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The Story of Palis A continuing story of worlds trapped in war, where their only hope are Heroes from other worlds.

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Old 04-26-2005, 10:39 AM   #31
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Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, The Battlefield

Magus parried another blow and cut down his sixteenth demon. He was aware that the demons had suddenly grown fearful, because their commander had been cut down.

A few demons later, he leaned against the wall, relaxing. Another demon came up behind him, catching him unaware. He was knocked to the ground, and the demon raised its weapon high...

The monster's torso fell to the ground, the legs following it soon after. Magus gripped the gloved hand that was extended to him and got pulled up. "Lower thy guard and thou'rt allowing thy enemy in."

Magus blinked. "Frog? That you?"

The green-haired man cracked a smile. "'Tis me, Glenn. How hast thou come to this place?"

"Looking for Schala - she was teleported here according to Gaspar. What about you?"

"I hath served Guardia in human form for a year. I'd gone to the mountain to meditate whence I saw a portal." He shifted uncomfortably. "I had the notion 'twas a Gate, but whence I saw 'twas impossible to return, and I hath seen a battle with unholy wretches..."

"You just had to help. Well, it's good to have you here, Froggy boy. You can meet my friends, they'll like you here. Battle's not over yet... c'mon, let's kick some demon ass."

Glenn jumped at his opponent, sword extended for a leaping slash. The demon was split straight down the middle.

Magus whistled. "Still got it, I'll admit that. How are Masa and Mune anyway?"

Glenn chuckled. "They refuse to speak, for they art not required to. Now, Magus, willst thou offer thy assistance?"

Magus twirled his scythe. "Let's do it, Croaker."

"GRRIBBIT!" shouted Glenn in agreement. Magus turned his head slightly. Glenn blushed. "'Tis a habit I've not yet broken."

Magus laughed. "Well, let's head over to where that giant demon corpse is while we take 'em down. You ready?"

"As thou wouldst say, 'Let's kick some demon ass.'"

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Center Of The Battlefield

Belial nodded. "Here comes Magus now. Looks like he's got a friend, too."

Magus and Glenn chopped through several demons to reach the two demons and Nichi. Magus took a deep breath. "Guys, this is my friend Glenn. He's... he came from Earth, just like me. He might talk a little funny, and sometimes croak like a frog, but he's pretty damn strong."

Nichi looked over the newcomer. "I'm Nichi. Glad to meet someone who might make Magus open up to us."

Belial smiled. "I may be a demon, but that doesn't mean I'm against you guys. Nam'e Belial. And this one over here is Osirus - don't think you've met him either, Magus."

Glenn bowed. "'Tis a pleasure to become acquainted with each of thee."

Magus looked around. "What happened to Titania? Last I saw her, she was taking out demons like nobody's business."

"She got herself captured so she could save Malice. So... Glenn, is it? What won't Magus here tell us? Why is he always so wrapped up in himself?"

Magus shook his head. "Later. I swear on Ishia's grave that I will tell you guys later tonight. Let's finish this battle and save our friends, eh?"

Nichi smiled. "I'll hold you to that word, Magus, but you're right. The war comes before storytime."
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Commander Of The Platinum Dragons

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Last edited by FFnut; 04-26-2005 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 04-27-2005, 04:37 PM   #32
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Osirus walked over to the various parts of Nidogg that scattered the ground. He ripped off the armor, taking a small amulet that was underneath.

Belial stood solemly as Osirus ground it to dust, and scattered it over his head. "And thus, another betrayer dies." Belial sighed.

Osirus turned to Belial. "When will you grind my symbol, Belial? For my crimes against the council?"

Belial shrugged. He paced over to the group. "This war needs to be taken somewhere else." He suggested.

Nichi nodded. "Go attack their camp?"

"No." Belial shook his head. "The entire battle. Our collateral damage is high here. We must find some way to draw them off the castle."

"Well, we know they hate you all." Osirus pointed into the distance. "Perhaps they know taking us down will shatter the army's moral."

Both demons sat down cross legged at the same time. Malice's eyes caught it, if only momentairily, that they'd fallen into an old pattern.
The Via Hyron, Road of the Hive, dictates that you shall protect your loved ones, fight to preserve your way of life from outside threats, and never forget you follow the road. This road is, by far, one of the most honorable roads known to the vampire clans, short of Galconda only. The Via Hyron is only practiced by one clan, the second clan of Ashur-called-Cappadocius, namely, the Baali, the original infernalist clan...
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Old 05-02-2005, 07:20 PM   #33
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Far from the deliberating demons, far from the walls of Gracia, far from the endless lines of enemy soldiers, and far from the remnants of the fallen Nidogg, the wind warrior still sat, slumped against a tree, his mind still consumed in a hazy confusion.

“It will make you stronger.” Titania explained, though she was sure that he already knew.

Shifting his head to try and regain his focus, Malice stood, shakily, having been sitting for so long that he was momentarily unused to his legs. Seeing this, Titania’s cheekiness evaporated, and she tenderly tried to assist her friend.

“We’re not going to get out of here without a fight.” Malice said, once he was steadied.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear you were happy about that.” Titania muttered, only to receive a grin in reply.

By now, the commotion had caused a reaction that had spread through the camp like ripples in a pond. Coming to the aid of their fallen comrades, nearly the whole battalion of demon soldiers surrounded the two former captives and prepared for what they thought would be an easy battle.

Drawing his daggers, Malice looked to Titania, his figure still glowing with the magic aura.

“Alright, ready?” he asked, and she nodded.

A mischievous grin on his face, Malice looked at the surrounding army and began to count down to the attack “3… 2…”


“…so what are we going to do…?” Nichi asked the two demons, though he wasn’t too pleased with having to do so.

“Shhh!” Belial snapped at him before resuming his council.

Taking advantage of the uncharacteristic lapse in the battle, Nichi turned to Magus “I guess we’d better start by getting that gate repaired and fortified so no more of those things can bust in.”

“What the hell were they, anyways?” Magus asked.

“…I think that they were summoned, which means that calling so few of them was only an experiment.”

“A successful experiment.” Magus added, eyeing the areas that the juggernauts had broken through.

“…what we need is to buy some time and then figure out a way to block their portals.” Nichi mused out loud.

As if he had heard nothing that his comrade had said, Magus cleaned his scythe with the purple fabric of his cape, and then slowly began to walk away, the mud pulling at his large strides.

“Wait- where are you going?!” Nichi exclaimed.

“Keep thinking! I’ve got some things I have to do!” Magus shouted back.

Nichi watched as the tall man disappeared up the ramparts, and then he turned his gaze to look at the two demons on the ground.

“Uh…you two done?”

There was no answer.

Sighing, Nichi moved toward the wreckage left by the fallen Nidogg. Carefully picking through the armoured debris, the warrior searched for anything that might have held interest.

“Alright.” Belial said, standing and adjusting his black chapeau “We’ve come to a resolution.”

“And what’s that?” Nichi asked, his voice dripping with annoyance.

“We need is to buy some time and then figure out a way to block their portals.”

“Why does that sound familiar?”

Belial disregarded the inquiry “Legend has it that there’s a stone that can be used to temporarily block demon portals.”

“What do you mean by ‘temporarily’”

“Who knows? Maybe ten minutes. Maybe ten years. The point is that it’s some kind of a hope.”

“…where can we find this stone?”

Belial grinned; his smile made Nichi shiver.

“In a forest locked by mountains and ocean. I’ve passed by there before, and I’ve seen a cavern in the southern part of the ridges. If I’m right, then that should lead to the internal forest…”


Meanwhile, atop the ramparts, Magus wandered aimlessly, his safety somewhat ensured by the retreating action of the current line of demons.

Finding a spot to himself, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the glass ball that Nichi had given him. For a while he stared at the object, as if expecting something miraculous to happen. When the ball lay still and produced no image, he sighed and returned it to his pocket.

The news of his sister’s death still hanging over his head like a noose, Magus wandered hopelessly back to the group.

Last edited by Zerlina; 05-11-2005 at 04:31 PM.
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Old 05-02-2005, 08:09 PM   #34
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Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Walls

Magus stood atop the walls. He held up the little glass ball and swore loudly.

Glenn eyed him. "'Tis something wrong? You hath not been so downhearted since..."

Magus tossed the glass ball in the air. Quickly drawing his scythe, he prepared to cleave it in two, only to have Glenn's hand grip the blade.

The ball fell quietly into Glenn's other hand. "Whom didst thou search for with this artifact?"

Magus grunted. "Schala. She's not showing up. She's not even there anymore."

Glenn raised an eyebrow. "What wouldst thou mean?"

"Lavos Spawn."

Glenn gasped audibly. "Art thee certain?"

"Yes. This giant shapeshifting Lavos Spawn told me that she was dead while I was fighting it. It hurt me pretty badly, too. I killed a lot of people fighting that thing, ally and enemy."

Glenn nodded sadly. "Thou art certain that there is none other that thou wishes to scry?"

Magus took the little ball back. "Hm... maybe..."

He set the ball on the ground and sat cross-legged in front of it. He looked deep inside. "Malice," he whispered.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Through The Crystal

Malice sliced through a few demons. He summoned wind around his two blades, allowing for extra damage.

("What is that?" asked Glenn.

Magus laughed. "He's casting magic on his weapons to try and deal extra damage. You should try it one day when you're fighting.")

Malice called across the battlefield, "Titania, you handling them okay?"

A few more demons turned to ash as Titania slapped them with her fans. "I'm fine, we have to get out of here soon, though, before they summon more."

("And that is?" asked Glenn.

"Titania. She's an off-worlder like us." Magus whispered.

"Like us? She, too, is an Earthim?"

"Well, she's not from Earth, I don't think, but as to exactly where...")

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Walls

The image faded. Glenn stood up and brushed off the Masamune. He held the greatsword into the sky, then looked at Magus. "Now, Sir Magus? Where to?"

Magus kept gazing at the ball. "I wonder... maybe... Kain!"

The ball refused to activate.

Magus stood up. "Dammit. I don't even get to see the face of the demon that killed her." He looked out over the walls and saw the other guys preparing to leave. He leaped over the wall, Glenn behind him.

Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Outside Gracia Gates

They landed softly behind Nichi and the demons. "Going somewhere?"

Nichi turned. "Oh, Magus. We're off to find some stone that can seal up the portals. Are you coming?"

Magus shook his head. "No thanks. Me and Glenn here can take care of Gracia while you guys are gone." He paused, thinking. "Did Aikia say okay to it?"

Nich groaned. "Aikia. Crap. I knew I forgot to get approval."

Glenn chuckled. "Thou may not receive thy wish, the war doth continue."

Nichi nodded. "Yeah. Crud. Look, we'll talk to Aikia. It may take a while, but we should be able to go if we convince her that you guys are good enough to hold down the fort."

Magus nodded. "Alright then."

Then Glenn heard two little voices whispering in his head.

Oooh! Glenn's in charge of another army now! giggled one.

Funfunfunfunfun! We get to fight a lot more now, brother! said the other one too happily.

Quiet! Glenn's voice cut through their little conversation. Masa! Mune! Get out of my head and back in your sword! Now!

Fine. You don't have to be so mean about it, Glenn, said Masa. The two voices faded from Glenn's head.

Belial cast an eye over Nichi. The demon grinned. "You're whipped."

"There's a difference between being whipped because she's a woman and being whipped because she's a demon that possessed my body at one time," Nichi shot back. "You've got no idea how strong she is."

Belial nodded. "You're right, actually. Better to delay our trip than have her mad at us for leaving. She'll make us all into little scorch marks."

Osirus snorted, "Nobody can be that powerful."

Magus just looked at him. "You'd be surprised."
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Commander Of The Platinum Dragons

Official Ex-Member

Last edited by FFnut; 05-03-2005 at 05:47 PM. Reason: Fixing up the stuff that is needed to be fixed...
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Old 05-17-2005, 11:45 PM   #35
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Nichi looked for Aikia finally finding her. They explained what they needed to do and were given permission to do so. Nichi was pale and weakened by the battle. He had no idea if he could last long enough to even retrieve a small stone. His joints screamed at him with every step he took. ‘The armor is going to kill me before this war is even over.’ Nichi knew the consequences of putting on the armor but he didn’t expect them to come in form so fast.

Belial and Osirus were talking outside of the room were Aikia was currently. They talked on as they followed Nichi down the hall towards their destination. Nichi looked up at the sky as his vision went dark, then blank. He could feel the life leave him as he turned to stone right there in the middle of the road. ‘I’m sorry guys; it seems I won’t be here to help save everyone.’ A vision of all his friends flashed, then of Ishia. “Goodbye everyone.” He managed to whisper out.

Belial looked at Nichi as though he was an idiot. “What do you mean goodbye? Get the hell out of the way and keep moving.”

Osirus looked Nichi in the eyes. “He isn’t going to move, he’s dead.”

Belial looked him over. “This isn’t good.”

Magus and Glenn came over and stared at the statue remains of Nichi. “This is really bad.” Magus said gripping tightly.

The wind blew and Malice could also hear the departure of Nichi’s life. He gasped in horror.

Titania looked at Malice in wonder of what may have just happened. “What is it?”

Malice managed to say “Nichi, he’s dead.” With no chance to morn Malice kept on fighting, as did Titania.


Meanwhile far away from any battles, Brain just woke up.

“It’s time for School Son!” Brains mom yelled up the stairs.

Brain got up and put on his school uniform. He hated school except for his martial arts classes. He took five of them now for the past 8 years. He was the best on the school’s team. He picked up his books and his CD player and headed for the door to get on the way to school. His parents said their good mornings as he grabbed lunch and took off. He lived on a military base in Japan and had gone to school in Japan most his life. He was trained well for special operations as well as just normal class stuff.

He took his bike to school and things were going just normal and fine until he fell into blackness.

An hour later he woke up on the edge of the city of Gracia.

Brain stood up and looked around. It was obvious that he wasn’t in Japan anymore. Listening to the surroundings he could tell he wasn’t in friendly territory. He quickly changed out of his School uniform and into his Fighting Gi. He removed everything he didn’t need from his backpack and started towards the commotion. A zombie came out of the corner of his sight; he beat the tar out of it with his fists.

Brain began to smile; this is going to prove to be fun. He kept on beating the creatures that came at him until he reached the center of the town, there stood a great coliseum. He went in and started to look around. Not too many people around he thought.
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 05-23-2005, 07:33 PM   #36
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Titania stopped fighting as the words rang out in her head. For a moment, the air fell, and beneath them, the world seemed to grow still, as if the very planet was mourning. The news felt unreal, like an ungraspable truth that lay far away somewhere…in some kind of imagination that was beyond anyone’s reach. Nichi couldn’t be dead. He’d be there when they came back. He’d be there waiting for them with an expression on his face that told all of what he was thinking.

In an instant the world resumed and Titania was removed from the momentary stillness. Dazed, she looked at Malice for some kind of re-assurance but was met with none. Of course…who could say anything at such a time? Internally, she scolded herself for having sought comfort- that was what the weaker her would do. She was different now- or at least she was trying to be.

With tight fists she clenched her fan closed and, with all the anger and embarrassment she felt toward herself, she drove it hard into her attacker’s grimy flesh. Then, her hands still beating with rage, she turned and released her weapon, sending it into another’s face. Without remorse, she pulled out the object and drove it in once more, before withdrawing it and planting it into another assaulter’s belly.

She continued to fight this way and eventually the struggle persuaded her into a nearby glade. Shadowy figures continued to battle, their silhouettes sometimes lost in the darkness of the place. There were cries from both sides, but when at last the fighting stopped, the mud bled ash and it was clear who had won.


“Nichi…he’s dead.” Malice said, almost mechanically, though he did not know how he knew.

The persistence of the assault did not give him time to mourn, and so he was forced to continue, despite all the sadness and rage that coursed through his body.

This is the way it will always be….

His dagger shot through a demon’s open mouth.

…there is no pity in war…

He removed his weapon and brought it to its sheath.

…a hundred years from now it won’t matter who was lost…

With all his strength, he thrust his arm forward and blocked a blow.

…people will only know our names…

He brought his dagger into his attacker’s stomach.

…if they know our names.

He turned and swung his fist hard into a gruesome face.

They won’t know what we lost…

His dagger cut through pulsating flesh.

…they won’t care how much we’ve died inside…

Voices screamed in pain around him.

…they won’t know.

Anger and sadness in his heart, he fought on.

This is the way it will always be.

Last edited by Zerlina; 05-23-2005 at 07:41 PM.
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Old 05-23-2005, 07:34 PM   #37
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Titania sat upon a large rock in the glade, her breath heavy from exhaustion. Her arms hanging weakly from her sides, she dropped her fans, and stared at the ground. Around her were corpses of what had once been living, breathing beings with souls and pasts. Some of them wore charms; one of them wore a scarf around its lifeless arm; another had a patch on its gauntlet. These had all come from somewhere. They had all had reasons behind them.

Gradually, it began to rain, and Titania watched as the mud began to swallow the bodies. Drawing her knees to her chest, she wrapped her arms around herself and lowered her head.

Quiet tear-drops fell and snaked their way down the occupied rock, slithering through the cracks and eventually melting into the earth. They lamented so much blood, both ashen and crimson. They lamented so much.

A bird rested on a nearby branch to seek shelter from the storm. With curiousity, it watched as Titania raised her head back up, her pale cheeks dry as stone. The tears which continued to slide down the rock were not hers- they were the sky’s. Palis was mourning. It was crying for its bloodthirsty children who were so quickly and so ruthlessly murdering each other.

When at last the final demon sunk beneath the mud forever, the rain fell upon it and tenderly washed the blood from its hands.


As the rain began to fall, Malice felt his energy beginning to fail. He heaved his dagger into his last opponent, and collapsed from exhaustion. He lay there for less than a minute when he heard a voice behind him.

“You’re stronger than I thought.”

Exhausted, Malice rose to his feet and drew his daggers.

“I’m not unfair.” Said the speaker “You can rest. I have all day

His lips parted and his mouth bloody from the previous battle, Malice shook his head. Every breath felt like knives inside of him.

“You don’t want to wait?”

Malice shook his head once more, and tried to bring himself to stand up straight.

“Alright then…let’s go.”

The ominous general removed his diamond sword from its unworthy sheath and swung it a few times so that his hands adjusted. The air parted and cried as it was cut.

The two were still for a moment, until the famous General Hige moved forward, thrusting his weapon toward the exhausted Malice. In ill condition, the Theiran dodged the blow but fell to the ground; his upper body weight rested on his elbows as he tried to back away. Confidently, Hige brought his sword down, barely missing his opponent. In an uncalculated setback, the wet mud pulled at the General’s sword, stalling him as he tried to remove it. Malice rose and punched Hige in the face, making him lose his grip on his weapon.

Mockingly, The General rubbed his cheek and dodged another attempt at an attack.

Malice hit the ground, but was now more ready for an attack. He brought his knee up, as if he were about to sprint and drew his daggers. He smirked, returning Hige’s cockiness.

Finding it almost amusing, The General pulled his sword from the mud and charged toward his opponent, who did the same. There was a clang as the blades met each other, and both warriors looked each other in the eye; Hige’s weapon was wedged between Malice’s daggers. For a while the two struggled to overpower each other, until finally Hige simply withdrew his sword and attempted to send it through his opponent’s stomach. He missed, and Malice scathed his hand with his daggerblade; Hige’s blood ran crimson.

“For someone so sure of himself, you sure have trouble hitting a target.” The Theiran mocked and attempted to bring his dagger to Hige’s chest.

Trusting his sword to only one hand, The General grabbed Malice’s wrist and twisted it, making him scream and drop his dagger.

“Don’t make me want to kill you.” Hige said, bitterly, through clenched teeth. He continued to turn Malice’s wrist, and made him scream in pain.

The General forced Malice forward, pushing him into the mud. Arrogantly, he looked down at his fallen opponent; the wind began to play with his snowy cape.

“I like to think that enjoying murder is something I’m past. I’d prefer if you didn’t try to change th-”

He screamed as he received a blow from something invisible. He turned, trying to see where the attack had come from, but saw no one. Again he let out a cry as he received a heavy blow to the head, once more from something that he could not see. It was not until he looked down at Malice and saw the insignia upon his vest that he became aware.

“Don’t make me have to finish this!” Hige warned, drawing and raising his diamond sword; a light reflected from it despite the darkness of the sky.

“Why don’t you just do it?” Malice asked, challengingly, his mouth still covered in blood.

His shoulders pulsating from shallow breaths, Hige looked down at his fallen opponent. His hands shook and he seemed almost frozen.

“Stop!” came an effeminate voice.

Hige faltered.

Running as fast as she could, Titania emerged from the nearby glade and immediately kneeled by Malice. Wiping some of the blood from his mouth, she looked at him with concern, and then turned to face Hige.

The General tightened his grip once more, expecting some kind of an attack.

“Please…” she said.

Hige was silent.

“He needs to go back to Gracia. You don’t understand. Please, you have to let him go.” She pleaded continually with the silent man, persisting because she was met with no response “There are people who need him- not just soldiers… I don’t care about pride- I’m begging you! Please…

He said nothing.

“…please… let him go…

She stared at Hige and her eyes said to him a thousand things which he knew but could not understand. He lowered his sword.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“P-pardon?” she stuttered, turning quickly to stop the injured Malice from crawling away; his father’s dagger rested just out of reach.

“What’s your name? And his.”

“Titania.” She said, then looked at Malice for permission to say his name; his expression was unreadable “…And Caritas”

“Then go.” He said “There’s a reason why things have worked out like they have. There’s a reason for him to live. Who am I to interfere with fate?”

He sheathed his sword and watched as Titania retrieved the Theiran dagger. She helped the exhausted and bloody warrior to his feet, deciding to get him away from the battlefield before healing him. As they struggled to leave, Malice looked at The General, and until he had to turn away, he never broke eye contact.

Hige knew there was a reason for everything, and he knew that his opponent would have to live. There was something about him that seemed to make the planet scream for his safety. It was not a scream that could not be ignored.

When at last they vanished from sight, there remained only a single silhouette before the sunset backdrop of the emptied camp. The wind having grown still, The General stared down at his hand; his wound had disappeared.

Last edited by Zerlina; 05-25-2005 at 07:44 PM.
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Old 05-25-2005, 08:30 PM   #38
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Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Streets

Osirus examined the stone corpse. "Wow. This stuff got him bad."

Magus, still gripping his scythe with white knuckles, started laughing. "Not like this. Nichi, you can't go out on me like this. C'mon, man. Stop faking. Wake up. This can't happen." He started laughing hysterically. Glenn reached out a hand and put it on Magus's shoulder.

In a flash Magus whirled around, ready to decapitate whoever just touched him. But Glenn was just as fast. Glenn deflected the blow, knocking it out of the other man's hands. The scythe whistled through the air, end over end, finally embedding itself in a nearby wall. Glenn's blade was held at Magus's throat. He finally lowered and sheathed his sword. "Grribbit..." he murmured.

Magus turned around, pounding on the statue. "DAMMIT!" he screamed. "Not now! Not again! Not...!" He slumped to the ground, defeated. "...not again... just like..."

Glenn bent down. "Art thou alright, Magus?"

Magus started muttering to himself. "All my fault... I put it on him... My fault..."

Belial nudged Magus with his toe. "Well, he's useless. Now what?"

Magus solemnly stood up. He put his hands on the stone figure and pushed as much magic as he could possibly muster out. Nothing happened. He slammed hard on the giant rock. "Dammit. He's not there. It's like he was never living in the first place." Hysterics over, the mage turned around. His red eyes flared as bright as they had when the Lavos Spawn told him that Schala had been killed. He calmly walked over and grabbed his scythe. "Now we wait," he said. "We wait for Malice and Titania. Malice'll want to see this for himself - and Titania might be able to heal him. If it's possible to heal him. Either way..." Magus looked to the sky. In a very low voice, so nobody else could hear, he whispered to himself, "I did this. I put the armor on him. And now just like her he's gone." A loud swear erupted from Magus's mouth, carrying throughout the larger part of Gracia.
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

"Only an egotistical bastard would sig himself." ~ FFnut

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

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Old 05-25-2005, 11:12 PM   #39
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((oh god my writer's block needs to go away, this is getting ridiculous))
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Old 05-31-2005, 12:54 AM   #40
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Brain engaged demons and one after another he turned them into squishy piles of blood and guts. The thugs in Japan gave him more of a challenge. The demons would keep coming and he’d just use normal punches and they fell like dummies. He looked at the setting of his suit, ‘well that would explain it; he turned it down from level 10 to 1.’ Now actually fighting them he just started the dance, bouncing from one foot to the other as he ran past the daemons grabbing their spare ribs and pulling them out and back into their livers, grabbing the collar bones of some and ripping them out, others dislodging their sternum causing their own ribs to puncture their hearts and lungs.

Then he noticed that flood of humans running form the down dropping their weapons as they ran. They all seemed to be crying and uttering ‘Nichi’s dead, he’s actually dead.’

Malice and Titania made it back to Gracia and stood starting at the statue of Nichi standing, and eerie feeling came from looking at him. Something else felt out of place, the demons had stopped their attack, or so it had seemed. That was until the corpse of a juggernaut hit the side for the great coliseum and went through its walls. The more followed in suit.

“What in the hell was that1?” Malice said looking to make sure everyone else was there still.

Belial and Osirus looked at each other and thought what could make a juggernaut fly. “Err, I have no idea but we may want to look.” Belial said as he walked over to the gate.

Everyone followed after him, seeing a young man in the middle of all the demons fighting them off with great speed and power, not the same kind of speed they had seen in Nichi but rather he would attack and doge as though he knew every move the demons would make and when he connected well they went flying.

Noticing his fans he quickly pulled a good set of kicks sending the remaining demons flying across the dirt eventually turning into nothing more then bloody corpses.

He quickly ran to the group of five that stood at the city. “And here I was thinking I had to kick the crap out of everything that lives here. Nice to finally see there are normal people here.” He took a bow and introduced himself. “I am Brain Park, I don’t think you know or care where I’m from because it’s not from here so well what the hell is going on here and why are there so many damn monsters?”
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 05-31-2005, 04:26 PM   #41
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Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Streets

Magus was the first to recover from the boy's physical display. "Brain... nice to meet you. I'm Magus." He began to gesture at the others. "These are Malice, Titania, Belial, Osirus..." He glanced at Malice and Titania. "And you guys haven't met Glenn either, right?"

Malice shook his head. "I was wondering who this guy was..."

Magus laughed. "He's from my world - and a good friend of mine too. He's a knight, so he may speak a little funny, and he has a tendency to croak..."

"Croak?" asked Titania.

Glenn shot a glance at Magus, who shrugged. "Yeah. Croak. Y'know, like a frog."

Brain spoke up. "So, what the hell is going on here?"

Osirus gave a hearty, yet still evil, laugh. "Calm down, kid. All you need to know right now is that all the demons except me and Belial here are bad guys, and even we're a little wishy-washy. Maybe if you help us out you'll get a wowwipop afterwards."

Brain's response to this was a swift kick to the groin.

All the other males took a step back.

Belial chuckled. "Hey, Osirus, call it a hunch, but I don't think you should be so condescending to the kid."

"Bite me," Osirus managed to gasp while attempting to recover.

The nearby wall collapsed and several more juggernauts wandered in. Magus readied his scythe. He glanced at all the others - everyone was ready to fight with the exception of Osirus, who was still rolling around on the ground in pain.

Let's do it, Glenn! came a mental emanation from the sword that only Glenn could hear.

Yeah! C'mon, Masa, let's show these stupid demons why you don't mess with the wielder of the Masamune! chirped a second.

"Whence thou stareth into the flame," whispered Glenn, "the flame stareth back."

((Sorry to unload a fight scene on whoever's next, but this seems like a nice, ominous end to the post.))
I've been FFnut since before I'd even heard of FFnet, so don't accuse me of stealing anything.

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Old 06-01-2005, 07:56 PM   #42
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Brain looked at the incoming flood of Demons. At first it looked like a small number, until he noticed that the Juggernauts were the only thing he was counting. He noticed that in fact the entire ground that the Juggernauts seemed to have been walking on was actually more demons. Bringing his arm to eye level he powered up his computer. “Sirus how many of the enemy are there in the oncoming wave?”

A few seconds passed. “I count roughly 165 million lesser demons and 120 thousand of the larger ones.”

Brain shook his head. “With my suit at full power how high of a change do we have of winning this?”

“I think you already know this but no chance.” Sirus replied.

Brain took a moment to think about this and looked at the others who were fighting of the three that were already there. “How long till they get here?”

“I’d give them about 20 minutes before they are here.”

Brain didn’t know if he had the right to tell the others that they were doomed if they fought them but he was willing to see what they had to say.

Magus and Glenn finished off one while Belial destroyed another and Malice and Titania managed to kill the other.

They all regrouped and began to think up a strategy, Osirus had managed to pull back his composure and was also helping think. Brain walked over to the rest of the group and motioned that he would like to say something.

“Yes Brain what is it?” Malice said.

“Well after looking over the current situation and seeing as we are the only people left to fight this war, we might want to consider a retreat. If you look off that way you’ll notice that there are in the Millions of demon soldiers coming with tens of thousands of the lager ones to support them. Now might be a good time to think about that.” Brain said calmly as the others all looked over where he had pointed.

Every ones eyes went wide with fear and horror as the realized the shear numbers of Demons heading their way.

“Belial where is Aikia?” Malice asked.

Belial shrugged and tried to sense were she was. “She seems to have disappeared.”

Malice thought about what was about to happen. “It seems we must retreat, with no troops we can’t take on that kind of number.”
Invent a new time, a new life, a new reason to fight.
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Old 06-02-2005, 07:44 PM   #43
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Titania looked at Malice with disbelief.

“Retreat?” she repeated, thinking that it was odd of him to give such an order “…are you sure?”

“What else can we do?” he asked, rhetorically, and shook his head “There’s no one here.”


“There’s no one here.”

Titania stared at his face, which looked stern amidst the setting sun. For a moment, the tension gave way to silence, and with conflicting emotion, the two watched each other. In a muted and stationary dance, brown eyes vainly followed and searched through blue, trying to find some kind of explanation for what was happening. When at last it was clear that the answer could not be found, Titania gave up, but in doing so saw the error in her quest- she could find no truth in his eyes because he had not been looking at her. Following his distant gaze, she turned to see the grim and overwhelming figure; Nichi.

From then on, there needed to be no explanation for anyone’s unwillingness to fight that day.

As they stared at the statue, the breeze moved as to eternity, circling and swimming around the group in a kind of consolation. The death had become real, and now the lifeless effigy gazed at them from the city gates.

“Come on.” Malice said “Let’s go…”

Silently, they left, and the sun –falling into its mountainous cradle- gave way to the pale and beautiful moon. As the light receded from Nichi’s face, it took with it the clarity of vision. From a spot on the rampart, a soldier stared downward, and saw beneath him the shadow of the once great commander, guarding the city, which he loved.

Trudging down the Gracian stairs, the soldier made his way to the stone figure, and when he reached his destination, knelt before it, removing his hat.

The night passed on, and slowly but surely, people came and left, each in their own time- much like life, Titania thought, from her spot in the shadows.

When at last it was clear that there would be no more visitors that evening, the mage removed herself from her hiding place.

She made an odd figure- cloaked in robes, which seemed almost illuminated against the starry backdrop. Lighting a solitary lantern, she brought herself before her companion’s statue, and removed from her pocket the book which he had given her.

The gravel crunching beneath her shoes, she sat down near Nichi’s solid feet and opened the manual. Lifting the lantern to read better, she searched for some kind of spell to reverse his doom.

The hours passed on like a thousand eternities, and her eyes grew teary with fatigue. When at last the clock tower struck 4, there came noise from behind her.

“W-who’s there?” Titania questioned, nearly dropping her lantern.

Not waiting for an answer, she turned and saw that there lay only darkness on the streets. Nervously, the girl turned back to her work, when there came another noise. Deciding to abandon her post momentarily, she rose to her feet, and –lantern in hand- followed the direction of the sound.

Suddenly the sky turned to black, and the stars were extinguished like candles. Compulsively, Titania reached for her fans and continued cautiously down the street.

“Come.” A voice whispered with a thousand tones and echoes, and a feeling that made her freeze.

“Show yourself first.” Titania called, and looked around to see only darkness; even the lights from the windows had gone out.

“Come.” It repeated.

Clenching her fans, she advanced forward with a speed that suggested fear.

Suddenly there was loud, horrifying laughter, and the ground gave way beneath her. The cobblestone crumbling under her feet, she fell into a terrible, blackened sea.

Mercilessly, the waves crashed, and rose above her head, swallowing her like ebony snakes. Gasping for air, the mage tried desperately to climb out of the water, only to be washed violently upon a murky shore. All around her there was fire and yet at the same time, rain. Coughing and weak, she turned to look up to the sky, only to receive a terrifying gaze. Screams erupted and split through the air like burning glass. As the tide rose to her waist, she hurried toward salvation, barefoot and desperate.

Laughter echoed through the sky like thunder and finally gave way to lightning. Amidst the flashes of electricity, the mage could almost make out the figure of a beast amidst the sky. Omniscient and giant, she could not run from it, and so she decided to hide.

Fleeing down a familiar street, she made her way down a set of dilapidated stairs and ran into the house which stood there. She was not there for more than a minute when the ceiling above her caved and fell, nearly crushing her. Climbing out from the ruins she ran through the empty streets, trying to open doors, but finding them all locked. The rainwater rose to a climax, and everywhere the flaming remnants of homes fell into it. Desperate and afraid, Titania waded through the flooded streets, until finally a hand took hold of her foot from beneath the water. Screaming and crying she tried to kick it and shake herself free, but found that all she could do was lose the struggle.

“Let me go!” she cried in a raw and broken scream.

“Now how does it feel?” came the voice from the sky, in a language that was beyond words.

“Who are you? What do you want?” she yelled.

“How does it feel to be so suddenly powerless?” It answered, ignoring her question.

Finally, Titania lost the struggle and was pulled under the water by the hand. Instantly, the world grew silent except for the sound of the turbulent water, and she felt as if her chest would collapse from lack of breath.

“Titania!” Came a voice through the murky water “Titania!” it repeated again.

“Help me!” she cried, not caring who it was.

Suddenly, as quickly as it had come on, the water disappeared and she found that she was being shaken.

“Wake up.”

In disbelief, Titania took a good breath of Gracian air and stared at the quiet streets.

“You were having a nightmare…”

She turned to see who had woken her, only to have her gaze caught by the shadow of something fleeing into the darkness. Passing it off as a trick of the light, she turned back to her friend.

“Oh…right. Thanks-" she said, and trailed of, finding that even while concentrating she could not tell who it was that stood before her.

Aggravated, and breath heavy, Zera Shaal watched from behind a wall before retreating into the shadows. There would be no victory for him that night, and he knew it. The best thing to do would be to lay low and avoid attention- Yes, he thought, that would be the most effective way to strike.

"I'm sorry..." said Titania, admitting that she could not see "Who are you?"

Last edited by Zerlina; 06-04-2005 at 10:19 PM.
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Old 06-05-2005, 05:23 PM   #44
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Palis, The Year 0 Aikia, Gracia Streets

The darkness obscured Titania's vision from her. The figure who had woken her began to respond when soft croak came from the nearby shadows. The figure whirled around. "Frog? What're you doing here?"

Titania watched Glenn step into the light. "I wouldst be asking thou the same question, Janus..."

The figure that Titania decided to call "Janus" shook its head. "Look, Glenn, you know you shouldn't call me that."

"And thou shouldst not refer to me as 'Frog.'"

"Janus" sighed. "Alright. I felt the black wind, got it? Something bad was happeneing out here. I have no idea what." The shadowy figure turned back to her. "You're alright, then?"

Titania nodded numbly. "So... who are you?"

"Janus" laughed. "It's me, Magus."

Titania jumped. "Magus?"

A couple of other voices chimed in, only they were inside her head. Hey, wait! You're Janus? Like, the prince Janus?

Wow, big brother, I think he is! And I think he was also that Prophet guy!

"Hush, both of you. You're loud enough for her to hear, too," whispered Glenn.

Titania looked around helplessly and Magus shrugged. "Is it too late to say that you're just dreaming this and none of it's really happening? Oh well. You see, if that pair of shaved rats would have kept their mouths shut, I might've been able to avoid this conversation..."

Titania fainted.

Glenn walked over to her prone form and nudged it with his boot. "Grribbit..."

Magus picked the girl up. "Let's bring her back, Glenn. And you two," he said, directing the following at the sword. "You would do well to keep your mouths shut, especially around other people. I don't really want anyone else to freak out.

Glenn nodded and the two men and the unconscious girl went back to the castle.
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