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Old 11-30-2006, 08:42 PM   #16
Master Summoner
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Re: I have disturbing news.

Originally Posted by dappa
The gameboy advance is more powerfuller than the snes, so its strange that the music aint as good.
The GBA may be a 32-bit system, but it's just not powerful enough to faithfully port FFVI's graphics and sound. The GBA's synth is very, very poor, so few games on it have high quality soundtracks. And of course, the SNES has much better synth. Also, the resolution of the GBA's screen is smaller, so many battle backgrounds have had to be cut down or changed (like the cliffs in the Ultros battle).

Although I know that some things would be drastically downgraded, I had just gotten my hopes up when they gave a nice port of FFV. I was hoping they'd pay special attention to VI of all games, but, well, it is SE.

Yes, the voice in the original SNES version was really irritating...
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