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SethirothVII 05-13-2006 06:35 PM

George Bush yes/no
I would guess there are a few Americans on these forums a question do you like george bush your president at the moment not senior if yes or no say why

Tiny Bronco 05-13-2006 06:58 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
I don't really not like him. I just don't like the way everything has turned in the US. economy, war, enviroment, endless political arguments, debt, ect. is all just getting annoying.

SethirothVII 05-13-2006 07:06 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
has he given america an valid excuse for going to war with iraq i think it was just for the oil howver iraq was not selling its oil so that was unfair but didnt have to go to war

Tiny Bronco 05-13-2006 07:13 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
HE HEHEHEHEHE! You'll get a very heated debate about this if you were in our gov. Only he knows why he went to war. Ethically it was right because Sadduam Huesain or whatever the spelling is was killing of 100s right and left. But I think it was stupid to actually go to Iraq because you can never win a gurillia war. You can only win if you want to go in a destroy the country. Not if you want to occupie it to make it a better place.

Whatever. Its hard to know.

SethirothVII 05-13-2006 07:17 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
true i thought if he was killing so many they would of got rid of him after he invaded kuwait in 1990 in the first gulf war i think john kerry should of won and 9/11 sad day for americans didnt he have a chance to shoot the second plane down

Zeromus_X 05-13-2006 10:42 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
Not really. The negative things he's done far outweigh any positives. Thankfully, it won't be too long until he's out of office.

Riki 05-14-2006 08:18 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
Bush sucks no one likes him where i live

darkshadow2247 05-25-2006 04:01 AM

Re: George Bush yes/no
i do not like the guy. i think his decision-making at times can be rather poor. but i am an American; I am a patriot of America. so with whatever he does, i'm going about it in the american fashion. you may as well support him while he's office. nothing else you can do about it

Zeromus_X 05-25-2006 04:37 AM

Re: George Bush yes/no
Hm? Why can't someone not support their leader, especially if they aren't even a very good one? It's that kind of attitude that won't move people further, or faster than this sluggish pace. I'm an American too, but I know enough that the president isn't on the fast side. (Although to be fair, alot of decisions are made by his administration, which circles to him picking them, and etc.)

darkshadow2247 05-25-2006 04:50 AM

Re: George Bush yes/no
its not that i support his decisions. honestly, i dont think either candidate in the '04 election was truly fit for presidency. and i should clarify myself a little more. when i say support him, i don't mean go crazy about what he says and try to cricify whoever speaks out against him. that would undermine the principles of freedom of speech.

i guess what im trying to say is hard to put into words. its like, put yourself in his shoes. you are pressured into making a decision while everyone is watching your every move. give the guy a break. he's bent on war and not the sharpest tool in the shed. and he's a puppet to Carl Robe or whatever his name is.

Spec Highwind 05-25-2006 04:45 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
I am not American... I'm from far away... I'm from another continent. I'm from Europe. I'm from Portugal. But I really hate him, even so...

Tiny Bronco 05-25-2006 05:06 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
So long as he's in office I'm not going to hate him and try to be a bain in the ass to whatever he's trying to accomplish. Thats the sad thing about political parties. If one is trying to do something the other will screw it up even if they think its a good idea. Just to make the other side look bad.

darkshadow2247 05-25-2006 05:48 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
in actuality they do nothing but make themselves look bad

Hydra 05-25-2006 09:54 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
A man who can't say or spell 'nuclear' should not be in any political office. Even if that's so, I'll vouch for him. He's basically all we have for another few years. It's doubtful he can mess anything else up. The war is for money, poltical purposes, and a cover up. We're supposed to believe we're rebuilding what we bombed up. It's unlikely, but I'm not going to ask about it. Just suck it up and wait. He'll be gone soon. Love him, and respect him, as long as he's there. So, I'll vote yes. But I'll be glad when he's gone. O.o

Zeromus_X 05-25-2006 10:33 PM

Re: George Bush yes/no
@Darkshadow: Ah, I understand that better.

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