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Old 07-15-2007, 06:45 AM   #16
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

Hey!!! > > I thought this was MY discussion?!?! J/K

You two bring up some really good points.

First off - bring up an invaluable misconception that we can all learn from - this is: What I don't know can't hurt me. As most of us know - what we don't know inevitably WILL hurt us. ESPECIALLY in relationships. The correct way of stating this should be

...What I don't know WILL hurt me.

Allow that to sink in, read it again - slower this time.

= 3

Faust - even if a situation is difficult - and you are in the midst of it. You WILL be a better person on the other end of it. IF you can muster-up enough strength to get through the trial. Furthermore: ***IF*** you choose to learn from your mistakes/trials/difficulties.

"How tall will a tree grow?" --------- As tall as it can! Why should human beings be any different? Because we have the power of choice to do or not to do so. = ( That's MY problem ATM (and I know it.) I know what I 'should' do - what I'd like to do and what I'm capable of doing in my life. Yet I'm lacking in the courage dept. >_> I kinda feel like Gogo XD Except I'm mimicking all the losers. ._.

>_< For God's sakes! I'm 26!!! 'Friggin grow up already'... right??? I know, I wish I could. Hmmm...maybe I need to hear a particularly personal story of triumph in the face of adversity....or someone surviving in the face of all odds to get me to say "WTF?!?! My life's not THAT difficult - I need to grow some balls and f***ing face the music and MOVE ON!!!"

Sorry...was that over the top??? I can never tell. :S
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Old 07-15-2007, 04:24 PM   #17
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

I never said you're immune to the hurt if you don't know buddy.

I just said you come out a better person if you take the hurt when it's first shown to you, rather than knowing of the hurt before it happens, and getting so caught up in thinking of how to prevent it, you DON'T prevent it.

Rarely anyone overthinks and actually does something about the problem,, if they're too busy thinking of a solution. :3

BTW, you contradicted what you said to me by speaking to Faust.

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
First off - bring up an invaluable misconception that we can all learn from - this is: What I don't know can't hurt me. As most of us know - what we don't know inevitably WILL hurt us. ESPECIALLY in relationships. The correct way of stating this should be

...What I don't know WILL hurt me.

Allow that to sink in, read it again - slower this time.

= 3

Faust - even if a situation is difficult - and you are in the midst of it. You WILL be a better person on the other end of it. IF you can muster-up enough strength to get through the trial. Furthermore: ***IF*** you choose to learn from your mistakes/trials/difficulties.
Read the bolded parts. Carefully.

You told me what I don't know WILL hurt me, correct? I imagine in Fausts situation(if I'm barging in your territory Faust, I'm ever so sorry), Faust didn't know of the problem, and it hit hard. Or maybe Faust knew some of it beforehand, and has nothing to heal, since it set in the mind before it happened.

What you don't know can hurt you, I know that. But what you do know, hell, that hurts more than not knowing. Not knowing, you don't expect it, and you can learn from it.

If you don't get it, I'll make it clear. If you know of the outcome before it happens, and it's bad, you don't want it, do you? You'll think of a way, ANY way to change it, and in doing that, you overthink something that should be as simple as tying your shoes. In which, you don't get anything done about it, because every single solution you think of has that little bit of doubt, and you don't follow through.

Whereas if you were unaware of the situation before, you never get the chance to second guess yourself, and you recover more quickly from the hurt.
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Old 07-15-2007, 07:43 PM   #18
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

Sorry, I just read the first reply to the thread... XD

It's cool to find new challenges! =D
That's the way to keep breaking your limits, as well as 'levelling-up' as the creator of the thread would say! ^^
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Old 07-16-2007, 02:56 AM   #19
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

I didn't contradict meself = 3

All I said was that after a situation - as long as you come out on the other side, you typically come out a better person.

The part before that wasn't saying that YOU said you are immune or not - I was just clearing up that common misconception. The reason I said you brought it up was because of what you were talking about w/Faust about knowing-VS-not knowing something until it's too late. Either way: you're bound to get hurt...but I can understand someone saying that it hurts more if you find out after-the-fact...then it would seem like the damage done is greater than it would have been otherwise...

I dunno - maybe I'm only making sense to me, ask *Shadow Kat* <dun dun duuuuuuun> XD
She would know how confusing I can be sometimes. = 33
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Old 07-16-2007, 03:01 AM   #20
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

I should know too.. @_@ *confused*

I also never said you should stay stupid the whole time. I was saying as the bad happens, you learn, and you have time to smarten up AS it happens. Not know it all before it does and just be uberly depressed because despite of your knowledge, it still happened.

So basically, we agree? :3

Last edited by Hydra; 07-16-2007 at 03:04 AM.
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Old 07-16-2007, 03:12 AM   #21
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

I think (and I KNOW we agree) that yes, as the bad happens you *should* grow and learn...but also before-hand...try to grow and grow and grow - regardless of what's going on in your life - good or bad. = 3 This way, you're more prepared for (and hopefully can get around a lot of) the crap that life tends to throw you. = D
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Old 07-16-2007, 03:16 AM   #22
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.


But most people think their situaton is the end of the world, and think they don't have the power to change anything. It's KIND OF sad, but not really, because you can't expect much of society anymore. ;_;
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Old 07-16-2007, 03:53 AM   #23
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

I don't WANT to expect much from people anymore - I've been let down too many times.

I don't expect much from the government, I know SS won't be there in another 10-20 years.

I don't expect much from my friends - they have their own lives to lead and problems to survive through.

I don't expect much from my parents...I'll probably end up taking care of my mom until she passes.

I don't expect ANYTHING from my brother. He's the biggest loser I know.

I don't expect much from my sister (again - the whole life to live/problems to survive mentality.)

I don't expect much from my loved-one...that way I don't put my faith in someone too much to get my heart completely shattered.

Pretty much all that's left is me. = 3 I can make or break my future, my income, my wisdom, my LIFE...and THAT's scary = \
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Old 07-16-2007, 01:46 PM   #24
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
I don't WANT to expect much from people anymore - I've been let down too many times.

I don't expect much from the government, I know SS won't be there in another 10-20 years.

I don't expect much from my friends - they have their own lives to lead and problems to survive through.

I don't expect much from my parents...I'll probably end up taking care of my mom until she passes.

I don't expect ANYTHING from my brother. He's the biggest loser I know.

I don't expect much from my sister (again - the whole life to live/problems to survive mentality.)

I don't expect much from my loved-one...that way I don't put my faith in someone too much to get my heart completely shattered.

Pretty much all that's left is me. = 3 I can make or break my future, my income, my wisdom, my LIFE...and THAT's scary = \
I'll tell you something right now. Don't EXPECT out of anyone. Expecting brings doubt, and disappointment if they aren't to your expectations. While it's good when they live up to them, any other time it goes wrong, you'll lose every single ounce of hope you had in them, due to you putting your expectations at a certain level.

I don't expect much of my girlfriend either, LOL. But I believe in her. I've put all of my belief in her, actually. I don't have a set in stone decision on what I'll do when she does what she needs to do, so I won't get hurt at all. Know why? I didn't expect her to make a right decision. She's just a normal human being too. She's not some kind of emotional and mental super hero. (I like to believe I am. ;]), but I'm not one either. Chances are, if everything goes wrong, I WILL be sad and depressed.

But this ALL ties in with what I've said in this topic. About knowing too much about the situation, and learning nothing from it. I've allowed myself to learn just so much about the situation, but not enough to see where the outcome is going. That's why I'm not learning anything now, but I'll forgive and forget(or rejoice :3) when the time comes. Know why? 'Cause I didn't expect it. I only believe she'll make the right decision for herself, and whatever decision she makes, is okay by me.

(BTW, if you already knew all of this, tell me why I had to type it all out..XD; )
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Old 07-17-2007, 05:00 AM   #25
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled. I put a gun to your head and said "Type you ;cen"

That usually does it for me too.
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Old 07-17-2007, 12:40 PM   #26
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

LOL, I guess that's another alternative.
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Old 07-21-2007, 02:46 AM   #27
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

I'm gonna post more about this in the 'Level-up Your Life' thread - but Luis RLY helped me today. The narrow/difficult roads in my life are more mental than physical perse...and I'm gonna work hard to overcome those mental 'roadblocks.' I'm tired of excuses and am going to do my best to move forward.

...God help me.
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Old 07-28-2007, 01:58 AM   #28
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

Originally Posted by Hydra
I'll tell you something right now. Don't EXPECT out of anyone. Expecting brings doubt, and disappointment if they aren't to your expectations. While it's good when they live up to them, any other time it goes wrong, you'll lose every single ounce of hope you had in them, due to you putting your expectations at a certain level.

I don't expect much of my girlfriend either, LOL. But I believe in her. I've put all of my belief in her, actually. I don't have a set in stone decision on what I'll do when she does what she needs to do, so I won't get hurt at all. Know why? I didn't expect her to make a right decision. She's just a normal human being too. She's not some kind of emotional and mental super hero. (I like to believe I am. ;]), but I'm not one either. Chances are, if everything goes wrong, I WILL be sad and depressed.

But this ALL ties in with what I've said in this topic. About knowing too much about the situation, and learning nothing from it. I've allowed myself to learn just so much about the situation, but not enough to see where the outcome is going. That's why I'm not learning anything now, but I'll forgive and forget(or rejoice :3) when the time comes. Know why? 'Cause I didn't expect it. I only believe she'll make the right decision for herself, and whatever decision she makes, is okay by me.

(BTW, if you already knew all of this, tell me why I had to type it all out..XD; )
Being gone for a while, I wish that I had gotten the chance to take part in most of what else has been said already. >> But now, I suppose, is my chance.

As for expecting things out of life...I suppose it's all the more true that if you try to expect only good things out of life, you'll only end up unhappier, because always hoping for something good to come along just unecessarily gets your hopes up, until you're at the point where if something happens that completely destroys all of that hope, the crushing disappointment is a hundred times more than it has to be. So, though I've expected great things out of my life and others more times than I can count, I know it's not always the best thing to do.

But WITHOUT hoping for anything at all can also be one of the worst things to do to yourself...if you never believed and expected anything special out of your talents, everyday things, then you would eventually give up on everything. If you never think that you can do better, or hope for your closest friends and family, then you won't ever get ANYTHING new out of life, or grow, because you wouldn't even want to try to hope for the best of everything and try to MAKE it happen for yourself, and for others. So, in short, you can't just expect for things to always happen and go your way, but if something DOESN'T work, then you've got to go out there and TRY to make it happen.

And, as for the topic earlier when i had questions on, say, wishing that I knew what would happen in a situation beforehand, so that I wouldn't make any mistakes, so that nothing would go wrong, blah blah blah meandmylittlerant.....I'm still going through some troubles where, if I had ONLY known, I know that I would be better off...(among other things....) but I'm just going to leave myself at this; 'there's nothing I can do about it NOW, so there's no use worrying over it anymore. I can cry and sob and get angry all I want, but it won't change anything. So I'm just gonna forget about it.'

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Last edited by reasoniamalive; 07-28-2007 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 07-28-2007, 04:24 AM   #29
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

Naturally, you expect things. You can't not expect a thing, or why bother even getting in the situation in the first place?

I'll make this longer when I go to sleep..I'll edit it, or just double post and merge it. =D

Either way, this'll be directed at:

Originally Posted by Doctor Faust
And, as for the topic earlier when i had questions on, say, wishing that I knew what would happen in a situation beforehand, so that I wouldn't make any mistakes, so that nothing would go wrong, blah blah blah meandmylittlerant.....I'm still going through some troubles where, if I had ONLY known, I know that I would be better off...(among other things....) but I'm just going to leave myself at this; 'there's nothing I can do about it NOW, so there's no use worrying over it anymore. I can cry and sob and get angry all I want, but it won't change anything. So I'm just gonna forget about it.'
Why? If it's still troubling you, it's not exactly over yet. I can't tell you the definition of a "problem", but I'm certain if you're still dwelling over it, it's not gone. So you must still have time to do whatever's bothering you.

Knowing a tiny bit beforehand is great, but it'd only be a matter of time before you'd be confused, and you'd make yourself learn more of the problem. That's just human nature. There's not much anyone can do about that, unless you've done it before, and can control that urge to stay steady where you are. But that means getting involved in the process in the first place.

Besides, hope comes with belief. If not, you don't believe in it. You'd put hope in something you believe in, correct? If you believe you can really get over your situation, and keep yourself at a steady pace, there's nothing to worry about. Even if things go bad, it's only a matter of time where the opportunity just springs up, due to your long enduring of waiting, believing, and acting at the right times. Due to the reaction of receiving whatever information about the problem you needed when you really need it, rather than having it and having it become twisted, the situation may end up okay.

So, in other words.

With what I said, and what you said in your latest post, there's not a lot to worry about.
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Old 07-29-2007, 06:08 AM   #30
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Re: The narrow road/path often untraveled.

Not a whole lot to worry about, eh?

Well, all i can say right now is that I guess it would just come straight down to believing and not believing...but you're right.

Learning about the problem, as well as analyzing and finding out what you can do as you go along, is better than already knowing beforehand.

I suppose I'll just leave it at that.
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