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darkshadow2247 12-24-2009 06:32 PM

World of Warcraft
I can't believe that there isn't a thread about this MMO on here. Does anyone here play World of Warcraft?

Shaggy 12-25-2009 03:01 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
Not me. You into it?

darkshadow2247 12-25-2009 03:26 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
Indeed I do.

rissole25 12-25-2009 11:42 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
I wanna play it, but its pay to play and I don't have a credit card.

So have you killed Arthas yet?

darkshadow2247 12-27-2009 03:53 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
It is PtP but it's so cheap. It cost like $75 USD for 6 months of unrestricted play time. In the scope of things, that's like buying a console game once every 6 months - which I think is phenomenal. Consider the fact that you're playing an ever changing game rather than you pay for this, so this is all you're getting.

And speaking of Arthas, no I have not. I played before I left on deployment and had a 72 frost mage. It was hacked and the acct went to shit, so I started fresh. I now have a 20 frost mage.

rissole25 12-28-2009 01:27 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
I might consider paying for it

rissole25 01-07-2010 08:05 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
We know that you bot...................O.o

darkshadow2247 01-11-2010 05:14 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
Oh yeah. You caught me. Join the fun on Wildhammer.

rissole25 01-11-2010 08:47 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
Hehe I wasn't talking about you darkshadow. There was a bot that just copied stuff from wikipedia about WoW that everyone already knew about. I guess he got deleted.

darkshadow2247 01-12-2010 12:08 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
I knew that...

....mostly. lol

rissole25 01-12-2010 10:46 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
So what are your levels on WoW?

clief101_ 01-12-2010 10:49 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
i did think about buying and playing this game, but you do have to PtP, and it takes ages just to do anything....u also cant realy do anything by urself either....

rissole25 01-12-2010 09:24 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
I think you can have private servers for you and your friends

clief101_ 01-13-2010 08:51 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
i dont know? you can have like a group of friends and clans and what not, but u cant make ur own server....

darkshadow2247 01-13-2010 02:13 PM

Re: World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by clief101_ (Post 122343)
i did think about buying and playing this game, but you do have to PtP, and it takes ages just to do anything....u also cant realy do anything by urself either....

You cannot have your own servers but you can party up with random toons and there are guilds. It does not take ages to accomplish things and it is completely possible to solo from level 1 to level 80. I'm at level 33 and I've only partied up to quest once because someone was looking for help. While it is possible to solo through low level dungeons as a healing class (you'd die without the ability to heal), most people don't do it.

The fact that endgame (content for toons at the 80 level cap) bosses are 3 levels higher than the cap makes it nearly impossible to solo through endgame dungeons and raids. And yes, there is a huge difference between 3 levels in WoW.

clief101_ 01-14-2010 11:02 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
i know all this, and i also know it is alot easier if you party up (even if only 1 person can get the item that ur after)....i just get kinda bored with MMO type games...

darkshadow2247 01-15-2010 02:48 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
I never get bored with MMOs. I'm a social person IRL, so naturally I flock to an MMO style game.

clief101_ 01-15-2010 10:56 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
I wouldnt mind the friends side of MMO, just it takes a long time to do anything..ive been told it can take up to 5hrs+ just to do 1 raid

darkshadow2247 01-16-2010 02:27 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
You're right. The thing is, even though dungeons are long, they hold enough mobs to level through them, you get phat lootz, and the content of them spans multiple concepts aside from, "Hey, attack this mob with your normal rotation."

clief101_ 01-16-2010 03:15 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
yeh, plus u have to have different kinds of players in your group. e.g a tank or a healer etc...

rissole25 01-16-2010 08:31 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
I have this MMO I go on called Grand Fantasia which I haven't been on for a while. Anyway, you have to get this item from a certain boss. Since their are so many people fighting it at the same time, only one person will get the item, even if the others dealt the more damage then that one person or landed the killing blow. It gives the item to who struck it first. It took me like 45 minutes just to get the item because whenever the boss respawned, someone was their waiting and attacked him before I could.

Thats one of the many things I hate about MMO's

clief101_ 01-16-2010 09:14 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
thats wat i mentioned earlier, however it dusnt matter who hit the boss 1st in WoW...i dont even have to touch him and u can walk up to the item b4 any1 else and take it 4 urself

darkshadow2247 01-16-2010 03:43 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
They've changed looting rules. If you're not in a guild but in a pick-up group, its usually need before greed set at an item level threshold, and anything higher than the threshold is rolled on. If you can't equip it or its not an upgrade, it's a greed roll. Otherwise its a need roll. Need > Greed > Pass.

There are add-ons that track damage per person and say every damage dealer has like 20K dealt except one that has like 3K, they'll probably get kicked. They obviously haven't been pulling weight.

clief101_ 01-17-2010 01:34 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
but what if its them that is trying to get the item and every1 is just helping??

rissole25 01-17-2010 02:23 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
I guess it sucks to be them then.

clief101_ 01-17-2010 03:15 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
haha, anyway, i wanted to buy and play this game....but chose not too

darkshadow2247 01-17-2010 03:40 PM

Re: World of Warcraft

Originally Posted by clief101_ (Post 122560)
but what if its them that is trying to get the item and every1 is just helping??

Vote kick.

clief101_ 01-19-2010 10:25 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
oh ok, i getcha

squarelover 02-15-2010 04:57 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
WoW is dangerous... I had to quit the game because it was so addictive that I literally got nothing done at all during the time that I was power leveling my toons... -.-

TherathxRikku 02-15-2010 07:42 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
WoW has sucked my dad into oblivion, I've tried many times to get him out, but he won't let go!!!

Kidding, he hangs out with me a lot, but whenever he's off work, he's usually playing. I tried the game for ten minutes and got bored.

Gumdrop 03-12-2010 07:55 AM

Re: World of Warcraft
WoW vet here! I've played since the first year it was out (I have had many break though so I'm not totally sad :p). I've got an 80 of everything except Warrior (mine is lvl 75) and Warlock (lvl 54). Recently quit as WOTLK wasn't very interesting at end game imo.
Half thinking of going back for Cata, but I'm not sure yet (mostly I just want a Worgan, haha :)). I really like how they decided to re-do the old world even if I will miss parts of it a lot.

sabaugebenz 10-02-2014 01:37 PM

Re: World of Warcraft
played it for 7 years, the older versions was better

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