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Shaggy 06-28-2006 05:33 AM

Things ahead for this site...
I know I have said that I woul ddo this and that. Sorry about all this not getting done. Just personal life things have kept me from doing so.

Well, I have just hired a major developer that will be creating a great front page that will allow you all to submit walkthroughs, reviews, cheats, pics, and so on on every ff game out.

He will also be making a new skin too.

This is going to be taking sometime, but be patient, it will happen.

Zeromus_X 06-28-2006 05:37 AM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
Heh, no problem. It can't be helped if other things are in order.:)

Anyway, yay! Sounds awesome. =3 Maybe I should write a walkthrough or something....Hm..

Squall Lionheart 06-28-2006 10:38 AM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
I like it the way it is...but that's none of my buisness...
Not that I'll be here for a long while...... starting today...
But what about the battles?...

Spirit 06-28-2006 07:17 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
It's OK, we all understand your situstion.

Tiny Bronco 06-28-2006 09:54 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
Sounds pretty good to me.

Its okay that you have other stuffs Shaggy. The fact that you have created a succesfull sight is way more than I would be able to do. And I thank you for it.

Dark FFnut 06-28-2006 10:56 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
Note that this announcement came not long after my post where I complained about the fact that it looked like Shaggy would never put up the "main site."



Originally Posted by Dark FFnut
I've beaten it.

It's... um... really easy, actually, except for like three battles (and one of them is only hard if you're not prepared for it).

Golgorand Execution Site because you're outnumbered... I think eight to five.

Riovanes Castle (if you're unprepared) because a lot of people can't one-on-one Wiegraf and save over their main file so they can't go back to train.

The Bethla Floodgate. It's really a pain in the ass.

Actually, a while ago Shaggy had me type up a walkthrough for Tactics... it's not finished yet, but since it was supposed to go on the "actual" site and his goals have lowered since then, I could post it here if you want.

Bolded for reading comprehension.

So it seems the only way to get anything done around here is to make a backhanded comment about it not being done.

Anyone else wanna give it a try?

Zeromus_X 06-28-2006 11:22 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
Well, you never know...:p Shaggy doesn't have all the time in the world for this website. :)

Shaggy 06-29-2006 07:17 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
Honestly Dark, i never even saw your post. Just before this post, I was talking to the developer and was happy to write it, wanting everyone to know what was coming up. So sorry dark, you didn't effect me at all, this post was my own doing ;)

Luis 06-29-2006 08:09 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
I think it wouldn't be very normal if you had to spend all your time here. Daily matters must be attended first. Anyway, I hope everything's ok and I'm sure the new look of the site will be a success. :):)

darkshadow2247 06-29-2006 09:17 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...

Originally Posted by Luis
I think it wouldn't be very normal if you had to spend all your time here. Daily matters must be attended first. Anyway, I hope everything's ok and I'm sure the new look of the site will be a success. :):)

agreed. if someone rushes you or pressures you into doin something for the site, tell them to blow it out their...well, you know. but i've been around here for about a month and i've liked my stay so far. i dont post much but i at least browse every day. GJ on your success so far

Kat 06-29-2006 11:27 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
every one understands,so dont rush as long as it happens everyone will be a-ok ;)

Shaggy 07-01-2006 04:07 AM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
Thanks everyone. It will happen, just a matter of tme when he can get to me..:p

Staircase 07-01-2006 10:28 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...

So it seems the only way to get anything done around here is to make a backhanded comment about it not being done.
Everything about this site is awsome, and he shouldnt be focusing on the forums if he has other life matters to attend. Also keep in mind Shaggy owns a couple of other forums including, which as far as ive seen other than deviant art is one of the most used Graphics sites. Hes got alot of stuff to do so dont expect him to do things immediatly. Im sure he works his ass off to keep all these sites in order.

Arkacia 07-05-2006 08:06 AM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
A couple of other forums? I did a count once, and stopped at 6 :D.

I have to apologise for not being around much recently either. Real life took over again.

Staircase 07-05-2006 02:31 PM

Re: Things ahead for this site...
"A couple of other forums? I did a count once, and stopped at 6 ."
lmfao. Yea, hes got a lot of forums. And dealing with other issues is fine. The sites fine without tons of mods, i think most of us are mature enough to know where to stop =).

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