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Old 07-16-2006, 05:44 PM   #14
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

3.4 Return to Troia

With the Earth Crystal in hand, it’s time to return to Troia and report to the Eight Clerics. Ride the black Chocobo again, and it’ll automatically take you to it’s home. (Even over a mountain...) From the Chocobo forest, walk back to Troia Castle.

Take note, that there’s a neat trick here. You can go fight in the Magnetic Cavern to gain experience and Gil, and then when Tellah runs out of MP, go back to the Chocobo forest and talk to a white Chocobo. The party’s MP will be restored, so Tellah can heal everyone’s HP with his Cure spells. Then you can refill your party’s MP again. You could technically do this forever, though at some point you’ll probably want to progress in the game.

Enter the castle, and go up to the Clerics’ chamber. As you enter, the Clerics crowd around Cecil, amazed that he retrieved the Earth Crystal. Just then, darkness fills the chamber and Kain’s voice tells Cecil that it’s time. He tells Cecil to bring the Crystal aboard the airship and he’ll take him to Rosa. Then, light returns to the room.

The Clerics keep their word, and allow you to borrow the Crystal, regardless of circumstances. They also say to retrieve the treasure from the underground storage facility. Remember the left set of stairs from those three sets of stairs on the right side of the castle? You can go through them now. Talk to the guard there, and say yes when she asks if you’ve been given permission to enter. She’ll open the door for you. Go through it up, then go right, down, and left down a set of stairs. You’ll be in a room filled with treasure. From left to right, top to bottom: HiPotion (Hi-Potion), Remedy, Ether 1, Ether 2, Elixir, EchoNote (Echo Note), GreatBow (Great Bow), Fire (Fire Arrows), Fire (Fire Arrows), HiPotion (Hi-Potion), Remedy, Ether 1, Ether 2, Ag Apple (Agility Apple), EchoNote (Echo Note), Ice (Ice Arrows), Ice (Ice Arrows), and finally Bolt (Bolt Arrows).

When you’re ready (stocked up on items and fully restored), ride the airship. Kain’s airship will link up with the Enterprise. Kain will ask to see the Crystal. Cecil shows it to him, and asks where Rosa is. Kain tells him that she’s in the Tower of Zot, and takes the Enterprise up into the sky, into the tower. The group enters the tower, and while Kain disappears, Golbez begins talking to the crew. He congratulates Cecil, saying that he exceeded even his expectations. The party demands that he show himself, but he says that Rosa and himself are at the top of the tower. If they bring the Earth Crystal to the top, he will return Rosa. Golbez also tells them that they’d better hurry, before Rosa ends up dead. Looks like we’re going to have to climb to the top of this tower if we want to see our White Mage again.
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