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Old 07-12-2006, 05:04 PM   #15
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Re: Final Fantasy IV faq by Zeromus_X

2.4 Mt. Ordeals (Mount Ordeals)

Although it really shouldn’t be said, put Palom and Porom in the back row. An interesing thing about the twins is their abilities. Palom’s ‘Bluff’ increases his magic attack power. Porom’s ‘Cry’ will fluster the enemy and lower their attack power. Both twins have the ability, ‘Twin’ which allows them to both use their actions and charge up a super-powerful spell. However, this takes a very, very long time to charge and you could probably win the battle with Cecil or with other magic in the time it takes to charge it up. In my opinion, not very useful.

At any rate, as you enter the mountain, you’ll notice a wall of flames blocking the way. Palom will use his Ice spell to get rid of the flames (similar to the ice wall on Mt. Hobs), and then you see a ‘meanwhile, elswhere’ scene at Golbez’s hideout. You’ll see Rosa tied up with Kain keeping an eye on her. Golbez summons one of his minions, Milon of Earth, one of the four ‘Elemental Fiends’. Golbez orders Milon to stop Cecil from climbing the Mountain of Ordeals and taking the test to become a Paladin. Golbez mentions that Cecil’s sword of darkness is useless against Milon’s undead minions...

One thing to note about the monsters here is that a lot of them are considered undead. (Skeletons, Zombies, etc.) Besides being extremely weak to fire spells, spells like cure actually damage these undead foes! You can even use a Life or the Life spell to slay them instantly! I don’t recommend using so much MP or items for that, however. Also, like Golbez remarked, Cecil’s swords of darkness are ineffective, and will do only 1 damage to undead enemies.

Anyway, after that scene, you’ll have control again. Continue the path up the mountain, picking up the two Potions in chests along the way. Go through the door north to the next area. The next area is straightforward. Continue until you near the northern exit door. As you approach it, an old friend will appear.

And of course, with all the other surprises that have occurred (and will occur!), would it be too much to say that it’s Tellah who comes out of the door? That’s right, Tellah the Sage from back in Kaipo appears. Tellah asks Cecil if he too is looking for Meteo. Porom is surprised at this, and scolds Palom for being disrespectful as they introduce themselves to him. (Palom hints at what they’re really doing...) Tellah exasperated by the ‘noisy brats’, asks where Rydia and Edward are. Cecil tells him of the incident regarding the boat and Leviathan. He also tells how Rosa got captured by Golbez. Cecil then questions Tellah as to what he’s doing here. Tellah says that his spells aren’t strong enough to make a match for Golbez, so he seeks the legendary Black Magic, Meteo, on Mt. Ordeals. He senses a strong aura on the mountain, leading him to believe it lies here. Porom warns that the spell is too dangerous; and it requires too much vitality for someone of his age. Tellah says he will get vengeance, even if it costs him his very life. Tellah once again asks Cecil what he’s doing on the mountain, and Cecil tells of how he plans to become a Paladin in order to defeat Golbez, and to renounce the sword of darkness. With similar plans, Tellah decides to join your party, now playable again. He’s at whatever level he was at before; but now you should be nearing that level with Cecil as well, so I guess it all works out. Reserve three spots for the back row, and stick Tellah, Porom, and Palom in those.

Anyway, go north, and you’ll be on the next area. Go left all you can to notice a treasure chest containing Ether 1. Go back right, and then up until you reach a small bridge. Cross it, and grab the treasure along the way, another Ether 1 in a chest. Continue up through the door to the next area.

You’ll now be at the summit. As you enter, you’ll hear a strange noise which Porom blames on Palom, though he denies doing anything. Continue up, and don’t forget to rest with a Tent and save at the Save Point to the right. Continue up, and you’ll hear that sound again. Once again, Porom tells Palom to stop, and he denies making the sound. Continue up the steps and attempt to cross the bridge to the left, and you’ll stop once more, hearing that strange noise. Tellah senses evil nearby, and a voice says that it will enjoy killing them all. Cecil demand that they show themselves, and Golbez’s assassin, Milon, the Fiend of Earth, appears to try and put an end to the crew!

BOSS: Milon, Ghast (4)
HP: 3,500
Experience Points: 3,200
Gil: 2,000

This fight will pit you against Milon and four of his undead servants. Just have Palom cast Fire 2 on all enemies, while having Tellah or Porom put on healing duty. Since Cecil’s attacks won’t effect the Ghasts, focus his attacks on Milon himself. The Ghasts are just like the normal undead enemies you’ve been fighting, so it won’t take too long. Take note that Milon seems to counter attack with Bolt 1. It won’t take too much HP away, but if it’s used multiple times, healing would be a good idea.

After you defeat Milon’s necromantic behind, go back to the Save Point, rest, and save. And, although it may seem a bit strange, use the ‘Row’ command in the menu to switch your party’s row positions. (Now your mages will be in the from, and Cecil should be in the back.) Just trust me on this one. Afterwards, try to go back through the bridge. You will be stopped, by Milon, again! Seems he won’t give up, even in death. Let’s see if we can teach him a lesson.

BOSS: Milon Z. (Milon Zombie)
HP: 3,523
Experience Points: 3,600
Gil: 2,500

When Milon attacks you again, you’ll be attacked from behind. Luckily (if you did what I said earlier), your mages will now be in the back, and Cecil will now be in the front because of this. So much for cowardice. Milon is now bigger, and a bit more powerful. His normal attack inflicts Poison status on the target, and he often uses this gas attack which I’m also guessing inflicts Poison. (It didn’t do anything to me, so I’m not completely sure.) He’s also considered undead. Cure spells will hurt him, and Fire spells also do a lot of damage. I still don’t recommend ‘attacking’ with Cure 2, it would be better to recover the party with it. Although I can’t comfirm this, I’ve heard some people say that using a Life or the Life spell will kill him off instantly, but I don’t know for sure. Either way, keep your party refreshed with Cure 2, keep using Fire 2, and have Cecil attack. If your mages run out of MP, use those Ethers you’ve been finding throughout the adventure. Eventually, he will fall, for the last time.

Now, continue and stand in front of that strange altar on the summit. Cecil will hear another mysterious voice, which says ‘My son...” The party is teleported to inside a crystal altar with a crystal mirror wall in front of them. The voice continues “Through much sorrow have I longed for your coming. I shall now entrust you with my power. By doing so, my pain will only grow. But there is no other way.”

With that, a sword of light appears out of the mirrored crystal wall, and as Cecil wields it, his appearance changes dramatically, from the black armor of a Dark Knight, to the Holy gear of a Paladin. (And with hair that could place him in any 80s rock band.) The voice continues, “Break from your past and overcome the darkness.”

Then, the Dark Knight version of Cecil comes out of the mirror. It tries to attack (the now Paladin) Cecil, and the rest of the group try to help him. Cecil tells them to stay back, and that this is his battle, to atone for his wrongs. You are now thrust into another boss fight, with Cecil, alone, against his own inner darkness.
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