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Final Fantasy VIII Bring back the memories of the great adventure of a Man and his Gun.... Blade

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Old 10-02-2009, 06:25 PM   #1
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Lugeo Spiritus
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A new bard, nice reading :D

Haven't posted anything in here for a long while, kinda real hard after all that time has passed without expecting anything new.. no wonder not many people are still around; well that's changing

While i don't remember where I got this from it is pretty cool with much effort, so check it out n enjoy:
"There is absolutely nothing that is impossible, only not trying hard enough"
"Time is the most precious thing there is, everyone has it, yet... everyone wastes it"
"The greatest glory in life is to keep getting up as soon as you fall"
Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
This forum will never end. I has gone through some rough times lately, but it will never be shut down!!

Last edited by Leon; 10-02-2009 at 06:28 PM.
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Old 10-02-2009, 06:27 PM   #2
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Lugeo Spiritus
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Age: 34
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Re: A new bard, nice reading :D

The eighth of the series tells of a day
When a sorceress wants to take all time away
A girl in a field, a fight far beyond
Evil in the air, innocent blood is drawn An opponent awakes, a scar marks his face
He hears a small voice and sees a familliar place
His teacher walks in and frowns in disgust
Telling him of how he betrayed her trust
By fighting again with his fellow classmate
And once again tempted his mortal fate
They return to their classroom where he trains to achieve
The honorable rank of being a SeeD
Squall, our male lead, went to the Fire Cave next
To capture a "Guardian Force" as a test
He went forth and conquered with incredible speed
And became a prime candidate as a future SeeD
A mission in Dollet proved he had the stuff
To overcome danger, to be wise and tough
He passed the test and soon joined the ranks
Of SeeD, and to his friends he gave thanks:
Quistis, the teacher who helped reach his goal
Zell the kickboxer, his stomach never full
And Selphie from Trabia, a messenger girl
Who fell down a hill and into their world
Next was a party, complete with a dance
Squall danced with some girl -- could it lead to romance?
(Of course, this is Squaresoft that we're speaking of
So if she doesn't die, this WILL lead to love...)
The next day, our cast was sent to a town
Called "Timber" to fight until their opponents went down
Behold! Who is this that they now must fight for?
The girl that Squall danced with the evening before!
Her name is Rinoa, she's clad all in blue
(With a demeanor so bubbly it gives one the flu...)
Their base is a train, their quest on the tracks
(And now we sit for hours to hear all the facts...)
Vinzer Deling is evil, Timber he oppresses
He's on a train right now, to the best of their guesses
Quite some time later, we take over his train
But inside is not him, our quest was in vain
Surprise, surprise! the president's NOT in town!
It's really a fake (killed by one "Phoenix Down"!
Because he was replaced with an already-dead being
A life-giving item led to its undoing!)
"Oh well, what a loss, I guess that you're screwed
So give us our cash and we're out of here, dude,"
Is the first thing that you're quick to reply
But the contract says "You fight 'till THEY or YOU die."
Later you end up at another SeeD school
And execute a mission to kill who controls Deling (the fool)
A lon-haired cowboy thus joins your team
A sniper who wishes to be every girl's dream
You set off for Deling, a city of lights
To kill Sorceress Edea and end Timber's fight
The sniper got jumpy for death made him sad
Still he fired -- a miss -- making things very bad
You take on the witch, good old one-on-one
But first face her lapdog who adds to the fun
He's really just Seifer, your old punching bag
(Whom gave you the scar, then ran off like a fag)
A couple of GFs quickly do the trick
And defeat ol' Seifer (heh...take THAT, you prick!)
Alas, now you meet your original foe
For this your friends join you to help kill that ho!
You think she would die from such wacks in the head
But, nope! she's but weakened - even Seifer's not dead!
The battle has angered our dear sorceress
She flings an ice crystal at you -- it doesn't miss

Before you even know it, your chest is impaled
You black out and later awaken in jail
You and your comerades are thus charged with treason
Edea not amused with this "witch-hunting" season
Oh! And there's one thing we hae to include
Sometimes you go back in time as another dude
! His name is Laguna, his friends Kiros and Ward
Their antics so amusing that they'll never leave you bored
Laguna acts so macho when they're trudging through the bush
But when faced with a cute piano girl he turns into a wuss
A mission in an excavation site made them scared stiff
Confronted with an army, they fled by jumping off a cliff
They fell into the ocean, but Laguna hit his head
The other two escaped and Laguna was left for dead!
He washed ashore in Winhill and was rescued by a dame
She helped him to recover (and this woman's name was Raine)
Raine also cared for a small girl whose name was Ellone
(Her real parents were killed when soldiers came to take her away)
Laguna fell in love with Raine and married her as well
Then had to rescue Ellone from within Esthar's shell
It took him months to find her but he's lucky that he did
For Esthar masked its borders to help keep itself well-hid
Laguna and his comerades went to Odine's laboratory
And recovered Ellone, then restored Esthar's glory
By getting rid of Adel, the sorceress in power
(It must have taken days but here it plays through in an hour)
The populace was grateful, being free made them comtent
To thank him for his work they made Laguna President!
Fast-forward to the present day and to our hero, Squall
Inside a torture chamber being fried upon a wall
That whiney lapdog, Seifer, asked him why the SeeDs exist
But hah! Squall held his silence, making Seifer really pissed
Back in another cell, the other four planned getting out
Rinoa's father made her bail (and made the others pout)
After she got out of jail, the others made their move
They met up with Rinoa and Irvine, then went up to the roof
Next, they rescued Squall then left the prison with post-haste
Their next destination being a nearby missle base
Half went to the silo while the rest went to the school
They screwed with the missles' coordinates ("An FMV! How Cool!!")
Although they couldn't stop the missles from their desired paths
They only hit one target (with one ugly aftermath...)
Trabia was in ruins, that fact you couldn't deny
But balamb Garden wa saved because Squall made it fly!
A fight on Galbadia Garden occurs next in line
'Cause you're after Edea again ("The witch's ass is mine!")
Again you confront "Sir Seifer" and after he is felled
You REALLY defeat Edea...but with Rinoa, a spirit melds

=PART THREE= She seems as though she's comatose though she was once so strong
So you go to Esthar on foot (a journey hard and long)
A scientist discovers that she is, indeed, alive
Inside her is a sorceress' spirit that survives
He sends you to a Lunar Base for 0-G research
But something unexpected happens: Rinoa goes berserk
She wanders in a trance-like state to an odd looking sphere
And frees Sorceress Adel from the Lunar atmosphere!
It seems that's how they rid themselves of her in the first place:
They froze her in a giant sphere and shipped her out to space
Squall put on a space suit to rescue the poor girl
And held her as the monsters from the moon flew to their world
Rinoa inadvertantly began a "Lunar Cry"
By freeing the moon's monsters, their numbers filling the sky
Rinoa and Squall are stranded, their suits' boosters both ran out
luckily, the Ragnarok, a spacecraft, floats about
They board and overtake it form the aliens on board
(By bombarding them with blind spells, then hitting them in their gourds)
A touching scene transgresses on the flight deck while you fly
Back down to Esthar (and geez, this part always makes me cry!)
Rinoa tells Squall that she loves him, but he says nothing back
(Just as well, for if he did, I'd have had a heartattack!!)
A radio controller guy asks who is on the flight
Squall says it's just the both of them, and gives the man a fright
He says Rinoa, sorceress, descendant of Hyne
Must be taken in custody, her powers to be confined
So when they land they're greeted by some Esthar populace
Rinoa opts to leave with them, no tears upon her face
At first Squall just shrugs it off, then becomes really sad
When Quistis, Zell, Irvine, and Selphie find out they get mad
They tell him off because he never shows them how he feels
It's only then that he realizes his love for her is real
And thus they go to the sorceress memorial to recover
The girl who once was an annoyance, but now will be his lover
(Didn't I allude to this somewhere on the first page?)
So with brute force he rescues the girl who's now a mage
Off to Esthar City to find a way to help kill
The sorceress who likes to control Rinoa with her will
We meet the President of Esthar -- who is it, you ask?
It's Laguna, the moron, whom Squall was in the past!
It seems that this girl, Ellone, is the one who would send
You to the past, but is also your childhood friend!
Our entire cast knew each other in the days of old
But from summoning GFs, you've forgotton, you are told
Ellone was Squall's "big sis," but now you have to go
And rescue her form Seifer (who, in case you didn't know
Is still alive) inside this floating Pandora Lunatic
(Which you saw in the past when Laguna had explored it)
It seems that Seifer hasn't done whatever he did want
But obeyed Ultimecia (whom you'll later confront)
This sorceress from the future has traveled back through time
Via a neat gizmo developed by Doc Odine
But only her spirit can go back into the past
After rescuing Ellone, you promptly kick Seifer's ass
Ultimecia is inside that ugly Sorceress Adel
And is using her to get her way (Oh, bloody hell!
Another sorceress to fight!!) she wants into the past
To achieve Time Compression where only she can last
(A place where only one time exists is all that she wants
No past or future, only present) so we go on a hunt
To rescue Rinoa who was taken by Seifer
To the chamber with Adel to junction unto her
You fight Adel and kill her after Seifer runs away
Ultimecia enters Rinoa and -- cue Miss Ellone!
She sends them both into the past, then only brings back Rin
Then the thing we know as Time Compression starts to begin
You fight a bunch of sorceresses, then you finally meet
The one named Ultimecia perched in a lofty seat
"SeeD...SeeD! Kurse all SeeDs!!" she cackles and she taunts
But then you off her and her GF, Griever, like you want
And after a bunch of confusing stuff that now will go amiss
The game ends by us seeing Rinoa and Squall kiss

"There is absolutely nothing that is impossible, only not trying hard enough"
"Time is the most precious thing there is, everyone has it, yet... everyone wastes it"
"The greatest glory in life is to keep getting up as soon as you fall"
Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
This forum will never end. I has gone through some rough times lately, but it will never be shut down!!
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