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Old 08-02-2007, 02:23 AM   #1
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Talking "Skies of Arcadia" Fan Thread!!!

I love this game.

And I'm make sure I'm give this game the proper respect it deserves.

[size=4]"Skies of Arcadia" Fan Thread!!![/color]

What is Skies of Arcadia?

Skies of Arcadia (released as Eternal Arcadia in Japan) is a console role-playing game developed by Overworks for the Dreamcast and published by Sega in 2000 Skies of Arcadia Legends, an enhanced remake, was released for the GameCube in 2002. Legends was also in development for the PlayStation 2; however, it was cancelled shortly before the GameCube release. The game's story focuses around Vyse, a young pirate, and his friends as they attempt to stop the Valuan Empire from reviving ancient weapons with the potential to destroy the world.

What is the storyline?

The story begins with a young Silvite named Fina sailing through the skies in her tiny Silver ship. Not far behind her, Valuan Admiral Alfonso is in hot pursuit under orders from Lord Galcian. Alfonso opens fire on and disables Fina's ship sending it crashing into Deep Sky, but just as she is being brought onboard his warship, a Blue Rogue vessel arrives to save the day. Vyse and Aika of the Blue Rogues jump from the Albatross onto Alfonso's flagship and battle their way to the bridge, prompting Alfonso to flee on a lifeboat while leaving Fina behind. Vyse and Aika bring Fina back to their clan's ship, which Vyse pilots back to their secret hideout, 'Pirate Island' (disguised as 'Windmill Island').

While watching the sunset, Vyse and Aika see a Moonstone fall from the skies onto nearby Shrine Island. The next day they travel to Shrine Island to retrieve the Moonstone, a concentrated form of airship fuel, leaving Fina behind in the care of their clan. The Moonstone in hand, Vyse and Aika return to Pirate Island to find it obliterated by the Valuan Armada. Fina and many Blue Rogues have been captured by the Armada and taken to the capital city, and here the game proper begins. What starts as a simple rescue mission becomes a struggle for survival amid a looming world war.

Shortly after leaving Pirate Island, Vyse and Aika are shipwrecked by the legendary arcwhale Rhaknam. They are rescued by a callous but good-hearted fisherman named Drachma, who is hunting Rhaknam. They manage to convince Drachma to take them to Valua City and rescue their friends from death row, luring him with the prospect of a powerful whaling harpoon that is to be found in Valua. Upon rescuing their friends and making a miraculous escape from the Grand Fortress (a history-making feat), the Blue Rogues return to Pirate Island, where Fina admits the real reason that the Empire would go to such trouble to capture her.

Fina's mission is to travel Arcadia in search of the Six Moon Crystals, rare sources of power which can be used to summon organic weapons called the Gigas. The Armada also seeks these weapons with the plan of world domination, and Fina has to find them first. Fina recruits Vyse and Aika to her cause and joins the party, and together with Drachma, fellow pirate Gilder, and frustrated Valuan Prince Enrique, the trio find themselves fighting the Armada and the Gigas at every turn, all the while enduring shipwreaks, betrayal, enemy pirates, and a second capture and escape from the Valuan Grand Fortress. Upon the second escape from the Grand Fortress, Prince Enrique allows Vyse to own the Flagship built for him, the Delphinus, which allows Vyse to captain his own airship. They ultimately gather five of the six Crystals and return to Vyse's home base on Crescent Isle, expecting to celebrate and throw a farewell party for Fina, as Fina admits that her elders are in possession of the last, Silver Crystal.

Instead, the party is ambushed by Ramirez, a corrupted Silvite warrior and childhood friend of Fina. Disgusted with the greed and conceit of the world (primarily Valua's Upper City), Ramirez now serves Galcian and the Armada. Vyse, Aika, and Fina engage Ramirez in battle but are defeated. Ramirez reveals that the Silvite Elders were the ones who ordered the Rains of Destruction, a hail of moonstones that ravaged the old world to quell the ancient wars, and both Ramirez and Fina were sent to recover the Crystals so that the Elders may once again call down the Rains. Ramirez also reveals that every Silvite is born with a Silver Crystal in them, and attempts to kill Fina to take hers, but is stopped by Gilder's cannonfire and retreats. In order to prevent Galcian from obtaining the Silver Crystal, Vyse and co. recover the ship Fina arrived in from Deep Sky, the surface of the world beneath the clouds where atmospheric pressure is extreme. They recover the ship and use it to travel far above the clouds to the Great Silver Shrine, where Fina warns her Elders of Ramirez's betrayal, and lectures the Elders on the trust of people, and the wrongful nature of judging and killing them. Ramirez arrives with Galcian and murders the head Elder and takes his crystal and quickly makes a getaway. Ramirez takes all six Crystals and uses them to activate the continent of Soltis, of which Shrine Island is a small part. Ramirez alone can use the true power of the Crystals: when brought together with the Silver Gigas, they can call the Rains of Destruction upon any or all of the world's six continents, leading to apocalypse. Wishing to be rid of the Valuan Emipire, Galcian orders the Yellow Moon to rain on Valua's capitol, killing most of the citizens, including Empress Teodora and First Admiral Alfonso. Ramirez's initial plan is to give Galcian the power to rule the world, but Galcian dies in the massive Battle of Soltis at the hands of Fourth Admiral Belleza, who sacrifices her life and Flagship to kill him, after an Air Pirate army raised by Vyse defeats Galcian's fleet and Battle Station. Ramirez, angered by Galcian's death, decides to destroy the world. He is undermined by his own former Silvite Elders, who sacrifice their lives to break through Ramirez's defensive shield to atone for their judgmental behavior, allowing Vyse's crew entry into Soltis.

Vyse and friends fight Ramirez to a standstill, endangering his life. In desperation, Ramirez allows himself to be absorbed by the Silver Gigas, sacrificing his individuality for extra power and a chance at revenge. The Gigas loses to Vyse in a ship battle, and its core, an amalgamation of the Gigas and Ramirez, falls onto the Delphinus's deck for a final duel. The entity loses, and Ramirez and the means of summoning the Rains of Destruction are both destroyed forever. Vyse buries Ramirez's "remains," the Silver Crystal, at sea, and a lengthy celebration follows, after which Vyse, Aika and Fina (now a full-fledged Air Pirate) shed their combative past and return to being full-time Blue Rogues as the credits roll.

Bow before Empress Teodora and her evil army!!!!

Who is Empress Teodora and her evil army?

The Blue Rogues' sworn enemy, the Valuan Empire, continually hunts Vyse and Aika throughout the game. The Valuan Empire is ruled politically by the Empress Teodora I, but the real military power lies with the Lord Admiral Galcian. Galcian's five deputies - Alfonso (First Admiral), Gregorio, Vigoro, Belleza, and De Loco (Fifth Admiral) - each have a distinct personality, personified by their highly unique flagships. Amongst themselves they are each silently competing for promotion at the expense of the others, especially Alfonso, who thinks he should be Lord Admiral instead of Galcian. Galcian's Vice-Captain Ramirez later becomes the Sixth Admiral of the Valuan Armada and has a mysterious connection to Fina. All six of the Admirals die in the game, except for Vigoro (ironically, this is the only original admiral that the party fights in direct combat).

Scenes from this great game!!!

Skies of Arcadia Intro

Skies Of Arcadia Legends Battle: Ramirez(Zelos) partb

Skies Of Arcadia Legends The Game Movie Part 47

Empress Teodora first appears in the game.

Empress Teodora and her evil crew having a meeting

Ramirez first fight

More video here!!!

You guys should sticky this thread!!!!!

Last edited by Seyluv; 08-02-2007 at 08:25 AM.
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Old 08-24-2007, 08:08 PM   #2
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Re: "Skies of Arcadia" Fan Thread!!!

omg wow that game is rly cool i played it when i was in florida at my aunty's..i never had the privalidge of buying it. my goodness. i want
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Old 08-25-2007, 04:11 PM   #3
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Re: "Skies of Arcadia" Fan Thread!!!

^awe poor marius .. i got it at my brothers house i never rly played or finished it. i'll get it 4 you marius...if anyone of us can beat it its you.
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