Thread: everyone 9999hp
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Old 07-31-2006, 07:51 PM   #1
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Cool everyone 9999hp

you can get your whole party 9999hp as soon as you unlock the lunar ruins(defeat zeromus)when you first enter the ruins keep going until you see a save point and a teleport thing.go to the left and save it.DON'T do through the door.go above the door and you'll see another door.keep doing that until you get to kain's trail.then through the door(not the first one)2 more times.the second time follow the path through the door and you should see a man.there's a red door and a blue to the guy and go through the red door first,then after your through talk to the dude again and go through the blue door.after that to the red door(you must go through the door literly inside it).and then the guy will give you a gold and silver apple go through the door,save and teleport out.then do it all again.(only in ff4)
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