Thread: Advent Children
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Old 01-30-2006, 08:02 PM   #16
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Tiny Bronco
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Re: Advant Children

From what I've seen/ read most people say its awsume except for the story. Now obviously you have to understand/ know FF7's plot completely, but I think people are going in there expecting way to much. This isn't a normal FF with a great plot. Its a CONTINUEATION to a very deep plot.( I #$@^%#@ the spelling of that word ) This was made to rap up FF7 and answer some huge questions. However for people to watch it they had to introduce a new plot. This new plot is the star scar syndrome. This also requires knowledge from FF7 because this is originally what Jenova used to kill the Centra. A disease that changed them into monsters. To save the planet from this disease the Centra sacraficed themselves.
This finished of all of them that were alive( not killed by disease) except one. Aeris's mother. So of course Jenova or whats left somehow survived N.C. in FF7 and someone used Jenova to bring back this disease. So Cloud comes to save the day and along the way answer lots of questions

Just my coments. Please bring the critisism. Note: purly an educated theory/ NOT a SPOILER.
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