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clief101_ 04-08-2010 09:44 AM

Im not sure if this is in the right section, so im sorry if its in the wrong 1, could someone please move it if it is, thankyou.

Now over the past couple of weeks, some bots have been doing some serious posting and it is realy starting to annoy me. whether its bots or people being idiots, something realy has to be done about, because from what i can see, the mods are being a lil bit slack (because they havnt been here) and i dont know when shaggy was on last.

Something realy needs to be done about these bots, they are posting around about 7 posts a day each. I will admit, ive actualy given up on reporting for 2 reasons

1. If a mod was to actualy look at the site and go to new posts, they would see how much of a problem this is, and delete/ban the users/bots on their own

2. Ive reported so many bots over the last cpl months and little is done to remove them, therefore why should we report something if nothing gets done.

Ino i may sound a lil mad in the post, and if im wrong in what ive said in any way shape or form please tell me so i can apologise, otherwise, can we have this problem fixed?

thankyou for listening to my rant XD

rissole25 04-09-2010 12:51 AM

Re: Problem
OMG MAN! I just logged in and seen that the new posts in every thread are nearly all bot posts!

darkshadow2247 04-09-2010 01:25 AM

Re: Problem
This is very true. This site died, was slightly revived and then began to decline again. About 70% of the activity here is from spam.

I stick my head in these doors about twice a week because I know that when I sift through the new posts, it's rare that I'll come across actual user content. I know this site is pretty much on its last leg, and I'll stick around until this place in defunct. With the way things are looking, I don't think that this site will grow into anything larger without a change. The first needs to be a clean up. If we were somehow end up in main stream traffic again, we're going to deter new users. No one wants to post on a forum full of spam.

rissole25 04-09-2010 01:36 AM

Re: Problem
Come Therath! Start getting these bots outta here

Gumdrop 04-09-2010 06:42 AM

Re: Problem
It is bot-crazy around here :/ I hope something can be done.

clief101_ 04-10-2010 01:45 AM

Re: Problem
so do i...ino its not the reason for people not coming here, but if someone were to come, itd jus drive them away, no1 wants to see that much bot activity. ino u cant stop every single one of them, but the amount of activity they have atm is getting outa control

TherathxRikku 04-10-2010 02:14 AM

Re: Problem
I always check the New Posts every time I log on and off, I ban all the bots I see and soft delete their threads, I wish I had to ability to get rid of the threads altogether, but Super Mods can only do so much, even if it's more than the average user.

Shaggy is on every now and then, we've talked about this problem, and every time he logs on, he gets rid of all the threads he can.

I am trying, clief, I just barely have time to log on as it is, and eliminating bots and their threads, while an easy task, takes plenty of steps. But like dark said, bots are not the only problem, we've got to start getting some serious topics going and eliminate as much spam as we can, I know I'm guilty, but I'm willing to try.

I'll do whatever it takes to keep this forum alive, I know I haven't been here long, but this place is already somewhat of a home for me.

Gumdrop 04-10-2010 05:56 AM

Re: Problem
There must be a way to reduce the amount that register in the first place. Or at least let mods destroy threads.

darkshadow2247 04-10-2010 02:13 PM

Re: Problem
I have a friend who has this idea of a new type of CAPTCHA. Instead of it being a little design in which you enter the two words that you see, it asks a simple question that any one can get. Any type of automated registration bot will be defeated by the question.

For example, instead of the CAPTCHA, use the question "What is two + two?" and have the values and operator randomized. This will force a spammer to individually register to spam the site.

There may be flaws in this plan as my knowledge on automated spamming is limited, but it's a step in the right direction, even if it isn't implemented.

TherathxRikku 04-10-2010 06:35 PM

Re: Problem
I'd figure having a CAPTCHA and that would help tremendously, though it may annoy new members....

rissole25 04-11-2010 07:57 AM

Re: Problem
It may annoy them at first but I guess it's a price to pay if we want to get rid of these bots.

Shaggy 04-18-2010 11:46 PM

Re: Problem
I honestly don't know what I else I can do to stop them from posting. I can shut down registrations and just moderate new members. Not sure what else I can do to stop them from coming in. I am all for adding a few more mods if any of you are interested. That should help out alot if the new mods are on alot.

Gumdrop 04-19-2010 05:08 AM

Re: Problem
Hmm if you didn't try already could always try to I.P. ban them if their from the same few places.

TherathxRikku 04-20-2010 09:57 AM

Re: Problem
Google, Yahoo, MSN, bing, all of these should be watched carefully.

As for the new mod idea, I support it. We could really use the help, Shaggz.

rissole25 04-22-2010 07:57 AM

Re: Problem
I'm interested in becoming a mod, although recently I haven't been on alot. I could ban the bots that haven't been banned since when I'm on, no-one else is on.

I like the idea of the I.P Ban although I'd think they would get around it somehow. The registrations closing could work, but that could cause potential problems in the future. The CAPTCHA idea might work as well, since bots wouldn't be able to get pass them.

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