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Avathar 12-19-2005 03:54 PM

I sure want to talk about this: what are your ideas about legalization? I say soft drugs like marihuana should be legalised, 'cause in my country the law is a bit undefined about that. Then it's like you can have so much gram on you when you're outside, and so much gram when at home, but the police may only check you when outside :confused: it's very confusing in Belgium.

Arkacia 12-25-2005 09:51 PM

Re: Drugs
I agree that weed should be legal. After all its not that much different to alcohol in effect, and in fact I consider alcohol to be worse for abuse and the effects of that.

I play an online politics game where you create your own nation and run it any way you see fit. Weed is legal in my nation, but only in the privacy of a persons own home. I also RP that my citizens are allowed to grow and use their own, but not sell or traffic it.

Hard drugs are a different kettle of fish because of the severe health and social problems they cause, plus the fact abuse of hard drugs affects others uninvolved in it much, much more than weed, or even alcohol for that matter.

Only one state in Australia has legalised weed for private use, but there are limits on the amount that can be grown by one person/household and, like my nation above, its only legal in the home and selling is not allowed. Its still illegal in all other states but there are movements happening now to change that.

Avathar 12-26-2005 01:29 PM

Re: Drugs
Well yes, soft drugs and alcohol are very similar. Only that most goverments judge faster that soft drugs have a quicker and worsened effect on people. Especially when those people are behind wheels.
And yes, hard drugs is definitely something else, in comparison.

I should check the exact law about soft drugs in my country......
....ah, here it is:

The use of cannabisproducts such as hasj and marihuana are no longer punishable in Belgium. Therefore the old druglaw from 1921 became adapted. But the political parties had different conclusions, so there came a compromis:

In the new law there is the differentiation of soft- and harddrugs. Users of harddrugs could still get persucated jurydicly, users of softdrugs not anymore. On the other hand there's also the differantiation between problematic and non-problematic use. What the exact difference is, remains unclear. It's also uncertain how much gram someone may have in posession. It's like, would 10 or 20 gram still be normal for personal use, or would you be speaking of trading then? Because the trade of softdrugs remains forbidden.

So you may use cannabis, but only if there's no social disbehaviour cause by the using. But because of this lack of precise rules, then everything becomes a question of interpretation for the police and the judges. There are only a couple of politics which are saying that driving under influence of drugs is forbidden. And if someone's addicted, he should be in rehabilitation.
Also, it's supported that the prosecuted users of harddrugs to keep them out of prison; they should also be sent to helpcenters.

This new druglaw is a total disaster, just because it's all about interpretation, and things that you "should" do. The rules don't have anything to say about how the druguser is actually getting his softdrugs. If trade is still illegal, then you couldn't buy it anywhere legally, in theory. So anyone that wants to smoke a joint, he should plant it's own "Belgian Weed". Or he could make a trip towards a Dutch coffeeshop. But the tourists in the Dutch coffeeshops have to smoke anything they buy there, they have to smoke it there. The import remains illegal. the law has improved some. But at some points it's about speculation.

(when i translated this to english... i don't know if everything's right, but i did my best :cool: )

Squall Lionheart 01-26-2006 01:29 PM

Re: Drugs
I was never on the positive side in that matter....stil I don't mind the presence of soft drinks....

Tiny Bronco 01-26-2006 06:13 PM

Re: Drugs
Soft drugs are fine unless people abuss them so much it becomes a health problem. Hard Drugs are way to dangerous and I curse whoever made them. :mad: Like Meth!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

The only problem with drugs in general is adictiveness. I like to have my free will not muddled up by chemicals. ;)

Squall Lionheart 01-26-2006 09:20 PM

Re: Drugs
That is the summary live by your free will...

slimcloud 02-05-2006 11:31 PM

Re: Drugs
i was smoking weed for a long time and i mean 8 years or more,i was takin other stuff but nothing i couldnt handle.Or so i thought because i suddenly without warning began to hear voices all around me,i thought they were all talking about me and this kinda thing really does make you go insane believe.if theres one thing you lot should hear is this 'NEVER TAKE DRUGS OV ANY KIND BECAUSE EVENTUALLY YOUR MIND WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTROL THE DOPERMINE LEVELS THAT THESE DRUGS INDUCE INTO YOUR BRAIN'and if you dont take my advice then you should be asking the question 'what made me so dependant on the feeling to get high?you can only answer that question.

Tiny Bronco 02-05-2006 11:34 PM

Re: Drugs
I beleive you.

slimcloud 02-05-2006 11:39 PM

Re: Drugs
its harder to come off the stuff than to go on to it

Tiny Bronco 02-05-2006 11:43 PM

Re: Drugs
Yes. We had a bunch of Druggys on rehab. come into our school to talk about how bad they are.

Squall Lionheart 02-06-2006 09:54 AM

Re: Drugs
My oppinion is that the prohibition is in its right place right now.....

slimcloud 02-07-2006 12:20 PM

Re: Drugs
i was so glad for the use ov drugs yesterday when i had one ov my back teeth ripped from its home,but i cant help thinking we rely so much on drugs where would we be without them?

~Hidan~ 06-18-2006 03:41 PM

Re: Drugs
I think pot should be treated the same way as alchole, it doesnt do much worse then beer or whine or wisky and doesnt make people violent.

Kat 06-24-2006 11:02 AM

Re: Drugs
i agree alot with Tiny Bronco and Slimcloud they are bad 4 u and a little is okay but you may get addicted then you do alot then you start hearing voices then you go insane then you get put in a nut house AND THEN you mess up your life that could hav been great.....

~Hidan~ 06-24-2006 05:39 PM

Re: Drugs
Yeh this is true. overdoing any drugs can mess up your system, even simple things like caffine

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