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Old 06-14-2005, 05:28 AM   #1
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A small question...

It's about how the forum marks threads and forum areas for new posts. This normally works just fine, but if I go into a thread and start typing a long post (well, just be in there for a long time, which usally means making a long post), then when I'm done and return to the main forum page, all the threads that were previously marked for new posts are no longer marked, and I have to look at the dates of the last post to see where there are new ones. I have no idea why the marks for new posts would disappear, but it has only happened after I've made a post that took a long time to type up (not sure exactly how long is long, but I'd say at least 10 minutes, probably more..), and it happens without any exceptions too.

This may be out of your control anyway, Shaggy, but I was just wondering if you know what causes it? It's a lil annoying, and I can go around it by simply not posting that long post until I'm done reading the rest, but I tend to forget
And then there was silence
Just a voice from the other world
Like a leaf in any icy world
Memories will fade
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