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jedi geoff 04-04-2007 07:14 PM

Re: Cutting
wow, you meet some pretty unique people in this place.....

but on the topic of cutting and all that, its a silly thing to do. Why hurt yourself?

Avathar 04-05-2007 09:00 AM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by ShadowHeart
but I'd think that people doing this are too depressed to care or realize. Also, shoving it in their faces, couldn't that possible make things worse actually?

I think you just answered that question yourself there:

if most people who're cutting are too depressed to care or realize, would they realize the reactions other people'd give to them? But in any case, anyone could hardly call self-mutilation healthy, mentally or physically, like ThroneOfDravaris said: mentally it aids them, but those are then just brief moments of daily relief.

Then again, shoving it in their faces, well, if things do get too drastic, they need to get a drastic wake-up-call, facing them with what they're doing to themselves.

Drake 04-05-2007 07:37 PM

Re: Cutting
Just wanted to add that I only ever did a little bit of cutting. I suppose self-mutilation could be used to make yourself feel better, as mentioned in someone's earlier post (feeling to lazy to see who said it.) I mean it seems plausible seeing as how people can do so many other things that can help them emotionally.

Doctor 04-07-2007 04:18 AM

Re: Cutting
Reading all of these responses has told me one thing; self-mutilation can leave physical scars, and emotional scars that you may live with for the rest of your life.

I've already known this, and I know it IS retarded, and it IS a stupid and unreasonable thing to do when you're upset, but at the time when I first started, I felt as if I COULDN'T talk to anyone about my feelings and problems, that no one would listen or really understand, so I just took it out on myself.

I cut yesterday...and bled more badly than I had before. The pain, I realized, wasn't pleasant anymore; it was like hell, burning so much i had to clutch myself to dampen it. But the mixed feelings of physical and emotional pain are hard to deal with, and I was just so afraid, so very afraid...

And I sicken myself now, for at this very moment, i still want to cut. I want to do it again. I'm just disgusted with myself, after going through all of that pain in one night, that I want to go through with it AGAIN.

When people talk about depression, this sort of act is usually associated with it. So I wonder; why the f'ing hell can't I see that I can deal with my depression some other way? Why can't I take out my violent mood-swings on something else besides myself? (Not other people, of course.) Why can't I just constantly keep myself busy with something else? Why don't I go talk to an adult, a counselor or a shrink?

These are all obvious solutions, and yet I don't bother with any of them. And, stupid as I am, I have no idea why.

People cut themselves for a number of reasons, but none of them are as obvious as the solutions presented for solving the problem. I believe that anyone who dos it has a certain reason that cannot be explained in full, even if it IS an obvious one (which contradicts what I just said, but, oh well.)

And cutting DOES give you a sense of is like a freedom that never existed before that you now have, a freedom to control the amount of pain that you have. But I know that it does not fix your thoughts entirely; when the pain finally fades, your original focus on why you're depressed in the first place comes creeping back into your mind.

Some don't know why they are depressed, or why they are really doing it; their minds are just lost, and have no clear direction. Something triggered the urge to injure yourself, and you don't know what it was.

I'm not in that sort of situation, though; I just have pent-up feelings, about the people around me, my future, and everything else that affects/will affect my life, and I'm just so scared of it all. Godammit, I need to f***ing get a grip, and grow the hell up.

I realize everything, and I still want to cut. I'm so f***ing sick of myself, so disgusted with the way I'm acting...And I'm also disgusted that I turned this post into a "oh it's all about f'ing me" rant. God, all I was supposed to do was add another opinion on everyone else's opinions, because this topic is about the act of cutting ITSELF, not f'ing me.

I'm going to shut up now....

dirge_of_sephiroth 04-07-2007 10:15 AM

Re: Cutting
You know, Faust, I really think you should try getting help. I'm someone who knows about depression and all that first hand, so I'm not speaking out of some type of ignorance. And it is just advice (but good advice I think, of course). If you're worried about the money factor, it's not really a problem. I always thought it was and it was probably the main reason I suffered so long. Just so long as you go to a facility in your county, you should be able to get something under grant. You might just have a problem talking, I can understand that. It is hard. I just pray everything turns out all right for you.

Hydra 04-08-2007 11:38 AM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Doctor Faust
Reading all of these responses has told me one thing; self-mutilation can leave physical scars, and emotional scars that you may live with for the rest of your life.

I've already known this, and I know it IS retarded, and it IS a stupid and unreasonable thing to do when you're upset, but at the time when I first started, I felt as if I COULDN'T talk to anyone about my feelings and problems, that no one would listen or really understand, so I just took it out on myself.

I cut yesterday...and bled more badly than I had before. The pain, I realized, wasn't pleasant anymore; it was like hell, burning so much i had to clutch myself to dampen it. But the mixed feelings of physical and emotional pain are hard to deal with, and I was just so afraid, so very afraid...

And I sicken myself now, for at this very moment, i still want to cut. I want to do it again. I'm just disgusted with myself, after going through all of that pain in one night, that I want to go through with it AGAIN.

When people talk about depression, this sort of act is usually associated with it. So I wonder; why the f'ing hell can't I see that I can deal with my depression some other way? Why can't I take out my violent mood-swings on something else besides myself? (Not other people, of course.) Why can't I just constantly keep myself busy with something else? Why don't I go talk to an adult, a counselor or a shrink?

These are all obvious solutions, and yet I don't bother with any of them. And, stupid as I am, I have no idea why.

People cut themselves for a number of reasons, but none of them are as obvious as the solutions presented for solving the problem. I believe that anyone who dos it has a certain reason that cannot be explained in full, even if it IS an obvious one (which contradicts what I just said, but, oh well.)

And cutting DOES give you a sense of is like a freedom that never existed before that you now have, a freedom to control the amount of pain that you have. But I know that it does not fix your thoughts entirely; when the pain finally fades, your original focus on why you're depressed in the first place comes creeping back into your mind.

Some don't know why they are depressed, or why they are really doing it; their minds are just lost, and have no clear direction. Something triggered the urge to injure yourself, and you don't know what it was.

I'm not in that sort of situation, though; I just have pent-up feelings, about the people around me, my future, and everything else that affects/will affect my life, and I'm just so scared of it all. Godammit, I need to f***ing get a grip, and grow the hell up.

I realize everything, and I still want to cut. I'm so f***ing sick of myself, so disgusted with the way I'm acting...And I'm also disgusted that I turned this post into a "oh it's all about f'ing me" rant. God, all I was supposed to do was add another opinion on everyone else's opinions, because this topic is about the act of cutting ITSELF, not f'ing me.

I'm going to shut up now....

When I read the bolded part, I realized that you're in a pretty deep hole.

You probably feel like that even though you CAN seek therapy, you'll probably just get the urges anyway, right? It's not exactly a comfortable topic to discuss, is it? Even if it's not, you NEED to braven up.

But, you're right, you don't need to draw attention to yourself. So if you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, PM any one of us who is up for it.

So, anyway...

I have tried cutting myself before. But, y'know, I'm just a huggable care bear, so I never brought myself to go that deep. I got scared by the fact I was actually depressed enough to try it. Didn't really have that sarcastic, self-control mood I normally have. Depends on the problem, really. ^^

Doctor 04-09-2007 12:58 AM

Re: Cutting
^ Well, I'm happy that you've never done it, Hydra. Don't ever try.

I read over my last post, and I realized that I said a lot of stupid things.

1: These are all obvious solutions, and yet I don't bother with any of them. And, stupid as I am, I have no idea why.

Correction; I have talked to my closest friends about it, and they all told me to stop, and since thursday I have been able to refrain from doing it. But if I can, I HAVE decided to seek out some other help, most likely a counselor at school.

2: And cutting DOES give you a sense of is like a freedom that never existed before that you now have, a freedom to control the amount of pain that you have. But I know that it does not fix your thoughts entirely; when the pain finally fades, your original focus on why you're depressed in the first place comes creeping back into your mind.

Correction; You can't really control the amount of pain you have to the extent that you aren't feeling it anymore--by the time that happens, you'd already be dead. And I noticed that, while I'm doing it, I still end up thinking about what makes me do it. But That's just me.

3: (In the beginning of my last post;) self-mutilation can leave physical scars, and emotional scars that you may live with for the rest of your life.

Correction; Maybe not for the rest of your whole entire life. After all, you can live a pretty damn long time, and you may eventually just be having too good of a time to worry about it anymore. But, it's still a good, washed-up and used-too-many-times moral for this situation.

I wasn't thinking rationally (or in a more sophisticated manner, like I normally do,) and I got carried away...

But do know this, people; for those of you who have self-mutilated, never do it again, and for those of you who haven't, don't even try.

I could also easily say the same for alcohol, smoking, etc., but i won't try to be the boss of any of you over those things (I have had my share of having some times of underaged drinking. @_@ ) I'm just worried for all of you, now...I don't want anyone to have to suffer through any kind of pain, even though it is always inevitable...

Thanks, and please, continue, if you may. I won't rant on here anymore...(promise this time!)

blackstar 04-09-2007 10:12 AM

Re: Cutting
Its fine Faust sometimes talking is just what you need to do and to everyone I argued with what do you say we just move on and forget we ever fought i dont really want to hold any bad feelings on this board.

Zerlina 04-10-2007 01:48 PM

Re: Cutting
Sounds like someone needs a girlfriend

Luis 04-10-2007 02:04 PM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Zerlina
Sounds like someone needs a girlfriend

Do you?? :eek:
XD lolz

Glad to know you see the things more clear now...

It's not a good way to avoid problems, as well as drugs or alcohol aren't either.

blackstar 04-25-2007 11:02 AM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Zerlina
Sounds like someone needs a girlfriend

Me or faust because i have one and faust is a girl :)

Vincent 04-25-2007 07:05 PM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Kat
alright everyone,you really have no say,i doubt any of you know what its like to be this depressed,i myself however have cut myself before from being depressed.
i don't anymore,but i know what its like to feel that way!
and theres no need to just keep saying "its retarded" even though i know its not good!
its a little obvious isn't it?!
if you haven't anything helpful to say besides stuff like that,you shouldn't even post here. could i put this..
When you're depressed bad enough...your emotional pain is greater than your physical if you cut yourself you don't really feel anything..and your emotional feelings tell you it feels good.
if i could explain it better i would.

Well... when I'm really depressed... or I put myself in my own dark world alone... with no one... no sounds.. nothing... Or I stand and fight the problems, like... cutting is... I dunno how to explain it... Maybe a way to relief the stress (for me it's FPS ftw :D ) or sumthin... when u're depressed, just think of something... more depressing, rofl

And yes... I can be many times a depressive young man xD ask Spec, rofl

Kat 04-25-2007 08:35 PM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Vincent
Well... when I'm really depressed... or I put myself in my own dark world alone... with no one... no sounds.. nothing... Or I stand and fight the problems, like... cutting is... I dunno how to explain it... Maybe a way to relief the stress (for me it's FPS ftw :D ) or sumthin... when u're depressed, just think of something... more depressing, rofl

And yes... I can be many times a depressive young man xD ask Spec, rofl

you're right though,lol.
I even do that,when im sad i'll just do stuff that makes me even...more sad.
why that is,I'll never know.

Spec Highwind 04-26-2007 03:00 PM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Kat
you're right though,lol.
I even do that,when im sad i'll just do stuff that makes me even...more sad.
why that is,I'll never know.

Feel like killing someone? Play and FPS.
Feel like loving someone but no one likes you? Write poetry.
Feel like no one understands you? Go for a walk.
Feel like everything is falling and nothing is as it is supposed to be? Come to FFNet and spam with me =D

Kat 04-26-2007 07:28 PM

Re: Cutting

Originally Posted by Spec Highwind
Feel like killing someone? Play and FPS.
Feel like loving someone but no one likes you? Write poetry.
Feel like no one understands you? Go for a walk.
Feel like everything is falling and nothing is as it is supposed to be? Come to FFNet and spam with me =D

best advice i've ever heard =D

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