Thread: Demons Souls
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Old 05-15-2009, 06:21 AM   #2
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Re: Demons Souls

Sorry for the double post.
Well I own this game now so I can tell you more about it. The game is pretty hard and defiantly not casual friendly, you have to pay attention all the time becuase if you let your guard down it will usually get you killed pretty fast and getting killed means you lose your souls (or though they can be retrieved should you make it back to where you died) and you have to start at the start of the level AND you go into a form with only half health!
It might not sound fun but I find the combat surprisingly enjoyable and the feeling of accomplishment should you manage to progress is higher than in any other game I can remember.

other stuff;
great English voice acting
can customize your character
can pick class
very nice art work and monster design
good graphics

Eurogamer gave the game 9/10 in a reivew.
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