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Doctor 09-19-2007 04:43 PM

Controversy; good or bad?
I'm quite busy at the moment, so I'll make it brief; what do you think about controversy itself? Is it a good thing, or should we continue to have certain truths hidden from us?

Edit; I think that we have the right to know EVERYTHING that's going on around us, but the media is contributing to hiding secrets and, like I mentioned in my other topic, completely going off target and tossing a bunch of other bulls*** at us in order to keep us quiet and ENTERTAINED.

But everything that goes on, anything REAL and important--is not just to merely entertain us and brainwash our minds. The public, the whole world of those uninformed and/or misinformed can't afford to have lies and bulls*** thrown at them just because the insane minds controlling the public media would rather make more MOOLAH.

There are a few of those who think of the same thing, and they DO have a chance to get out what's being kept from the public--but all too often it's not enough. I more than anything would like to get real information out to the public, no matter how much research/work I had to do.

But right now all we have is what we have, and until the GOVERNMENT, the MEDIA decides to make changes, not enough of a difference will show. =/

Spec Highwind 09-19-2007 05:41 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
I don't want ANYTHING hidden from me. I love knowing things, everything...

clief101_ 09-20-2007 03:28 AM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
i think that the public, such as myself, shuld be allowed access to such knowledge, perhaps not make it to the media as ppl have a tendicy to jumo to gun and panick, but maybe suthing that ppl who want to know about things can have the privilage of finding out...that wuld make more sense to living in a free world...i mean who gets to decide what we do and dont know, it shuld b our choice shuldnt it??

Hydra 09-20-2007 05:38 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
I agree. I doubt there's anything in the world that we'd be afraid of knowing, and yet, they one side their decision to keep it hush hush, and DO keep it on the low.

If it was anything world threatening, then no, I don't want to know it. I'd want the people more powerful and capable than me, government wise, to deal with it for me. I'm just a citizen. They're supposed to protect us. If the president cares about us, he'll take care of his people, and keeping little gossip secrets from us is NOT the way to care for us.

We're just as important as anyone, and we deserve to know. But only to a certain extent. I'd rather have aliens come and get us as a surprise, than the president telling us we're going to die, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it. Don't you agree?

But otherwise, any situation not like that, I'd like to be aware of. We have a right to know, and just because they're above us, doesn't mean they can keep it from us. It's like a group of girls that gossiping about a fight that's about to break out, and not informing the victim beforehand. He gets clobbered, and they knew about it all along. They just didn't say anything. Just because they're the government, doesn't mean they're cooler than us. We can't live without them, and they can't live without us.

froggboy604 06-08-2008 12:25 AM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
I think it depends on the type of controversy like celebrity controversy is not very important since it does not really affect people lives. But, political controversy is more important since if the gov. accept bribes for doing things , the people should know since the gov. was elected by the people.

Phoenix Flame 06-08-2008 03:04 AM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
Yeah, but some people build their lives around celebrity gossip. x3

I think that people will always have their own deep, dark little secrets. The government is no exception. Too often, people can be hearded into believing or agreeing with whatever hook the media throws out there. That's one reason why I think that the masses are so worried about everything from terrorism to the gasoline/energy crisis - instead of actually, collectively trying to come up with a solution....conservation will only go so far, but it's better than nothing.

Yes, they strive on filling their own damn pockets with gold; but its not a bad thing necessarily - some of the major news stories are the downfalls of key people within the government due to things the public should be made aware of - such as extortion or bribery or any other illegal activity. Other times, it's complete nonsense; all-the-whilst other news, such as shootings or accidents are completely hushed-away because of the location or because of other 'more important' news... I'd guess you'd say I'm a little indifferent myself. Still, I think that being inquisitive is apart of our nature; wouldn't ya say? x3

Doctor 06-09-2008 06:21 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?

Originally Posted by Phoenix Flame (Post 115209) I'd guess you'd say I'm a little indifferent myself. Still, I think that being inquisitive is apart of our nature; wouldn't ya say? x3

This is something we're all pretty indifferent to. Curiosity, including controversy, provokes deeper, open thinking, in most subjects. That's why I believe it's important to question, that it's important to dig deeper..

blackstar 06-09-2008 10:35 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?

Originally Posted by Doctor (Post 115289)
This is something we're all pretty indifferent to. Curiosity, including controversy, provokes deeper, open thinking, in most subjects. That's why I believe it's important to question, that it's important to dig deeper..

Good posting :)

Phoenix Flame 06-10-2008 05:02 AM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?

Originally Posted by blackstar (Post 115310)
Good posting :)

She happens to do that...doesn't she? ><

Doctor 06-20-2008 07:03 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
((Well, I'm no professional speaker, or anything. But thanks, guys =] ))

So...we agree that information should not be kept hidden? =P

Hydra 06-20-2008 07:24 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
For the most part.

Doctor 06-23-2008 03:17 AM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?

But then, how do we deal with those who think that everything's fine just the way it is? Believe it or not, there are people who'll deny that ANYTHING'S wrong with the world, and that they're perfectly safe in their little personal haven. Do we just ignore those people, or try to gently push them into facing reality?

Hydra 06-23-2008 02:10 PM

Re: Controversy; good or bad?
A little of both.

Either way is a way to live. You can either push the person to see reality faster, and face it head on, or let them dream and realize on their own, which'll take them longer, but'll cushion their fall.

I like the first, but that's me. ;0

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