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dappa 05-21-2007 07:46 PM

Battle system
How long did it take you guys to get used to the battle system?

If you dont find this final fantasy as addictive as the others is it because of the battle system?


Phoenix Flame 05-22-2007 01:55 AM

Re: Battle system
About 4-6 hours to be honest... after I got used to the camera and gambits I found it less annoying.

dappa 05-22-2007 07:06 PM

Re: Battle system
The gambits arent too bad once you learn how to prioritise them.

I stil think they should of kept turn based battles though, or at least kept the battles turn based and still give you the option to fight and enemy or not.

Zeromus_X 05-22-2007 07:08 PM

Re: Battle system
It didn't take too long to get used to. Besides being able to move around to adjust abilities with an Area of Effect, it's basically the same as ATB. Gambits, however, did take some getting used to, but after I understood them it made things a whole lot easier.

ThroneofDravaris 05-23-2007 03:19 AM

Re: Battle system
I don't see why anyone who's plays JRPGs beyond Final Fantasy, or even most of the installments in the series, would have trouble adjusting to the battle system. There really isn't a great difference between the core mechanics of FFXII and every other battle system in the series. Gambits are a change but they aren't exactly rocket science either.

Phoenix Flame 05-23-2007 05:10 AM

Re: Battle system
Oftentimes for major boss battles you have to rethink your gambits from the ground up...othertimes when you are facing enemies that throw every status ailment in the book at you, you have to do the same thing: think on the fly and either take control of your characters to make sure they do what you want them to do, or just let them fight it out and hope for the best. I 1/2 find this annoying and 1/2 find it a breath of fresh air from spaming the action button.

On the plus side, I like how this game makes you think. You can't use a set gambit/battle plan for every mark/ just doesn't work. I'm still trying to plan my strategy for getting Zodiark.

dappa 05-25-2007 09:18 PM

Re: Battle system
I suppose its a perspective thing then. If you turn your gambits off you are more or less fighting with an atb system but with your characters being able to manipulate the surroundings.

zen la 07-08-2007 08:05 AM

Battle System
This FF has the best battle system of them all in my opinion its great so much freedom and its lost the ever so frustrating screen change/ random battles,what does one think???

dappa 07-08-2007 08:12 AM

Re: Battle System
I prefer random encounters myself, this battle system is why its taking me ages to play through this game because I dont find myself compelled enough to play the game constantly.

I bought the game a day after its release date in the uk and am still at the garif village.

Phoenix Flame 07-08-2007 08:13 AM

Re: Battle System
Zen la - there is already a thread for this topic. Use the 'Search' tab at the top of your page - or change the date you sort the posts by (located in each of the forums at the bottom of the page. This will allow you to pull up other posts/threads that have been 'covered over' by time.

dappa 07-08-2007 08:28 AM

Re: Battle system
I read in a cheat book though I've forgotten which one already that theres a boss which was deliberately made to expose flaws in the gambit system.

Phoenix Flame 07-08-2007 08:31 AM

Re: Battle system
I wonder if there is anyone crazy enough to go through the game with a gambit-only challenge.

Obviously - barring the beginning where you would have to use the joystick attack, menu buttons to stay alive...the rest of the game would be w/o that option. o_o I think that would be a pretty good challenge. ^_~

TherathxRikku 10-26-2009 11:50 AM

Re: Battle system
I can honestly say that I will probably never get used to the battle system. When XII first came out, I was so excited to try out the new system, I did okay at first, but then when I fought bosses, it was like I never played the game before, Belias took me a million tried to beat, all my characters were level 30 and still got my ass handed to me every time.

I've pretty much given up with the battle system, what's the point of trying to beat a game you can't win?

rissole25 10-27-2009 06:50 AM

Re: Battle system
haha the first couple of hours i played it, i didn't get gambits and the license board and all that stuff. Then I got used to it.

I haven't even beaten it yet. I have a tendancy to play a game and when i get stuck at a boss or a challenge i really can't beat then i play another game for a while. Then i go back to it after a week or so and then i can beat it. It's wierd.

I hated the Espers. I reckon they should've had Ifrit instead of Belias and Shiva instead of the ice esper (can't remember its name) except i think bahamut is an esper in it.

I dunno whether i liked the Quickenings or not. I guess they were like Limit Breaks but you could use them multiple times. I hated trying to chain Quickenings together as fast as you can.

And finally, The battle system is a breath of fresh air, with it being free roam and all. Although i like this one, i like the ATB system or the turn based system better then it.

TherathxRikku 10-27-2009 09:10 AM

Re: Battle system
Bahamut ish no Esper, sorry. Instead, they have Chaos. :D

And Quickenings were easy to master, I remember being able to chain like, 30 and I still did little damage to Belias. About 1/4 of his health was gone.

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