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blackstar 03-07-2007 11:44 AM

Trust and friends
Hey everyone another topic, friends you know we all have friends (i hope) i have several friends that i honestly trust, love, and respect. We are different but do have several things in common likes, dislikes. ect. They are people i would put my life in their hands and feel safe. When asked i give my full opinion and they respect it and when i ask they do the same for me and i respect them for telling me the truth. What are your thoughts on true friends?

Gackt Camui 03-08-2007 12:52 PM

Re: Trust and friends
Tifa is all I have to say. She is most definetly a true friend

dappa 03-08-2007 07:05 PM

Re: Trust and friends
Myself I will go out of my way to protect my friends. If I offer friendship to someone I stand by them till the end of time.

blackstar 03-09-2007 11:43 AM

Re: Trust and friends

Originally Posted by dappa
Myself I will go out of my way to protect my friends. If I offer friendship to someone I stand by them till the end of time.

Thats a very admirable thing dappa especially in a world with a majority every man for himself or you can only be my friend if youve got money or power or your popular
attitude its good to be able to have real friends who will go out of your way to protect you and im proud to say i have some of those and feel proud that i have had friends tell me that about me (i nearly cried).

Kat 03-09-2007 11:12 PM

Re: Trust and friends
All of my friends,i would fight for them no matter what.
there is nothing i wouldn't do to make them happy. ^^

Phoenix Flame 03-10-2007 04:37 AM

Re: Trust and friends
Friends are honest. They are someone you turn to when you NEED to talk about something. They tell you the truth, even if you don't want to hear it. They stick with you through all your stupid decisions and if you fall - a true friend will be there to pray with you, cry with you and cherish you...then help you pick yourself up. They are ready to go to war at the drop of a hat. They have your back. A true friend realizes that they can't go it alone either in this life...that we weren't meant to be self-sufficient and need other people we can trust, depend upon and lub on. So they too will open up and share what's going on in life.

Kat 03-13-2007 08:42 PM

Re: Trust and friends
most the people on ffnet,all my friends,i adore them as much as my friends i go to school with,lol.
like i said earlier,they're like my family ^^

blackstar 03-14-2007 10:19 AM

Re: Trust and friends
I feel the same way (about most of you) Kats sorta like the little sister i never had, Reason that wise older brother,,and we must not forget Crazy Uncle Hydra :) Faust feels like that sis thats the same age as you and you just sorta stare at everyone else going god they are so crazy. Tifa the crazy older sister i never had. Empress is like that really cool creepy friend everyone should have. And theres also the miriad of other really good people ive met Catalyst, Gackt Camui, Dappa also kinda like that wise older brother,Slider that crzy Egyptian metal head ive always wanted to meet and anyone ive missed just because im tired and will kill me with an axe cause i forgot ;chp

Gackt Camui 03-15-2007 12:17 PM

Re: Trust and friends
A true friend is somebody who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. They're always there...and its only fair for you to do the samething.

blackstar 03-15-2007 04:00 PM

Re: Trust and friends

Originally Posted by Gackt Camui
A true friend is somebody who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. There always there...and its only fair for you to do the samething.

amen sermons over

Doctor 03-16-2007 02:27 AM

Re: Trust and friends
A true friend will tell you anything, no matter how deeply personal...

A true friend won't ever abandon you, no matter the situation, circumstances, anything.

A true friend will always consider your happiness as well as his own when making important choices that could affect your friendship. They will always try to make the choice that won't be too devastating, unless they want to talk openly and honestly about making the descision/big change.

And a true friend will always love you for who you are, and if you yourself are a true friend to them, you will always love them just as much.

These are my feelings on what a true friend is, I suppose...

Kat 03-17-2007 07:57 PM

Re: Trust and friends

Originally Posted by blackstar
I feel the same way (about most of you) Kats sorta like the little sister i never had, Reason that wise older brother,,and we must not forget Crazy Uncle Hydra :) Faust feels like that sis thats the same age as you and you just sorta stare at everyone else going god they are so crazy. Tifa the crazy older sister i never had. Empress is like that really cool creepy friend everyone should have. And theres also the miriad of other really good people ive met Catalyst, Gackt Camui, Dappa also kinda like that wise older brother,Slider that crzy Egyptian metal head ive always wanted to meet and anyone ive missed just because im tired and will kill me with an axe cause i forgot ;chp

all these awesome people here its just kewl,lol!
Hydra is just like a big brother to me i totally look up to him!
Slider is mah kittah buddy!
Reason is "almost" the most 1337est person here,what not to like about him :p
T-C is awesome! she's just like Tifa! =D no seriously lol
Blackstar is just like a brother ^,^
Yoko is one of my best friends,were would i be without him ^-^
Griever i seriously look up to him too! ^^
Luis! can't forget Luis! just as goofy as Hydra =D
Fawkes he's pretty awesome too. *hands him a beer*
Empress she's like a big sista,i love her attitude ":rolleyes:
Arkacia now,she's like so wise! lol!
Zeromus the smexy kittah lovin mod..
Spec is also one of those really kewl peoples
John Smith,i like pickin on him but i still love him lika brother :D
Avathar honestly who don't like the guy?!

told ya i love most of ffnet XD

Spec Highwind 03-17-2007 08:28 PM

Re: Trust and friends
I have 4 true friends. I really can't trust one of them =P But I spend most of my time with them. I know things about them, they know things about me. But no one really does know me =D

Doctor 03-18-2007 06:03 AM

Re: Trust and friends
blackstar's post about the people he knows here made me think about, well what I think about the people here, too...

The people on this forum are some of the nicest, greatest people I've ever seen. And I've been to forums with nothing but jerks, or hackers, or uptight places with lots of rules...But ther people here are laid back, aren't afraid to have opinions, know what they are talking about (most of the time, XD ) know how to have fun, and most importantly, you guys care about each other.

Sure, it's not like we're all together in real life in some sort of group, hanging out in a happy little circle, but it feels that way. I think we're all friends here; even though I haven't been here for very long, I'm starting to feel like I belong here. I hope this forum doesn't die for a while, so I can hang out a bit longer.

What I suppose I'm trying to say, is that everyone here is a good friend to each other. Not too many people are like that, and I just feel lucky that I found this place. :D

Spec Highwind 03-18-2007 01:55 PM

Re: Trust and friends

Originally Posted by Kat
all these awesome people here its just kewl,lol!
Hydra is just like a big brother to me i totally look up to him!
Slider is mah kittah buddy!
Reason is "almost" the most 1337est person here,what not to like about him :p
T-C is awesome! she's just like Tifa! =D no seriously lol
Blackstar is just like a brother ^,^
Yoko is one of my best friends,were would i be without him ^-^
Griever i seriously look up to him too! ^^
Luis! can't forget Luis! just as goofy as Hydra =D
Fawkes he's pretty awesome too. *hands him a beer*
Empress she's like a big sista,i love her attitude ":rolleyes:
Arkacia now,she's like so wise! lol!
Zeromus the smexy kittah lovin mod..
Spec is also one of those really kewl peoples
John Smith,i like pickin on him but i still love him lika brother :D
Avathar honestly who don't like the guy?!

told ya i love most of ffnet XD

Uh... You should love yourself too xD

And the kewlest thing in your post:

John Smith and Avathar don't deserve a Space before their paragraphs. (you can only see that by quoting/editing the post)

Or are they part of my paragraph? =O

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