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Phoenix Flame 02-18-2008 10:02 AM

How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
I would have to say that this one's not quite as good as some of the other Final Fantasy games I've played. The reason being is that the story line is too choppy, incomplete and a little boring...I would have been happier if Square used Basch's redemption as the central plot and developed it further with the other characters instead of not having a true focus at all except melee combat and Vayne. = P

BTW, I think X's the best because the total aspect of the game was perfect to me. The enemies, the sphere grid, the storyline... perfect!

Andrew Scaves 02-18-2008 07:39 PM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
XII was exemplary for it's battle system I was pulled into the story in the begginning, but as the game got on farther along the story's interest failed away mainly because hyou had major gapes in between cut scenes, but if the dungeons and fields were shorter then the game's story still would have seemed a bit boring, the way it is now makes you lost after all the time you spent in between dungeons fields and hunts. It's a good game nontheless.

Phoenix Flame 02-19-2008 06:05 AM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
What do you think about it compared to other FFs you've played...oh, and don't forget to pick your favorite in the poll and tell why.

Max the Man 02-20-2008 11:39 PM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
It was a toughie, but I chose 10.

The battle system was epic, even if the story was slightly cliché.


I love them all =w= even if 7 is overrated and 8's battle system was too hard to handle.

Anyway: My thoughts on 12 are: It definitely lived up to the hype in my world. The story was amazing, because it was the first story line that wasn't saving the world. Story's where the world isn't in danger are fine by me xD

The battle system was fun. My friends at school thought it was boring, but that's because they use a guidebook D< But getting rid of the 2 second breaks to random battles made the game seem much faster and left more room for character and story development.

My favourite thing about the game was the license board! It was so fun and reminded me a bit of the sphere grid, but a more open ended version of the sphere grid. It's great xD

Edit: FF9 added. Thanks for letting me know about my oversight =P

Indigo Truth 04-11-2008 10:35 AM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
To be honest, i was disappointed with 12. I thought the battle system was a good move but i still prefer the old battle system of when you cant see your enemies (apart from certain places like on Via-Infinito on X-2) i just hope 13 has a better battle system


dappa 05-02-2008 09:21 PM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
i struggled to get into this game at first, and i found the story line was ok, but not overly brilliant, tho i love the notion of 6 individuals taking on a empire etc. Its been well over a year since i bought this game and i still aint completed it, i am exploring everywhere and i found the sidequests and mark hunting some of the most surprising aspects of this game and surprising in a good way for me as they where challenging,

In answer to the thread question i think i stands up quite well to some of the older final fantasies but it aint the best 0ne, i like ten the best now

Gumdrop 03-20-2009 03:15 PM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
My favorite would either have to be 7 or 9. I thought 12 was pretty decent. Trouble is one of the main people from the team working on the game left halfway through (forget who it was) and the game clearly suffered for it. I put it in my personal top five anyway :)

Seraph 07-29-2009 04:17 PM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?

Originally Posted by Indigo Truth (Post 113264)
To be honest, i was disappointed with 12. I thought the battle system was a good move but i still prefer the old battle system of when you cant see your enemies (apart from certain places like on Via-Infinito on X-2) i just hope 13 has a better battle system


I have to say that i agree, it made it too 'obvious' if you know what i mean?

In regards to the best one, i have to say VII, the story, the gameplay, everything just tied in perfectly.

Hurley 09-27-2009 08:42 PM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
My personal favorite is X. Its a great story and the way you can fight with your summons. I like the idea of the sphere grid and hope they have in XIII when it comes out.

XII's story is a little disappointing. I expected more when i first played it. I prefer the old school battle system as to being able to see your opponents. It gives open exploits(Fafnir and the rock exploit for example).

VIII was a little to easy with all the leveling being only 1000 experience. I enjoyed the story and the likes.

clief101_ 09-28-2009 01:03 AM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
i wasnt very pleased with XII. i found the story was ok, but the characters were weak. i felt as though i couldnt really connect with any of them, mostly due to the fact that the game was focused on the graphics and new battle system. without a connection to the characters, i found that i wasnt sucked into this game like i was the others. it had no special moments, like say for example when cloud witnessed aeris' death, or yuna falling through tidus.

my favourite is definetly VII, all because the plot was exellent, and the characters had so much built around them (mostly cloud). i also like the old random battles and what not. and materia was awsum, how u have to find/buy it, then level it up to master it.

XII was supposed to steer away from turn based combat, but when were u able to actually dodge an opponents was hit for hit, jus in a different style, and i didnt like that style

GGW 10-20-2011 04:17 AM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
VI comes after IV? Then I clearly can't vote. FFXII to me was everything I thought it'd be and I really enjoyed it, unlike that garbage mound called XIII(meh game on its own in my opinion, NOT worthy of the Final Fantasy name, I think).

The fact that it was different didn't bother me at all, the licence board was easy to get, and some of the weapons and items had a bad enough drop rate to keep me determined to obtain them(RANDOMLY got a Grand Armor off Helvinek after Bob knows how many tries, and figured chaining Tower would work...and it I was lucky enough to obtain 4, that's right FOUR Yagyu Darkblade in one drop from a 36-chained Bombshell! Thirty-fudge-loving-SIX!).

The graphics I thought were second to none and the cinematics were the most fluid yet. The enemies were quite diverse and challenging, and I love the fact they included that awesome hunt minigame(which I've managed to capture EVERY creature except for that bloody Larva Eater(and Omega.........Great Crystal's the most tedious, Bob-awful stage in FF existance, and thought THAT'S an opinion, I'd feel safer it being a fact).

I'd say more but rather than do a full review, I'll end it here by saying; FFXII. It took me at least 4 years after it came out for me to play it and I was quite satisfied.

Wranilanriy 09-27-2012 04:21 AM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
I would only say that i am pretty disappointed with the performance of the final fantasy of this season as the 7 and9 were pretty good. Here the battle system was decent but not better than other old forms mainly it makes bored for many time

clief101_ 01-16-2013 08:34 AM

Re: How does XII rank w/the rest of the FFs?
My hopes for the FF series are resting on FFXIII-Versus. From what I've seen and heard, which isn't much, it looks to bring back some nonchalant feeling from the old games. I really want it to come out, soon, but i don't see it coming for another year..

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