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Old 11-05-2009, 08:31 PM   #1
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A very touchy subject for more people, myself included.

What are your thoughts on homosexuality or transgenderism? Are they positive, negative, or do you care at all? Do you believe gay people deserve all the rights you do? Is it a sin to love someone of the same sex?

Are you homosexual or transgender? If so, do you feel comfortable knowing this? How do you deal with it, have you come out to your family or friends?

This topic is for the discussion of your opinion on gay/lesbian/bi/trans people, and if you are part of that community, share with us if you're comfortable, I won't judge you, for I am a Transgender, myself.


My story.
For the longest time I've felt like I was made wrong, as if I was in the wrong body. So 4 years ago, I found myself staring at my female classmates, but not in a perverted way, but more of an envious way. It's the worst feeling in the world when you want something you can't get without paying a terrible price for. I am still interested in girls, but I want to be one at the same time, this makes it extremely hard to tell anyone about, because the community today assumes that anything a guy does that cmoes off as flamboyant in any way, is automatically gay. "You must like men if you hate being one."

2 years ago, I came out to my mom, she actually encouraged me to slowly come out, and to express myself the way I want whenever an occasion comes around when I can dress as a girl and no one give a damn. Now, I realize it really doesn't matter what other people think of you, sure they'll point and laugh, but does that actually hurt you? So, I just point and laugh back at their homophobia.

Now, I dress however I want every day, even to school, I'm growing my hair out and wearing cute clothes and even wearing perfume, lipstick and nail polish and everyone eventually got over their homophobia and treat me like a girl, I am referred to as a "she" to everyone at school, people even renamed me to a really cute name, my name is now, Tara. ^-^

So, share your story of coming out and how your life changed after you truly discovered yourself.

Originally Posted by clief101_ View Post
You've dun alot for this forum and tried to keep it going as best as u can, and even though ur comp crashed ur still posting through ur PSP. That shows commitment to this site and thanx Therath!!

Stick around and watch this sight grow, become a veteran and then show the newbies how its dun!!
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