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Old 06-26-2008, 06:09 AM   #1
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Phoenix Flame
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A past relationship (& current struggle.)

I just found out that my ex has been doing rather well. She's still speaking publicly: reaching out to her community to educate people about mental illness...the Chicago Tribune even wrote up an article on her. O_O

...anyway; I sometimes want to talk with her and see how she's doing. Its been nearly two years since we ended our relationship. If any of you know me well - you know that it was rocky (at best.) Still, I can't help but want to put the past behind us and be (distant) friends. I don't want to just barge back into her life and be like 'Hi. I want to be friends. I hear you're doing well. WTFs going on? o_O' Y'know?? So: how, or should I even try, to contact her? Was thinking about sitting-in on one of her speeches, sending a text or a letter (although I don't like the idea of a letter) or possibly even an e-mail. What are your thoughts?
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