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Old 06-08-2006, 01:02 PM   #17
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Re: -_- Where is our country going?

Originally Posted by reasoniamalive
You know... we COULD have let Hussain be, that would be a good idea too. Let him take Kuwait, but what if he didn't stop there? Let's say he got more power hungry and went after Iran. "Ok, you can have a little more power." Then he might go after Isreal...Where do you draw the line.
Now I'll be the first to agree that it was not ALL about this, of course there were alterior motives - and arguably greed for oil. But if the man wanted the entire mediterranean, began committing mass killings, etc - you have to draw the line somewhere...Go in, stomp his regiem, kill him if possible - but for God's sake, don't stay there for 3 friggin years.

Ok, I'm done ranting now
technically the UN and NATO dont want to make a mistake the Allies made with Hitler...he conqured Poland, then Chec-slovakia then Austria and so on...they let him have them...just like that...they thought he would bring Germany out of the economic crisis...he did and he ruled Europe as well...major mistakes done in the past reflact on the future thats a fact but they give the big-wigs like Bush a chance to load his pockets too...

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