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Gunslinger 01-18-2005 12:32 PM

FF5 - Best of the classics?
Cant beleive no-one is posting about this game.....what a classic!! Square really found their feet with this one. The job system ruled the story and music were wicked. Was this the introduction of the WEAPON monsters aswell?? Not too sure about that....... :cool:

ShadowHeart 01-18-2005 12:49 PM

I haven't played this one through yet. I'm ashamed :(

I need to do ASAP when I have time..

Gumdrop 01-18-2005 03:13 PM

I love it to, I can't decide which is better though ff5 or 6, they are both great :D

Gunslinger 01-18-2005 03:47 PM

True, 6 had loads more characters and a much darker story.
Does anyone know weather this was the weapon monsters debut?

FFnut 01-18-2005 08:46 PM

It probably was (they weren't in 1, I know for sure, and I don't think they were in any of the earlier ones) but FF7 was the only one that the WEAPONS played a major part in, right? Regardless, 5 is definitely one of my favorites... I haven't beaten it yet, but I'm not even in the second world because I'm horribly underlevelled. Bah.

Shaggy 01-19-2005 02:14 AM

Don't feel bad Shadow...I haven't played it yet either...:p

ShadowHeart 01-19-2005 03:13 AM

I have played it a little, but I haven't got very far. I will, sometime though. Cause I like the game from what I've seen so far :D

Gunslinger 01-19-2005 10:50 AM

It's really hard to be under levelled on this game. Did anyone else find the LUDICROUS amount of AP available in the castle basement........LVL 5 DOOM.......yes.

Chocobo-bo 02-14-2005 02:57 AM

I always got massacred in the basement. Although I'm still on the first world. I'm too afraid to go back.

Shaggy 02-14-2005 05:35 PM

How does everyone like it? If everyone prasies it, I will go out and get it! :p

FFnut 02-14-2005 05:37 PM

Go get it. One of the best wastes of money... sorry, that's what my parents say about FF games. As if. Honestly, it's a great game. Like I said, I haven't gotten very far because I think I'm underlevelled, but I haven't played it for a while. I think I'll go pick it up again after I get the remaining 11 endings in Chrono Trigger.

Shaggy 02-14-2005 05:49 PM

Does it have a good story and good graphics?

Chocobo-bo 02-15-2005 01:57 AM

Graphics??? It's a SNES game. :) I love the game, but I'm really not that far in it. I think it's worth getting and especially since six comes with it in Anthology. And story line wise...i'm not sure because i'm only like six or seven hours into it. But I'd buy it if I was you Shaggy.

Spiff 02-24-2005 04:26 PM

I tried playing it but never finished. I never got into the job system.

Zynk 03-17-2005 06:13 PM

Toward the end of the FF5 I always seem to use weapons that hits twice and have a bare character with X-Fight! and with a color of magic.

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