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Old 11-30-2006, 11:52 AM   #30
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Yoko Kurama
With a shattered heart...
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: The Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden
Age: 33
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Re: Vampire, Real or Not?

I'm just saying that the classic vampire movies and Anne Rice books portray them wrongly. I know that my opinion is awkward. But there are just so many possibilities in the world, that who knows what does and doesn't exist. You can tell when people are faking a ... What should I call it?...vampirical identity when they think that they will live forever, never have to eat or drink, or think that they will only experience death through a stake in the heart. Maybe the people who are vampires just like blood, and mentally need it to stay calm or keep themselves "together". And to Avathar, I wouldn't quite call it cannibalistic. There are the people who are insane and kill for blood. Those are the truly insane. But, once again to Avathar, I basically belive that vampires are just people with "bloodthirst". I don't think that's all there is to it. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, maybe we're all wrong. We will probably never know. Just as a request, there is alot of tension, so Avathar or Arkacia, would one of you close this thread? I just don't want all out arguements out of this, and I don't want any member of FFNet to dislike me for my opinion. I respect everyone's opinion who posted here, despite my disagreement with most. As I said, just as a request, would one of you close this thread?
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