to the first enclosure. Go down the steps and into the water. Go to the lower right corner of the enclosure and go right through a false wall. Follow the path in the water down until you see a set of stairs going up. Go up them, and follow the ledge along the wall until you reach a bridge going left. Go south from that bridge to a chest with a Vampire. Now go across the bridge. Ignore the steps going up; just go across the bridge at the lower part of this platform. Then keep going left until you reach the stairs going down to the next floor.

The second basement appears to be a shelter for the people of Eblan. There are no random encounters on this level. Talk to some of the guards; apparently with their castle destroyed, this hideaway is all that’s left of the proud people of Eblan.

The rightmost door is an inn and item shop. The door next to that is a weapon and armor store. Buy a Black (Black Robe) for Rydia, and an Ice Shield and Ice Armor for Kain or Cecil (whichever isn’t wearing the ice equipment you’ve already obtained). You may also buy a Power (Power Staff) for Rosa, if you wish. The door on the leftmost side of the room is the infirmary, the Namingway is located here, and you can get more information from the NPCs. It seems the Prince of Eblan has left to try and scout the enemy, and avenge his parents. Check the pots at the left and right sides of the infirmary for two Potions; although those are outdated by now.

When you’re ready to continue, head up the stairs at the upper part of the second level. It seems that this cave is also a passage to the upper part (the overworld’s part) of the Tower of Babil. When you first enter the Pass to Babil, immediately open the chest right near the entrance for an Ether1 (Ether 1). You’ll see more chests that are out of reach because of some boulders, but don’t worry about those right now. Instead follow the path on the left side of the room until you come across a guard laying on the ground, and a chest containing a Tent. You’ll see the stairs to the next area; but don’t go through them just yet. Right to the left and one space below the wounded soldier is a gap in the wall. Go down through it, yet another of these fascinating false walls. Then go right, and collect the previously out-of-reach treasure, a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Now continue up the stairs to the next area.

In this area, go up from the entrance until you see another fallen guard. Ignore the upper-left area of this room, and go to the upper right area up the steps to a chest with a Kamikaze. Once again, there is another out-of-reach chest that we’ll get to later. Ignore it, and keep going down until you see a fallen guard and stairs below you, and an enclosure to your right (with a torch). Go right through a false wall, across from the torch, and open up the chest with a Shuriken. Now go down the stairs below you, the fallen guard near them says that the prince went after Rubicant.

You’ll now be back at a section of ‘Pass to Babil’ area you couldn’t reach before. Right when you enter there are three chests. The left chest contains a HiPotion (Hi-Potion), and the right chests contain a Cabin and another HiPotion (Hi-Potion). To the right of the space above the rock one space above the two chests on the right is a false wall. Go right through it, then down, right, down, and right again to reach two enclosed chests. Both chests contain Elixirs. Now from the stairs, keep going down until you reach a fallen guard who warns that when the prince gets mad, you can’t stop him (makes you wonder what kind of guy this prince is anyway...). Go to the right, and then down, until you reach a two-way split. To the left is a chest with a Silk Web. The right leads to three more chests, which from left to right contain: HrGlass2 (Hourglass 2), Life, and Life. From those three chests, continue up until you reach another set of stairs. Go up them.

Now you’ll be back in the section of the second ‘Pass to Babil’ area you couldn’t reach before. Whee. Right near the entrance is a door, a Save Point. It’d be a good idea to rest and save here. Also, the wall right of the space above the rocks on the right side of the room is a false wall. Go right through it, down, and right, to reach a monster-in-a-box. Two Stalemen monsters will attack. With Kain and Cecil’s ice weapons, they won’t last long. You’ll get a BloodSwd (Blood Sword) for winning. When you’ve done everything, exit the Save Point.

After you exit, go to the left part of this area. You’ll see the chest near the torch; you’re now on the other side of those boulders. Go up to a chest with a Soft. Now, go up the path to the left of the door to the Save Point. Follow it, and you’ll encounter the Prince of Eblan, Edward ‘Edge’ Geralding, who’s confronting the fiend of fire, Rubicant. Edge announces that he’ll kill Rubicant, but Rubicant acts nonchalant.

BOSS: Rubicant

Another story battle! Watch as Edge gets his behind handed to him on a silver platter. Edge attacks Rubicant with a Flame technique, but Rubicant shrugs it off. Calling Edge’s technique poor, he responds with a fire attack of his own, ‘Scorch’, and promptly toasts Edge.

Edge falls, and Rubicant says he looks forward to when they’ll meet again (what a gentleman...), and then teleports away. Edge yells at him to come back, but is out of strength, and falls over.

Cecil and company rush over towards him. Cecil asks him if he’s alright. Edge curses over losing, and asks who the crew are and what they’re doing here. Rydia explains that they’re after Rubicant too, but Edge tells them to stay out of it, and that Rubicant is his to defeat. Kain remarks that he obviously doesn’t know who he’s dealing with, the most powerful of the four Elemental Fiends. Edge retorts, saying that he’s the Prince of Eblan, famed for it’s Ninjutsu for generations, and says he can take care of himself. Then, Rydia yells at him to stop it. She mentions Tellah, Yang, and Cid are all gone, and doesn’t want to see any more people die, and starts crying. The crew tries comforting her.

Cecil says that Rubicant is the strongest Elemental Fiend. Although the odds are against them, they must recover the Crystals. Edge decides he’ll join up with them, and that he “can’t bear to see a pretty girl cry”. Rosa then casts Cure on Edge, and heals him.

Edge rejoices over having ‘two babes’ in the party, and exclaims that it’s time to bust in and attack. Rydia feels relunctant over having such an...’emotional’ fellow in the party. The Ninja Prince Edward ‘Edge’ Geraldine now joins the party.

Immediately after all that, examine the wall to your left. You’ll notice part of the shadow is missing, the sign of a false wall. Go left through the shadow-less spot of the wall to your left, through a false wall, and open the chest that you couldn’t reach before. It contains an Ether2 (Ether 2). Now go up through the stairs to the north, and enter the Tower of Babil again, this time from outside the walls.
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Old 07-28-2006, 08:13 AM   #36
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.4 Return to the Tower of Babil

Let’s review our newest party member. Edge is ambidextrous; he can equip a weapon in both hands. He can also use some basic Elemental attacks with ‘Ninjutsu’, and use ‘Throw’ to dart unused weapons at the enemy, for decent damage. You can even buy cheap weapons you don’t use anymore just for the sake of throwing them for some extra damage. There are also certain items that are solely for the purpose of using Throw with them, such as the Shuriken you found in the Eblan Cave. And finally, using ‘Steal’, Edge will attempt to steal an item from an enemy. Usually he’ll miss at lower levels, but you can steal the same item over and over again, and theoretically steal any amount of it that you want. However, without a high Agility stat, Edge won’t succeed very often in his pickpocketing attempts.

From the entrance, keep going up the stairs. You’ll eventually be stopped by a wall that prevents access to inside the tower, but Edge will work some of his Ninjutsu and pull the party right through the wall.

Right after he does that, you’ll have control again. Just in case, you actually can go right through the wall to exit the tower by going up next to it and pressing OKAY. Edge will pull you through again. Anyway, grab the chest up near you for a Unihorn (Unicorn Horn). After that, follow the linear path until you’re near the door to the next level. Ignore it, and go to the right and up for a chest with a HrGlass2 (Hourglass 2). Now go through the door.

On this next area, go right and up from the entrance, and follow the path along the ledge until you see steps below you and another ledge to your left. Go down the long steps to a monster-in-a-box with four Mad Ogres. These are quite tough. Go all out with Rydia’s summons (except Titan), attacks from Cecil, Kain, and Edge, and Rosa healing the party of course. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have Rosa cast Berserk on one of the fighters. For winning, you’ll receive an Ogre (Ogre Axe). It does exceptional damage against Ogre enemies, so those Mad Ogres in this area can be offed in one hit. Now head back up the long steps, and take the left path. Follow it until you reach the door to the next area, and go through it.

On this area, follow the path from the entrance until you reach the next door. Don’t head through it yet. Instead go to the right, to another chest containing a Succubus. Now go through the door.

The next level is the outside section you couldn’t reach before in the tower. From the entrance, head right, and follow the path (notice that enclosure?), picking up the Ashura (a katana for Edge) on the way. Then enter the door to the next level.

On this floor, head right from the entrance. Follow the linear path, ignoring that glowing orb, it’s just for show. On the right side of this floor you’ll see two doors. The left door is a Save Point, resting and saving would be very ideal. Exit the Save Point, and go through the right door to the next floor.

This next floor is just an enclosure. Go through the door on the left to the next floor.

Right when you enter this floor, you’ll see two bridges going down as you enter. Go down the left one; the right one is a dead end. Once you go down, follow the path until you see a bridge going up to a door, which leads to the next area. Ignore it, and keep going left until you see three more bridges going up. Go up the middle one to a chest containing a whopping 82,000 Gil. Now go through the door, or try to...
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Old 07-28-2006, 08:14 AM   #37
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

((Continued from previous post))

You’ll be stopped by Edge’s parents. The King of Eblan calls out Edge’s name, and he is shocked to see them. Edge is surprised that they are alive, and they say that they must go, and want him to come with them. Edge asks where they are going, and they say that they must all go to hell. The party rushes in to help Edge.

BOSS: K. Eblan (King Eblan), Q. Eblan (Queen Eblan)

K. Eblan (King Eblan):
Experience and Gil: 0

Q. Eblan (Queen Eblan):
HP: 60,000
Experience and Gil: 0

It seems that Edge’s parents have both been turned into monsters! Well, somehow...Just keep attacking them, and Edge will try talking to his parents. Their fire-based attacks aren’t anything to worry about, you won’t even need to heal. Eventually, Edge’s parents will snap out of it, and apologize to Edge. They’ll say they are no longer human, and don’t belong in this world. They tell Edge that they must go, and tell him Eblan is in good hands. They encourage him to be good to his people. Telling him they love him, they disappear.

After that, Edge grieves, and the party is silent. However, there isn’t much time for remembrance, as the fiend of fire, Rubicant, teleports into the room. Edge curses at Rubicant, but Rubicant apologizes to Edge for his loss, saying that Dr. Lugae turned his parents into monsters. Rubicant says he only desires to fight fair. Edge gets even angrier, and Rubicant says he admires his spirit. But he warns that anger never bears true strength, and only blinds him. Edge tells him to shut up, and that he’ll show him the power of anger. Then, a message will pop up saying that Edge’s dormant powers have been awakened. Edge will then learn the Ninjutsu ‘Flood’ and ‘Blitz’.

Rubicant says that although it is interesting, nothing can penetrate his cloak of fire, even ice. The party then regroups, and you’ll have control again. You can go back to the Save Point now if you wish, but it isn’t necessary. Talk to Rubicant to continue. He’ll recover your party’s HP and MP (to ‘fight fair’, what a nice guy), and then your party will engage him.

BOSS: Rubicant

HP: 34,000
Experience Points: 18,000
Gil: 7,000

Yet another interesting fight, last of the four fiends aside. When Rubicant’s cloak is up, he absorbs all elemental attacks. (i.e., ice and fire based attacks will heal him, instead of hurt). He’ll also ‘heal’ himself with his own elemental attacks when his cloak is up. Have Kain Jump and have Cecil attack him for very good damage. With the ice weapons, Cecil and Kain should do good chunks of damage regardless. Edge should use Flood when Rubicant’s cloak is down, or simply attack when it is up. I just use him to use Lifes when one of my party members are hit with Scorch, however. Rydia should use Ice 2 when his cloak is down and Bio or Titan when it is up (or you could just use Bio or Titan regardless). Rosa should be healing of course. Rubicant’s two main attacks are Fire 2 to all party members (very, very weak, 50~ 100 damage), a double physical attack (he attacks twice), and Scorch, which is very powerful and can do upwards of 1~2,000 damage to a party member. Luckily, he doesn’t use this all the time. Immediately have Rosa revive and/or heal any party members hit by Scorch. Especially Cecil and Kain as they are your primary damage dealers. Although Rubicant is the last of the four devils, and has the most HP, he isn’t necessarily tough at all. Just keep up the attack, and restore as needed, and it’ll be over pretty quick. Just don’t mess up and accidently heal Rubicant with an elemental attack when his cape is up.

Rubicant is impressed by the crew’s teamwork, praising them for being ‘five working as one’. He warns them that they will still never defeat his master, Golbez. He says farewell to the crew, and bursts into flames. Edge tells his parents that they can now rest in peace.

Just then, men from Eblan come rushing in to the room. Edge is surprised at the Chancellor of Eblan and other soldiers suddenly appearing. It seems they had wanted to assist Edge in fighting Rubicant, but well, it’s a bit too late now. Edge says that Cecil and the crew had helped him out. He then asks them who Golbez is. Kain tells him that he plans to gather all eight of the world’s crystals to somehow reach the moon. Edge asks them why, Kain replies that they don’t know other than that some great power resides there. Edge remarks that he must be the mastermind behind all this, and decides to continue on with the crew. The chancellor says that Eblan needs Edge, but Edge replies that that can wait, and they need to stop Golbez before it’s all too late. The chancellor gives up trying to persuade Edge, and tells the party to take care of him. The men from Eblan wish good fortune for Edge, and then rush out of the tower (makes you wonder how they made it past all the baddies...must be a powerful team, eh? ) Edge is all pumped up to face Golbez, and Rydia says that they still need to rescue the crystals.

What a remarkable idea! Continue up to the door Rubicant was guarding, and go through it. However, as the party tries entering the crystal chamber, they fall through a trap door.

Yay for deus ex machina! Better get used to it!

The party falls all the way down to the underworld floors again. Once you land, the party remarks at what a nasty drop it was. Right when you gain control again, head straight up to a chest with a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Then head down to the door to the next area.

In this next area, just follow the path to another door. Go through it, and then follow the path (that enclosure on the right look familiar? ), and then when you see an open area to your right with some stairs, climb the stairs to a chest with a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Then continue to the lower left corner of the open area, and follow the path to the door to the next floor.

As you enter the next floor, the group is astonished. It seems that this is a dock for an enemy airship. Edge says they should steal it to bust out of here. Rydia exclaims that that would be stealing. Edge says ‘who cares’, and jumps on board. Rosa says that it might be a trap. Edge is impressed with the airship, and decides to dub it ‘Falcon’, and asks Rydia what she thinks, to which she says ‘whatever’. Cecil says they have to get going, and Edge takes the wheel.

The airship, ‘Falcon’ then takes off. You’ll now be cruising around in the underworld. Unfortunately, the Falcon cannot go over the lava that is common in the underworld, restricting you to the one giant land mass where the Dwarf Castle and Tower of Babil are. There’s nothing to do in the Tower of Babil of course, since you’re in the underworld section, so the only place to go is the Dwarf Castle.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:00 AM   #38
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.5 Return to the Dwarf Castle

Enter the castle and go up to the throne room. Cecil will have a conversation with King Giott. Giott will ask if Cecil recovered the crystals, and Cecil will apologize for not being able to retrieve them.

Giott says that Golbez is very persistent, and is trying to open up the Sealed Cave (remember? Where the last crystal is kept). He says it is only a matter of time before Golbez succeeds, and tells the crew that they must get the Crystal before Golbez does. He then calls his daughter, Luca, over to him. Giott then takes Luca’s necklace, which turns out to be the only key to the Sealed Cave. You’ll then have control again, go talk to Giott and he’ll entrust you with the Necklace. The team now has to go to the Sealed Cave to the southwest, and retrieve the final Crystal.

Of course, there is still one problem. The Falcon still can’t go over lava. And the only person in the world skilled enough to upgrade the airship is Cid, who of course sacrificed himself earlier on to aid in the party’s escape.

Well, what if I told you he really isn’t dead? Would that be surprising? Go to the first basement of the castle (where a Fat Chocobo is available, the entrance to the secret passage), and go to the door on the left side of the room. This is the infirmary. And sure enough, Cid is sleeping in the middle bed on the top. As you approach the beds, the team splits up and crowds around Cid. The party is pretty surprised (I mean, he did blow himself up, seriously), and after a humorous reunion, Cid asks Cecil what Golbez is up to. Cecil informs him that only one Crystal is left remaining. Rosa says that they can’t go after the last Crystal, as they left the Enterprise on the surface. Kain says that they took an enemy airship, but it isn’t capable of flying over magma. Cid then says that they’re all hopeless without him, and then hops out of bed, regardless of what the nurses say. He then hopse to sprucing up the Falcon, with the help of Edge and some dwarves.

After the Falcon is upgraded, Cid retires back to bed. He says that they can now fly over anything. Then, Cid falls asleep, exhausted. The crew thanks Cid for all his help, and then you’ll have control again.

With the Falcon fully upgraded, you can now truly ‘take to the skies’ underground. You can now fly over all magma in the underworld. This opens up more places than just the Sealed Cave in the underworld, a few of which are mentioned by the dwarves in the throne room of the Dwarf Castle.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:01 AM   #39
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.6 But Before We Do That, Again...
Much like the first time you got the airship, you are now free to explore before moving on with the plot. There are quite a few places to go to. You can skip these sections and jump to section 4.7 to go through the Sealed Cave.

4.6.1 Tomra

Tomra is the town south of the Dwarf Castle (the cave you pass on the way here is the Sealed Cave, which we’ll get to later). Another town of dwarves, they are separated from the other dwarves in the underworld because of the lava, and are surprised at people from the overworld visiting. They even have a different greeting, ‘lal-ho’ instead of ‘rally-ho’. The equipment here is superb, and worth a buy. You may not have enough money, so if you really want to splurge, Gil-farming is in order. You don’t have to buy all the stuff I tell you to (not the more expensive stuff, anyway), but the extra protection is sure nice.

In the armor shop, buy a Tiara for Rosa or Rydia (whoever isn’t wearing the one you already obtained earlier, or buy two if you don’t have that one), three Golds (Gold Rings) for Rydia, Rosa, and Edge (to replace those outdated Rune Armlets), and two Diamond (Diamond Gauntlets) for Cecil and Kain. You can buy Diamond Shields, Helmets, and Armor for Cecil and Kain, but it’s really expensive and only offers 1 more point of defense than the Ice equipment they already have.

In the weapon shop, buy a Chain (Chain Whip) for Rydia, and another Ashura for Edge, to replace his leftover Kunai. All the other selections are things you should already have found or things you could previously buy, but you can stock up on Mute Arrows for Rosa if you really want.

The item shop contains all the status-ailment curative medicines for sale, so you should stock up on at least 20 of each. Stock up on Lives and Hi-Potions, as well. You can also buy a few Cabins or Tents.

Now, for the greedy scumbag in all of us. The house in the upper left corner of town is a treasure trove. Ironically, one of the dwarves inside will say ‘weapons for sale’. On the left side of the room, from top to bottom, the chests contain: Bomb, ThorRage (Thor’s Rage), and the pot contains a Notus. On the right side of the room, from top to bottom: the pot contains a Bestiary, and the chests contain an Ether2 (Ether 2), and 2,000 Gil.

That’s it for now. Now to our next destination.

3.6.2 Kokkol’s Smithy

Kokkol’s Smithy is tucked away in the southeastern corner of the underworld. Inside you’ll find a smithy named Kokkol (bet you couldn’t have guessed that!), and his assistants. Apparently Kokkol is in a bit of a slump, and hasn’t created any remarkable weapons lately, and just sleeps all the time. What a shame.

Check the pots in the first floor. In no order, you’ll find a Remedy in a pot on the lower part of the room, and a HiPotion (Hi-Potion) in a pot in the upper part of the house.

Take the stairs to the next floor. You’ll find Kokkol sleeping in this room. He says his smithing days are over, and that he could never find the legendary ore, Adamant. I guess that’s rough, but I don’t get upset because I don’t have a million dollars, and sleep all the time, do I? Check the shelf in his room for a SomaDrop (Soma Drop). This increases a character’s maximum MP by 10.

Anyway, keep this place in mind for later, it’s time to move on.

Last edited by Zeromus_X; 08-02-2006 at 05:05 AM.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:03 AM   #40
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

3.6.3 Cave of Summons

The Cave of Summons is located on an island northwest of Tomra and the Sealed Cave. First of all, do not even dare to attempt this cave until Rosa is at level 36 and has learned Float and Wall. Without these, it will be rather pointless to go through this cavern. It would be possible, but very tedious. Like the Eblan Castle, you may not want to do this until a later point in the story when your characters are stronger. But, doing this earlier will prove beneficial in the long run.

As you enter the cave, Rydia will speak, saying that she passed through this cave when she left the Land of Summons. She says they should ask the King of Summons, Leviatan (Leviathan) for help. How wonderful that she’s able to get through this entire cave alone. She must have ran a lot, I’d guess.

Right near the entrance, you’ll see four glowing floor panels. When stepped on, these panels will damage any and all characters in your party that don’t have the Float status. This is why Rosa having Float is such a necessity. Have her cast Float on the entire party on the menu screen (it can multi-target), and re-apply it on every level, as the effect vanishes once you enter a new area. Not only will you be undamaged by the glowing floor panels, but you will be immune to earth elemental attacks, which some of the more powerful monsters in the cave (like Arachnes) are fond of using. Of course, you could always run from every battle if you feel you aren’t up to snuff.

That being said, let’s begin. At the entrance, cast Float on the party of course. Go down, and from the first split, head right to a chest with a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Continue up from that chest to the upper right corner of the room to a chest with a Life. On the left side of the section with the chest containing a Life, go left through a clearly visible false wall (how nice of them to illuminate them within this cave). At the other side is a chest with and Ether1 (Ether 1). The stairs leading to the next level are in the lower left corner of the room.

On the second level, from the entrance, follow the path to the right until you see a path leading up and a path leading to the corner with a chest. Open that chest to obtain a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Now continue up the northern path, until you reach a split with a path leading right and a path leading left. Follow the path leading left to a chest with a Cabin. Then take the right path and go down the stairs to the next area.

In the third area, you should notice that the different sections of this area of the cave are divided by little squares with paths leading to other squares (if that makes sense). From the entrance, go to the square left, down, right, and down from the stairs. Open up the chest to receive a Life. You should see a square to your left with three chests. To enter it, go to the square to the left and down from the stairs. Then from that square, head left through a false wall. Then go down, and right when you are to the left of a square with three treasure chests. They contain, from left to right: a HiPotion (Hi-Potion), a VenomAxe (Venom Axe) for Cecil or Kain, and a Kikuichi for Edge. Then re-enter the false wall to the left of this square. Continue down, then right, then up, and when you see a square with another chest in it on the right side of this area, go left out of the false wall and open it up for a Bestiary. Re-enter the false wall, and continue up until you can’t go up anymore, and can go left outside of it. From that square, go to the square one square up and left of it for a chest that is a monster-in-a-box with five Warriors inside. Two shots of Titan and some normal attacks from your melee fighters should do them in quick. Remember to keep your party refreshed with Rosa’s Cure 3. Afterwards, you’ll receive the Defense (Defense Sword), which is an excellent blade for Cecil which will also increase his defense as well as his offense.

The center of this area hosts a teleportation pad that’ll lead to the Town of Summoned Beasts. It’s time to meet with the King of Summons, Leviathan.
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Old 08-01-2006, 03:03 AM   #41
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

3.6.4 Town of Summons

When you enter the Town of Summons, many of the friendly monsters there will greet Rydia, and welcome her and her friends.

Right from the entrance where you teleported from the Cave of Summons, go left to reach a chest with an Ether1 (Ether 1). Then, from the teleportation pad, go south down the steps and right to reach a chest with 6,000 Gil.

Then, step one space right above that chest, and go straight up. You’ll go through a secret teleporter to a hidden area with some treasure chests, which boast some impressive items. From top to bottom, left to right, the contents of the hidden chests are as follows: Yoichi (Yoichi Bow), Ether2 (Ether 2), Yoichi (Yoichi Arrows), and an Elixir. Now teleport back to near the chest that had 6,000 Gil.

From that chest with 6,000 Gil, head right and up the steps to a chest with 5,000 Gil. Now go back to that chest that had an Ether 1. Up the steps to the left of it is a chest with a Bestiary. Continue right to the teleportation pad to the next area.

However, before you start exploring the area, stop. Immediately go back through the teleportation pad to the previous area, but DON’T MOVE. You’re about to obtain one of the most important items in the entire game. You should be standing directly on the first town area’s pad that leads to the second area. Step down. You should see the chest nearby. Go down and right to open the chest that contains a Rat Tail.

Of course, you’re probably wondering why a Rat’s Tail is one of the most important items in the game. For now, it doesn’t have a use, but it WILL come in handy later. For now, just hold onto it.

Now go to the second area of the town, you should see an item shop above you with an exceedingly hyperactive Chocobo. An inn is inside the item shop, along with goods you can restock on.

In the armor shop, purchase two Aegises (Aegis Shields) for Cecil and Kain, and two Sorcerers (Sorcerer Robes) for Rosa and Rydia. In the weapon shop, purchase a Kotetsu for Edge (one arm should wield the Kikuichi you recently obtained), one Lunar (Lunar Staff) for Rosa, and a FairyRod (Fairy Rod) for Rydia.

The house west of the inn/item shop features a save point, and two chests. The left chest contains a Bestiary, and the right chest contains a Life. Make sure to save your game here! When you want to continue, enter the building with a Chocobo standing in front of it, the house south of the house with a Save Point. This is the the library.

Go down to the basement from the stairs in the corner, and skim through some of the books. You’ll learn more about the history of summons, and that the two moons were apparently once one moon. You’ll learn that a powerful summon, Odin, was only defeated once by being struck by lightning. You’ll learn that somewhere, a God of Summons exists who can only be defeated by relecting his own power towards him. You’ll also learn of a whale from the moon. And finally, one book states that only those that have defeated the Queen of Summons, Asura, may fight the King of Summons, Leviathan.

Continue and step on the teleportation pad in the library’s basement. You’ll be in the throne room. You’ll see a woman and an old man, with some monster assistants. If you talk to the old man, he’ll deny that he’s the king and insist that he’s just some old man. Yeah right. If you talk to the woman, you’ll find out she’s Asura, the Queen of Summons.

Asura and Rydia are happy to finally see eachother again. Asura asks what Rydia has come back for. Rydia says that they need her help. Asura says she would be glad to help, but they must first defeat her in battle and prove their worth, according to their custom. She’ll then ask if you have the strength and courage to challenge her. Answer ‘yes’, and the fight with the Queen of Summons will begin.

BOSS: Asura
HP: 31,005
Experience Points: 20,000
Gil: None

This battle is the sole reason why Wall for Rosa is essential. Immediately have Rosa cast the Wall spell on Asura when she gets a turn. This is because Asura will cast Cure 3, Cure 4, and Life (?) on herself every couple of turns. This would make her nearly impossible to defeat normally. Now, with Wall cast on her, the spells will reflect off of her and recover your own characters instead! You may have Rosa cast Berserk on Edge and Cecil, and have Kain use Jump or put him on item duty. Have Rydia summon Titan nonstop. Have Rosa recover and revive the party as necessary from Asura’s other normal attacks. Eventually, Asura will go down.

After you defeat the Queen of Summons, she’ll allow Rydia to call upon her at will. Rydia will then learn the Summon magic, ‘Asura’. Now go back to the inn and rest, and then go back to the Save Point and save again. Then, return to the royal chamber and talk to the old man.

The old man will say that the crew has great strength to defeat Asura, but that strength is not enough to defeat evil alone. Only with a strong spirit along with strength can a person steer one’s powers towards righteousness. The old man asks if they will test their spirit against his powers. Say yes, and the old man will reveal himself as the King of Summoned Beasts, Leviathan!

BOSS: Leviatan (Leviathan)
HP: 50,0001
Experience Points: 28,000
Gil: 0

Now THIS might be a tough battle. I certainly don’t blame you for leaving to try this at another time, if you so desire. Be in for a rough ride if you want to actually have this powerful beast at your disposal. Leviathan automatically starts the battle with the Big Wave attack which can do a moderate amount of damage to your party as compared to their maximum HP. However, that surprisingly isn’t his most devastating attack. His Ice 2 can do moderate damage to your mages in the back row, and be devastating to Cecil and Kain. Have someone use a Life on anyone that falls. Rosa should be constantly using Cure 3 on the party, but if you have a break, Haste Rydia or Berserk Cecil or Edge. Rydia should keep using Bio, and Edge should use Blitz until his MP runs out, otherwise he should just attack. Cecil should attack. This battle may take awhile, as you can see by Leviathan’s astronomical HP rating.

After you defeat Leviathan, he will entrust his power to Rydia. Now you have the Lord of the Seas, the King of Summoned Beasts, Leviathan, at your side! Rydia now learns the Summon magic, ‘Leviatan’. Go back and rest at the inn, and make sure to grab all the treasure and stock up on supplies if you haven’t already. When you’re ready to leave, use Exit to teleport out of the Land of Summons.
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Old 08-02-2006, 05:03 AM   #42
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

3.6.5 Sylvan Cave

This mysterious cave is the first part of a sidequest which can be continued later in the game. Of course, you can wait until later to do the whole thing at once, but it’s better to get things out of the way earlier. Once again, this is completely optional. The monsters here may be too much for you, but if you already have Float, and have completed the Cave of Summons, it shouldn’t be too tedious.

The Sylvan Cave is located in the northwest corner of the underworld. Like the Cave of Summons, you’ll need to cast Float on every level to avoid being damaged by the glowing floor panels. This cave may also be very confusing; there are many more false walls here that lead to hidden treasure than most other dungeons. The monsters here are also very resilient, although not impossible to defeat, especially if you’ve already completed the Cave of Summons and obtained Asura and Leviathan. One monster to watch out for, however, is a monster called Malboro (Marlboro). Malboros use two attacks; ‘Breath’ which inflicts a variety of negative status effects on a character, and ‘Digest’ which steadily lowers a characters HP. Breath is the more dangerous of the two. Since Remedies are hard to come by, I wouldn’t blame you if you ran from any and all Malboros you encounter (if not all encounters, period).

At the entrance, you’ll notice an enclosure and some chests to your left. Ignore them, you can’t reach them right this second. Instead go right to three chests. The chest on the far right isn’t possible to reach right now, so just open the other two chests. The top chest contains Angel (Angel Arrows), and the bottom chest contains a Bestiary. Now, go down the steps to the next level located down from the entrance.

On the second basement, from the stairs, go right, up, then left to reach another set of stairs leading down. Go down them and follow the path to reach three chests. Once again, there are three chests with one chest blocked away by the others into a wall. Open the upper left chest for a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). The lower chest contains a MaidKiss (Maiden’s Kiss). Now, to reach the blocked off treasure chest, step on the tile one space below the lower chest, then go right through a false wall. Then go up, and left to be in the wall right next to the blocked off chest. Open it up for a FairyRod (Fairy Rod). Now, go back to the stairs to the second floor, but don’t go through them. From the tile one space down of the stairs, step to the right, through a false wall. Then go up, and then right when you’re to the left of a room with a bunch of empty treasure chests. Go up the stairs above you.

Now you’ll be in the right enclosure of the second floor. Go right, and down following the path, picking up the treasure from the four chests along the way. They contain, from left to right, up to down: Remedy, Kamikaze, 2,000 Gil, and 3,000 Gil. Continue down the path. You’ll see many empty chests, along with some chests that are still closed. There’s also a hole in the ground, avoid it for now. Open all the chests which in no particular order contain: Bestiary, Exit, MaidKiss (Maiden’s Kiss), MaidKiss (Maiden’s Kiss), and an Ether1 (Ether 1). Now, this is completely optional. If you wish, you may step into the hole to reach some treasure, but it’s a lot of dangerous monsters-in-a-boxes with many dangerous monsters in them. The treasure you receive probably isn’t worth the danger, so it’s completely up to you whether you want to get it all or not. If you jump down the hole, you’ll be down on the third basement. From the landing point, head straight up and follow the path to the end, and then go left through a false wall. You’ll now be inside that blockade of treasure chests. Step on the teleportation pad and you’ll warp to a different area.

In this new area, you’ll see six treasure chests. The chests contain rather unecessary ‘attack’ items which cast a spell when used and aren’t really that useful. If you want them for some sense of completion, well, here they are. At least you’ll get a good amount of experience points for everyone. However, some chests contain somewhat powerful equipment too, so it isn’t a complet waste. Unfortunately, each and every one of these chests are a monster-in-a-box. The same strategy applies for all of the chests; have Rydia cast Leviathan (or Titan, if you don’t have Leviathan) have Rosa heal the party, have the men attack. For the chests with Malboros, you may have trouble. You’ll have to dish out healing items appropriately for the many status ailments they can inflict, especially if Rydia or Rosa gets hit by Breath. Have Cecil or Rosa use Esuna on anyone afflicted so they can get back on their feet. With that in mind, let’s start the looting. The chest on the upper left hosts six Ghosts, you’ll get an Inferno for winning. The chest on the upper middle contains six more Ghosts, and you’ll get a Blizzard for winning. The upper right chest will surprise you with six more Ghosts, the prize is a LitStorm (Lightning Storm). The lower right chest contains two Malboros and two Dark Trees. You’ll get a FullMoon (Full Moon) for winning, a great boomerang for Edge, although the Kotetsu has the same attack power it does. The lower middle chest houses a whopping four Malboros. Save me Jebus. Leviathan is great here. The prize is an Avenger (Avenger Sword), which will make the wielder act as if Berserk were cast on them in battle. The final, lower right chest is home to two Centipedes (Centipedes). The prize is ten Medusa Arrows, these can turn the target into stone, a nice instant kill.

When you’ve gathered all the treasure (or not), step on the transporter to your right to exit the cave. When you’re ready to continue traversing the cave, go back to that staircase from the first floor on the second floor.

From the stairs leading from the first floor, not very far down are a set of stairs leading up. Go up them to go back up to the first floor, in a different area. When you enter this area, right to the right of you is a Save Point, a good place to rest and save. Afterwards, go up from the Save Point. Then go into the upper right corner of this enclosure (basically eight steps up from the Save Point and five steps to the right). Then go right through a false wall. Then go up, right, and up all the way, then left to be inside the wall to the right of that first closed off treasure chest. Open it for an ElvenBow (Elven Bow). Now, from the stairs you came up from the second basement, go left this time. You’ll see stairs leading back down to the second basement, but don’t go down them yet. Instead go left and up from them, and open two chests which from left to right contain a Cabin and 1,000 Gil. Now go down this next set of stairs.

You’ll now be back in a different area of the second basement. Follow the path from the stairs up until you reach another set of stairs leading back up to another area in the first floor. Go up it, and follow the path to reach that enclosure on the first floor you couldn’t reach before. Open all the chests, which contain from left to right, bottom to top: Fire (Fire Arrows), Ice (Ice Arrows), Bolt (Bolt Arrows), Ether1 (Ether 1), and a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Now go back down the stairs to the enclosure of the second basement. Continue up the path until you see a set of stairs going down to the third basement, but do not continue down them. Instead walk through the wall to the right of them, a false wall. Then go down, right, up, and then go left when you’re to the right of the enclosure with a chest. It’s a monster-in-a-box with six Tiny Toads and a Toad Lady. Naturally, they’ll cast Toad on your party members. Quickly de-toad Rydia with a Maiden’s Kiss or Esuna if she’s been transformed so she can unleash Leviathan or Titan on the enemy. You can also kill off the frogs with one of Ninja’s Ninja magics, and then kill off the Toad Lady with normal attacks. For whatever reason, she’ll cast Toad on anything, even herself...You’ll get a MageMash (Mage Masher) for winning. It’s a dagger that has a chance of inflicting ‘Mute’ status on the target. After all that, go back out of the false wall and go down the stairs to the third basement.

From the stairs leading from the second basement, go down, left, and up to the corner for a chest with an Elixir. Then go down and follow the path until you reach a strange house (yes, a freaking house). Enter the house, and you’ll find some fairies, ‘Sylphs’, which are the residents of this cave. They are very surprised at humans being in their cave, and tell you to go away. Or course, we aren’t leaving just yet. Check the two chests on the right side of the house for a HellClaw (Hell Claw) and a CatClaw (Cat Claw), two weapons that are for Yang that have no use now and you should just sell them when you get out of here.

Go to the left side of this room, and you’ll meet yet another familiar face lying in bed. It’s Yang! Surprisingly (...), Yang survived the explosion of the super cannons and actually flew all the way over to this cave, where the Sylphs found him and have been taking care of him for some time. Unfortunately, Yang hasn’t waken up yet. The Sylphs refuse to give back Yang, so that’s all there is to do here for now. Just make sure you’ve talked to Yang and the Sylphs. Go up the stairs in the middle of the room, and on the second floor, step up onto the pedestal to exit the cave.
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Old 08-03-2006, 04:23 AM   #43
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.7 Sealed Cave

Whether you decided to do the side quests or not, you’ll need to get moving with the story eventually. It’s time to go to the Sealed Cave. The Sealed Cave is located just northwest of Tomra. When you enter the cave, inspect the door in the first room. An item list will pop up, use the ‘Necklace’ that belonged to Luca to open the door. Then step through it to the next area.

From the entrance of the first basement, go right, then down across the rope (wire?). Go down until you see a door leading into a mini-chamber, but DON’T OPEN IT YET! There’s something you need to know about the doors in this dungeon. Every single door in this dungeon is really a monster in disguise, a ‘TrapDoor” (Trap Door). They have 5,000 HP each, and constantly use an attack called ‘Dmension’ (Dimension) to immediately kill one of your party members, one by one. Luckily, it’ll use up one turn between attacks to use Scan on the character it’ll attack next. That way, you’ll know who it’ll attack first and can plan accordingly. Have the men attack, and Rydia use Titan or Leviathan (Leviathan can kill it in one casting). They don’t take too much to defeat, but if you don’t do enough damage in time, a monster will come out of it to replace it, and you’ll have to fight it.

It should be noted that not all the doors here lead to treasure or anything noteworthy, however, the Trap Doors give out excellent experience points.

Open this first door, and kill the Trap Door. Go inside the miniature chamber and open two chests. The left chest contains a Kotetsu, and the right chest contains an Ether1 (Ether 1). Then exit the chamber. Now a bit below and to the left of the chamber is a chest. Open it up for a Bestiary. Now go to the left of that miniature chamber, and keep going left until another rope going up is above you. Go across it, and you should see another door on the other side. Open it, fight the Trap Door, and go through to the next area.

At the entrance of this new chamber, go up until you see a chest to your left. It contains a HiPotion (Hi-Potion). Now, above you, are two doors. Both doors lead to empty rooms, so only go through them if you want the experience points. The chest on the right side of the room contains and Ether1 (Ether 1). The stairs to the second basement are in the lower right corner of the room.

From the entrance of the second basement, go straight down across another rope. Then, when you reach the other side, go right for a treasure chest with a StarVeil (Star Veil). This item can be used in battle to cast Wall on the user. Save these!! Don’t use these ever, unless I explicitly say so! They will be extremely useful for a tough battle in the future.

After that, go back up across the rope, and then go right across a bridge. Open up the chest right on the other side for a Life. Then go up, along the ledge. At the top of this area, you’ll see six doors. Yes, six doors. That’s a lot. From right to left, the first door leads to an empty room; the second door leads to chest with a Light (Light Sword) for Cecil; the third door leads to two chests containing a Fuma (Fuma Shuriken), Elixir, and a third chest with another StarVeil (Star Veil, hang on to it!); the fourth door leads to an empty room, the fifth door leads to a Save Point (rest here and save, please); and the sixth door leads to two chests, which contain another Kotetsu and a Ninja (Ninja...Mask? Well, it’s a headgear) for Edge.

Whew! Now, after all that, go to the left side of this area. You should see another ledge that goes down. Follow it all the way down, until you see another door. This door leads to the next area to continue.

In this new chamber, keep going up from the entrance until you reach a chest. Open it up for an Ether1 (Ether 1). Then go left, and down, to the lower left corner of the chamber to the stairs to the next chamber.

On this floor, open up the two chests near the entrance for a HiPotion (Hi-Potion) and a Life. The door on the left side of the room leads to an empty room. The entrance to the third basement is hidden on the very bottom of this room; it’s rather difficult to see. It’s one step two steps below the giant stone column in the lower part of the room.

At the entrance to the third basement, cross the bridge down from it to a new platform. At the center of this platform is a rope leading down to another platform, but don’t go down it yet. Grab the MuteBell (Mute Bell) out of the chest on the right side of this platform. The door leads to an empty mini-chamber. When you’ve grabbed the treasure, climb down the rope. When you reach the platform below, head to the right, to a door leading to another chamber, it hosts many boxes and chests. The two chests contain an Ether2 (Ether 2) and a X-Potion. The boxes contain nothing, unfortunately. Now, from the point where the rope is, head to the left, and go up. You’ll reach the stairs leading down to a Save Point. For all that is good and holy, rest and save your game here, if you haven’t already. Head down to entrance to the fourth basement.

As you enter the fourth basement, you’ll notice two ropes to your left and to your right. They don’t lead anywhere, so just ignore them. Just go around the ledges on the left or right side and go around to the stairs in the center of the chamber down to the fifth basement.

In the fifth basement, just go up across the bridge, and open the door to fight the final Trap Door. Go through it and you’ll finally reach the Crystal Room. Go up to the Crystal and check it to obtain it. You’ll receive the Dark (Dark Crystal). Before you leave the room, refill Rydia and Rosa’s MP. Now exit the Crystal Room, and attempt to leave by going down across the bridge.

To the party’s surprise, the walls suddenly start closing in! Snagging the Crystal must’ve triggered this trap. Looks like the crew will have to fight the walls to survive!

BOSS: EvilWall (Evil...Wall)
HP: 28,000
Experience Points: 23,000
Gil: 8,000

This is truly a battle against time! If the Evil Wall gets close enough to the party, it’ll just use it’s instant death attack, ‘Crush’ on one character at a time. The goal is to obviously kill it before it can do this. Rydia should cast Bio first, and then spam Leviathan or Titan. If you don’t have Leviathan, just have her spam Bio. The men should use Bacchus’ Wine on themselves to cast Berserk on themselves, and Rosa should cast Haste to speed up the damage. You’d be surprised how much damage Berserk and Hasted fighters can do! Since the Evil Wall doesn’t do much damage with his normal attack, Rosa shouldn’t need to heal. This fight is a source of frustration for numerous people, don’t lose hope if you lose multiple times. Just keep trying, using this strategy, although he isn’t too hard if you do it correctly.

After that, you’ll have to walk all the way out of the cave, as Exit and Warp aren’t effective here (unfortunately...). Luckily, the trek out of the cavern isn’t as long as the journey in. When you get to the room before the first room (the entrance), DE-EQUIP KAIN. Yes, Kain is leaving the party. Can you guess why?

Well, Golbez is why. Right when you try to exit the cave, Golbez’s voice commands Kain to give him the Crystal. Kain resists at first, but he’s a dumbass and eventually just flips out again. Kain then seizes the Dark Crystal from Cecil. Golbez, talking through Kain, announces that with all the Crystals, the way to the moon will finally open, and he can activate the Giant of Babil. Kain then leaves, and the party is left Crystal-less, again.

Yeah, what the hell.

Well, with the crew in a very, very, very bad position, there’s nothing else to do but give the bad news to King Giott. Head back to the Dwarf Castle.
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Old 08-04-2006, 04:00 AM   #44
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

4.8 Dwarf Castle

Fly back to the Dwarf Castle, and enter the throne room. Giott greets the party, and asks to see the Crystal. Cecil then tries telling him what happened, but Giott catches on. He says that if they have all the Crystals, there is nothing they can do, unless the ‘Lunar Whale’ legend comes true. Cecil inquires as to what this Lunar Whale is. Giott says it is a huge ship spoken of in legend, and recites the first line of a familiar prophecy. Cecil is surprised at this, and exclaims that it’s the Mysidian legend. Giott asks if he knows of Mysidia, and Cecil replies that it’s the home of mages in the overworld. Giott is excited that Mysidia really exists, and Cecil says that he’s met the elder of Mysidia, who’s now tirelessly praying in the Tower of Worship.

Giott says that he must be praying for the Lunar Whale legend to come true. He says that they must hurry to Mysidia. Rosa remarks that the portal connecting the overworld and underworld is sealed, and they can’t use the Tower of Babil either. Then, a voice replies that they should dig their way out.

Cid enters the room! Cid says that he’ll attach a drill to the Falcon’s bow, so they can drill through the rocks (nevermind how this doesn’t really make any sense). The party is concerned for Cid’s health, asking him if he should be in bed, but Cid says that they shouldn’t worry. Edge asks if he can really do it, but Cid says it’s a piece of cake.

Cid, the dwarves, and even Edge help out with the work. Cid, however, collapses from overworking himself, again. Cid rests in bed in the infirmary, and the party thanks him for all the help he’s done. Now, with a drill attached to the Falcon, the crew can finally get out of the underworld, and open up the portal between the two worlds.

Go outside, and get in the Falcon. Then, fly to the portal between the overworld and the underworld, the large hole in the northeast corner of the underworld.

With the drill attached to the Falcon, the massive hole on the mountain near Agart is now open again. Travel between the two worlds is possible again! Now, it’s time to go to Mysidia and meet up with the elder.

4.9 Mysidia

Right when you enter the town, the Elder and his assistants will have anticipated your arrival and ask you to follow them to the Tower of Worship.

The Mysidian Legend is recited, again:

“One born of a dragon,
bearing darkness and light,
shall rise to the heavens
over the still land.

Bathing the moon in eternal
light, he brings a promise
to Mother Earth with bounty
and grace.”

The elder of Mysidia and his mages all pray for the legend to come true. Suddenly, the screen starts flashing psychedelically! A whirlpool appears from inside the ‘mouth’ of the serpent that is the Mysidian continent. The elder is overwhelmed and tells everyone to look, that their prayers have been answered.

A giant ship rises from the whirlpool, and sure enough, it too is flashing psychedelically.

The elder says that there is no doubt, the glorious ship, the Lunar Whale, has arisen!

The elder tells Cecil that a strange voice addressed him in their prayers. It said to “come hither to the moon”. Someone must await Cecil and the gang on the moon! However, Cecil asks how it’s possible for them to go to the moon. The elder replies that the Lunar Whale came from the moon. An old Mysidian record reveals that the Crystal inside the ship controls navigation between the earth and the moon. The flight panel on board the ship controls how you use the Lunar Whale as you would a normal airship.

Cecil says that he’ll see what he can do. It looks like it’s time to go to the moon! The final chapter, chapter five, is upon us!
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Old 08-04-2006, 04:00 AM   #45
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

5.0 Wait A Minute! Don’t Go To the Moon Just Yet!

I know you might be anxious, but let’s not be hasty. We have a few very important things to do before we venture to the moon! If you haven’t done the Land of Summons and Sylvan Cave side-quests, do those now, before stepping foot on the moon. (Sections 4.6.3, 4.6.4, and 4.65.) After you’ve done those, move on and do these very important side-quests. It should be noted that the Lunar Whale isn’t capable of going through the portal between the underworld and overworld, you’ll have to use the Falcon or Enterprise for that.

5.0.1 Fabul

This is the second part of the side quest that you should’ve started with the Sylvan Cave (section 4.6.5). After you do that, continue it with this.

After discovering Yang in the Sylvan Cave, go back to Fabul, and talk to his wife in the west tower. She’ll be surprised that her husband is in the underworld, and get upset at him, for making everyone think he was dead (or it was the onions ). She’ll give you a key item, ‘Pan’, to ‘smack that no-good in the head’ as she puts it. Then, leave Fabul, and go back to the underworld.

5.0.2 Sylvan Cave

When you re-enter the underworld, go back to the Sylvan Cave. It shouldn’t be too long now that you don’t have to get all the treasure. Enter the Sylph’s house, and talk to Yang. Then, an item menu will pop up. Select the Pan from the menu, and you’ll smack Yang over the head with it. The Sylphs will tell you to stop, but Yang will finally wake up. He says that he wants to sleep a little longer before his training.

The party is overjoyed that Yang is alright, and Yang says that they Sylphs saved his life. Rosa says just as he saved the party by destroying the cannons. Yang says he’ll join the party again, but the Sylphs insist that he rest. Yang says he cannot rest while the rest of them risk their lives. The Sylphs then say that they’ll fight in Yang’s place. Yang is confused, but the Sylphs say that they’ll allow Rydia to call upon them in battle any time. Rydia will then learn the Summon magic, ‘Sylph’.

With that, Yang rests again. Now exit the Sylvan Cave, and go back to the overworld, and then return to Fabul.

5.0.3 Fabul

After you whack Yang with the pan, and receive the Sylph summon, speak with Yang’s wife again in Fabul. An item menu will pop up. Select the Pan to return Yang’s wife’s frying pan. She’ll thank you, and say that this item might come in handy. She’ll then give you the ‘Knife’, and say to tell Yang not to worry about her.

So, what does this knife do, you ask? In battle, have Edge throw it to do a whopping guaranteed 9,999 damage (the highest it can go!). Due to this item’s extreme usefulness, save it for a rainy day. In fact, you may not want to use it until I tell you to.

Well, that’s it for the Sylvan Cave side-quest. Time to finish up some other stuff.
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